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- 56 - New Norwegian Morning Courses with Daily Emails: 'Anlegg'
Exciting news! Start your mornings with Norwegian - get our daily vocabulary lessons delivered straight to your inbox. Try our advanced Norwegian vocabulary course FREE for one week at!
Today's sample lesson features "anlegg" (system/facility/disposition) - get a taste of how our daily email lessons work with pronunciation guides and practical examples! For transcript visit:
Also: We have a few open slots for private Norwegian lessons opening from mid-December/January! Visit to secure your spot.
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Privacy & Opt-Out:, 26 Nov 2024 - 55 - New Morning Email Courses - Free Trial Week! + Today's Word: 'Forbløffende
Exciting news! Start your mornings with Norwegian - get our daily vocabulary lessons delivered straight to your inbox. Try our advanced Norwegian vocabulary course FREE for one week at!
Today's sample lesson features "forbløffende" (astonishing/remarkable) - get a taste of how our daily email lessons work with pronunciation guides and practical examples! For transcript visit:
Also: We have a few open slots for private Norwegian lessons opening from mid-December/January! Visit and go to "Contact Us" for more information!
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Privacy & Opt-Out:, 25 Nov 2024 - 54 - Grammar Extras #1 - "Ja, det er jeg", "Ja, det gjør jeg" - shortcut responses!
In this episode we're starting a new little series about small bits of helpful and useful expressions, that are common in everyday speech. And a very helpful way of not repeating the whole phrase in a reponse to a question, we often say f.ex. "Yes, I can" or "Yes, I do". Ex: Kan du sykle? Ja, det kan jeg. Vil du spise? Ja, det vil jeg. Sykler du til jobben? Ja det gjør jeg. The rule is this: kan, vil, skal, må + er/har in the question => repeat the verb in the response. All others verbs as question => put "gjør" in the response. Fill-ins: Er du glad i dag? Ja, det ... jeg. Kan du spille gitar? Ja, det ... jeg. Drikker du kaffe? Ja, det ... jeg. .. Great! Well done :)) 😊 Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Mon, 03 Feb 2020 - 53 - Basic Grammar #20 - Da/Når and past tense of helping verbs! ("De ville reise", "Hun kunne spille"). A2 Done!
Get new episodes every morning on weekdays! Plus 50 beginner episodes, pronunciation, etymology, and over 100 intermediate/advanced episodes! Visit: ( - Welcome!! 😊 .. In the episode we'll go through the difference bewteen "da"/"når", both meaning "when", and then helping verbs in the past tense! In short for "when": "Da" is for "Once in the past" "Når" for everything else Ex: Da jeg var fire år. Når man studerer. Hjelpeverb: kan - kunne vil - ville må - måtte skal - skulle bør - burde Examples: Hun kunne ikke komme fordi hun var syk. De skulle gå hjem før det ble mørkt. Ole burde spille mer musikk. Fill-ins: Da jeg var liten, ……... jeg ikke snakke italiensk. (kan) De ……... pakke kofferten kvelden før. (må) .. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎇🎇🎇🎊🌟🌟 :)) A2 level of Grammar is finished!! Well done, and fantastic work!! Fantastisk jobbing! :DD 😊 Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Fri, 24 Jan 2020 - 52 - Basic Grammar #19 - Prepositions about time, and "hos". "Om sommeren", "På tirsdag", "hos en venn"!
In this episode we'll go through some very common (and consistent) expressions with time prepositions, and these are mostly just for remembering them :) Ex: Han er hos legen. Vi trener om kvelden. Vi skal sove ute i natt. Han spiller gitar på onsdag. Om høsten er det fine farger. .. Thanks for listening, and Great Work!! 😊 Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Thu, 23 Jan 2020 - 51 - Basic Grammar #18 - Synes/Tror. "Jeg synes kaken er god!"
In this episode we'll look at the two main ways of saying "I think" in Norwegian, with: synes = opinion (something you have experienced) tror = guessing/believing Examples: Jeg synes filmen var bra. Jeg tror kaken er god. Fill-ins: Jeg har lest boka, og jeg ……... den var bra. Jeg ……... vi har ferie i juli, men jeg er ikke sikker. .. Great work!! :D Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Tue, 21 Jan 2020 - 50 - Basic Grammar #17 - Comparative, Superlative. "Fin, finere, finest!"
In this episode we'll look at the comparative and superlative form of the adjective, which in general is to add "-ere" and "-est". Ex: fin, finere, finest varm, varmere, varmest Fill-ins: Han er ………. i klassen. (høy) Jobben er ………. enn han trodde. (vanskelig) Some exceptions: stor, større, størst god, bedre, best ung, yngre, yngst Fill-ins: Han er ……… enn henne. (ung) Han vil bli ……… etter sommeren. (god) .. And in addtion, when the superlative (best, størst, finest, eldst) is used as adjective with a specific noun, we add an "-e" at the end; Det største huset. Den eldste byen. .. Excellent work, and thanks for listening!! 😊🎉 Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Mon, 20 Jan 2020 - 49 - Basic Grammar #16 - The "sin" concept. "Han henter bilen sin."
In this episode we'll look at when to use the "sin" concept, and how to find the right ending. 1. The endings follow the object they belong to; Han legger sønnen sin. Han er på øya si. Han vasker huset sitt. Han mister nøklene sine. 2. The condition for using "sin" is as follows: "If the subject is in the 3. person (he,she,they), and the object belongs to the subject, replace hans/hennes/deres with sin/si/sittt/sine! :) 3. The two most common "traps" are; - be sure what the subject is - with subclauses; find subject and object again FIll-ins: Han reiser på tur med kona …….. (his own). Han og kona ……. (his own) reiser på tur sammen. Han sier at kona ……. er hjemme i dag. .. This might be the hardest item in the grammar - but once the subject/object part is more clear, everything becomes more easy! And, Great work!! :D 😄 Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Sun, 19 Jan 2020 - 48 - Basic Grammar #15 - Starting a sentence with a subclause; "Hvis sola skinner, drar vi på tur!"
In the episode we'll expand slightly on the topic of the subclauses, and look at what happens if you start a sentence with a subclause. The rule is this; The subclause itself remains exactly the same as before, but afterwards you put a comma, and then the verb. Example: Hvis sola ikke skinner, drar vi hjem. Hvis bussen ikke kommer, må vi løpe. To fill in: Hvis barna ikke er sultne, _______ (spiser - senere - vi) Fordi han ikke var syk, _____ (de - hjem - dro) .. Excellent work!! 😊 Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Fri, 17 Jan 2020 - 47 - Basic Grammar #14 - Subclauses! "fordi de alltid smiler"
In Norwegian language there is a slight change in word order every time you have a subclause with an adverb. Ex: Det er ikke regn. (Normal sentence) Hun sykler fordi det ikke er regn. (Subclause with "fordi") The rule is this: 1. subjunksjon (hvis, at, fordi.. osv.) 2. subjekt (person/ting) 3. adverb (ikke, ofte, sjelden, aldri etc.) 4. verb Fill-ins: Marco sier ............................... (han - sykler - aldri - at). Britt drar på ferie ............................... (hun - er - syk - ikke - hvis). Butikken stenger ............................... (det - er - kunder - ikke - fordi). .. Great work! :)) Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Fri, 17 Jan 2020 - 46 - Basic Grammar #13 - Specific nouns with Adjectives: "Det fine huset", "De gode eplene".
In this episode we'll look at how to make specific forms of the nouns with an adjective included. Examples: en stor bil - den store bilen et fint hus - det fine huset mange snille gutter - de snille guttene The formula is this: den/det/de + adjective in plural form + specific form of the noun Fill-ins: En glad gutt - ………... Et stort hus - ………... Mange røde tak - ……….. Mange nye sko - ………... Bra! .. Also; when we talk about the different regions of a country, we use "i" or "på" like this: i Sør-Norge på sørlandet ... Great work, and thanks for listening! :)) Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Thu, 16 Jan 2020 - 45 - Basic Grammar #12 - Time Expressions: "for.. siden", "i" and "om", and Genetiv. A1 level Done!
In this episode we look at three expressions for time: Ago (for .... siden) Duration (i) Future (om) Ex: Ole kom til Norge for fire år siden. Han skal være på ferie i to uker. Berit skal til byen om to timer. Fill-in: Han reiste i fjellet ….. tolv år …... Hun skal reise ….. tre dager. (duration) Ole skal til Kina ….. tre uker. (future) 2. Genetiv. General rule: Put "s" at the end, and unspecific form of the noun. Boka til Lise. Lises bok. Fill-in: Brillene til Hanne. Huset til Per og Lisa. Koppene til Petter. .. Well done! 🎉🙋🏼♂️ A1 Level in Norwegian Grammar is completed!! This is half of the beginner's level already! Veldig bra - gratulerer! 🎊🎇😊 Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Tue, 14 Jan 2020 - 44 - Basic Grammar #11 - Past tense with Perfektum, or Present Perfect! "Har spist" etc..
The second past tense in Norwegian is called "Perfektum", and is formed as follows: Han rydder stua. Han ryddet stua. Han har ryddet stua. Han spiser middag. Han spiste middag. Han har spist middag. The general rule is this: Put "har" in front, and then the simple past form - but if that ends on a vowel; cut if off.. Some exceptions: går - gikk - har gått ser - så - har sett er - var - har vært To switch to present perfect:: Han går til tannlegen. De er på fjelltur. .. Great work!! :D Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Tue, 14 Jan 2020 - 43 - Beginner Series continues!! Med "En tur til Italia" :))
Good morning, and welcome! 🌇☕️ :) This is the first episode of the Beginner Series on the Practice Norwegian Member Podcast, building on the Basic Grammar series! For full transcripts of all the 50 Beginner Episodes, incl. summery of the Basic Grammar, visit here! ( And get new "Morning Coffee" episodes twice a week - plus pronunciation tips, etymology for over 80 Norwegian words, and over 200 beginner, intermediate and advanced episodes here! ( - Welcome!! 😊 Ha en super dag! ☀️😊🏞 Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 - 42 - Hamsun Reading, Episode 5!
Updates! Get new Morning Coffee episodes every morning on weekdays - plus 50 beginner episodes, pronunciation, etymology, and over 150 intermediate/advanced episodes! Visit: - Welcome!! 😊 .. For more reading of Hamsun (and the 4th episode), please visit our Practice Norwegian Member Podcast here! 😊😊🎙🌟 The novel "Sult" can be found here - it's older Norwegian from the original edition, and it's the text we're using in these episodes! (Note: US/CA/AU store only) Thanks so much for listening, and enjoy! :)) 😄🌿☀️🏞🏞 :) Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Sun, 05 Apr 2020 - 41 - Advanced Reading - "Sult" av Hamsun #3
In this episode we'll read further about the starving writer/artist in old Kristiania in the late 18 hundreds - and his venturing out into the streets. Thanks for listening, and enjoy! :) Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Mon, 03 Feb 2020 - 34 - Advanced Reading - "Sult" av Hamsun, #2.
In this episode we'll hear about the main person thinking about his efforts to get assignments as a writer and applying for work at the local Firestation. He then ventures out into the street, and his moods changes into heightened confidence - slightly influenced by his debilitating hunger. Jeg-personen går i denne episoden ut av huset og møter folkene i gatene. Det er en livlig scene som fyller han med nytt mot og vi ser hvordan sulten påvirker opplevelsen og persepsjonen av livet og folkene rundt ham. Thanks for listening, and enjoy! Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Fri, 17 Jan 2020 - 30 - Advanced Reading - "Sult" (Hunger) av Knut Hamsun. #1
First reading from the novel "Sult" by Knut Hamsun, about a starving artist in Kristiania (Old name for "Oslo") in the late 18 hundreds. The person is waking up and is struggling with his life and his work as a writer, with a vivid inner life. The novel "Sult" can be found here - it's older Norwegian from the original, and the text we're using in these episodes! ( (Note: US/CA/AU store only) Thanks for listening, and enjoy! Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Tue, 14 Jan 2020 - 27 - Basic Grammar #10 - Possessives; ex: min - mi - mitt - mine
Get new episodes every morning on weekdays! Plus 50 beginner episodes, pronunciation, etymology, and over 100 intermediate/advanced episodes! Visit: ( - Welcome!! 😊 .. In this episode we'll go through the possessives, also called "eiendomspronomen" in Norwegian. We have special endings for your, mine and our things: Min - mi - mitt - mine Din - di - ditt - dine Vår - vår - vårt - våre Examples: Bilen min, jakka mi, eplet mitt, bøkene mine. Klokka di Bøkene våre. To fill in: Hvor er jakka ……... (your)? Når kommer guttene ……... (our)? Hvis du henter koppen …….. (your) henter jeg bøkene …….. (my). Great! .. And congratulations! Half-way through the 20 episodes already! Super jobbing!! 🎉😄 :) Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Mon, 13 Jan 2020 - 26 - Basic Grammar #9 - Simple Past! Han gjorde, de spiste, vi malte etc.
In this episode we'll go through the "Preteritum" - Simple Past tense! A big step in language learning and the beginner's level :) The main rule is this: add the ending "-te" or "-et". If you have one consonant towards the end of the verb (in infintive), you add "-te". If there are two consonants, add "-et". Examples: Jeg spiser middag. Jeg spiste middag. Han vasker bilen. Han vasket bilen. Some exceptions: går - gikk er - var sier - sa gjør - gjorde To switch: Han går til jobben. Hun sier hei! Han gjør hjemmearbeid. .. Great work!! 😊 Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Mon, 13 Jan 2020 - 25 - Basic Grammar #8 - Reflexive Verbs, and Imperative Form (Husk dette, vent litt etc.)
In this episode we'll look at the reflexive verbs and the pronouns which are: jeg - meg du - deg han/hun - seg vi - oss dere - dere de - seg Examples: Jeg legger meg. Han skynder seg. To make the imperative form, take the infinitive and remover the vowel at the end; å huske - husk å vente - vent Examples: Kom hit! Vent litt! Sitt ned! .. Great work! :)) 😊 Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Sun, 12 Jan 2020 - 24 - Basic Grammar #7 - This/that, and three versions of Which (hvilken, hvilket, hvilke)!
In this episode we have two items of grammar; First it's the words for this/that, and these/those: Den pennen => Denne pennen Det glasset => Dette glasset De eplene => Disse eplene And secondly; Which = hvilken/hvilket/hvilke Ex: Hvilken genser er din? Hvilke kopper skal vi ta med? ... Great work! :D Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Fri, 10 Jan 2020 - 23 - Advanced Reading #8 - På Sporet av den Tapte Tid.
Episode 8 (of 8) from the beginning of Marcel Proust's Masterpiece "In Search of Lost Time". The process of falling asleep and waking up has been thoroughly detailed in these opening pages - alluding to the process of imagination, reading, the literary world and it's relationship to the real and physical world. With this opening Proust is in some ways laying the ground for a journey through 4.000 pages of life and thinking, and the gradual development of the mind from early childhood into an adult stage of life. Vi avslutter med dette åpningen av På Sporet av den Tapte Tid, med Marcel's tanker om minner, forestillingsevnen, og forholdet mellom drømmer, litteratur - og livet. Takk for følget, thanks for listening! :) Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Fri, 10 Jan 2020 - 22 - Advanced Reading #7 - På Sporet av den Tapte Tid
*Get new episodes every morning on weekdays! Plus 50 beginner episodes, pronunciation, etymology, and over 100 intermediate/advanced episodes! Visit: ( - Welcome!! 😊 * .. Marcel is remembering a series of different rooms from his childhood, from both summers and winters with joys and troubles, and how the habit is a mitigating mechanism which could help us to accept various situations and environments which we at first might react very strongly to. This points to a much bigger theme in the whole work - regarding Habit and its nature! I denne episoden går Marcel gjennom en rekke av de værelser han har sovet i som liten gutt, og de effektene de hadde på ham. Tilslutt reflekterer han over vanens natur og hvordan man kan tilpasse seg situasjoner som først trenger enkelte tilpasninger for å bli beboelige. Thanks for listening! Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Thu, 09 Jan 2020 - 21 - Basic Grammar #6 - Adjectives and endings!
In Norwegian there are three versions of an adjective; for male/female singular, netural singular, and for the plurals. So a word like "nice" could be "fin", "fint" or "fine". Example: en fin bil et fint hus fine kopper Fill-ins: en ........ (fin) kopp et ........ (stor) eple mange ........ (varm) votter Great work! 😊 Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Thu, 09 Jan 2020 - 20 - Basic Grammar #5 - Adverbs moving vs. standing still. Hjem, hjemme, opp, oppe etc.
In Norwegian there are two forms of most adverbs like up, down, in, out, home, away etc. One is for standing still or being in the same context, one is for moving or changing context. Example: Han går hjem => Han er hjemme. De går ut => De er ute. Fill in: Hun går opp. Hun er ....... De kommer hit. De er ....... Great work! :) Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Wed, 08 Jan 2020 - 19 - Basic Grammar #4 - Helping verbs and Future Tense!
In Norwegian we have the helping verbs "skal, vil, kan, må" meaning "shall, will, can, must". The general rule is this: Helping verb + infinitve form (without the "å") Examples: Han spiser => Han skal spise. Han sykler => Han må sykle. Changing this to future (with skal): De drar på ferie. De går på ski i skogen. Excellent work!! Now you know how to use helping verbs and express the future tense! Bra :)) 🎉 Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Wed, 08 Jan 2020 - 18 - Basic Grammar #3 - It/They, Object Pronouns, and place prepositions!
Three items in this episode: 1. It/they: Koppen er fin. Den er fin. Guttene leker i hagen. De leker i hagen. 2. Object form: meg, deg, ham, henne - oss, dere, dem. Han gir ballen til meg. Vi sender et brev til dem. 3. Preposisjoner: Over, under, foran, bak, ved siden av, inntil, på, i, inni, mellom. Koppen er på bordet. Great work!! :) Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Sun, 05 Jan 2020 - 17 - Basic Grammar #2 - Nouns, with Articles and Endings!
Welcome back! Here's the full overview of the grammar for nouns in Norwegian: 1. Masculine en kopp - koppen - kopper - koppene 2. Feminine: ei jakke - jakka - jakker - jakkene 3. Neutral: et teppe - teppet - tepper - teppene 4. One-syllable Neutrals: et skap - skapet - skap - skapene et bord - bordet - bord - bordene And that's the full standard system for endings and articles - for the Nouns! WELL DONE!! 🎉🎇 Bra! :) Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Sun, 05 Jan 2020 - 16 - Basic Grammar #1 - Present tense, and verb placement.
Here's the first episode in a series of about 20 episodes, with all the grammar in Norwegian Language! 1. Forming present tense of verbs: å sykle - sykler å vaske - vasker 2. Verb on the second place: Han går hjem. I dag går han hjem. Hun spiser middag. Nå spiser hun middag. 3. And placement of adverbs (to fill in!): Han spiller gitar. Han ....... ....... gitar. Thanks for listening! Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Sat, 04 Jan 2020 - 15 - Advanced Reading #6 - På Sporet av den Tapte Tid
In episode 6 (of 8) from "In Search of Lost Time" - Marcel is remembering a different part of his past, many years later than his childhood in Combray. The fragments of early life keep warming up and appearing vividly for him. Marcel husker plutselig et annet rom, en annen tid, fra sin fortid som ung person. Hukommelsen bringer frem nye fragmenter levende tilbake, mens han fortsetter å gradvis drømme seg innover til tidligere perioder av livet sitt. Enjoy! Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Sat, 04 Jan 2020 - 14 - Advanced Reading #5 - På Sporet av den Tapte Tid
How our mind reconstructs itself when waking up, and whirls through thousands of memories and elements before a clear awereness of and connection to the current moment or day, is formed. Om hvordan prosessen når vi våkner bygger opp en forståelse av tid, sted og livssituasjon - men også gjenskaper og forsterker gamle minner som blir mere levende for oss når vi har blitt fullt våkne igjen. Thanks for listening! Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Fri, 03 Jan 2020 - 13 - Advanced Reading #4 - På Sporet av den Tapte Tid
A deep and detailed description of the process of waking up, and orienting ourselves through space, time, and re-finding our current identity and self, in the instances of moving from sleep to awaken condition. I denne episoden leser vi et nytt avsnitt fra Proust med dype detaljer om å våkne opp, og prosessen bevisstheten går igjennom for å gjenkjenne sine omgivelser og rekonstruere et bilde av tid, sted, og en komposisjon av elementene som utgjør identiteten og en følelse av ens virkelige jeg. Enjoy! Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Thu, 02 Jan 2020 - 12 - Advanced Reading #3 - På Sporet av den Tapte Tid
The main person is falling asleep, and fragments of early childhood starts to appear in his mind. Personen er i ferd med å sovne, og små fragmenter av tidlig barndom begynner å komme tilbake i minnet og fantasien. Enjoy! Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Sun, 29 Dec 2019 - 11 - Warmup Ep7 - "Olympus Fjellet", a short story in dialogues :)
In this episode we'll be using the grammar and vocabulary from the first six warmup episodes, and tell a little story from Ancient Greece! A couple of the dialgoues: - Hei! Jeg heter Kronos, hva heter du? - Jeg heter Uranus. Jeg bor på Olympus fjellet. Hvor bor du? - Jeg bor på Olympus fjellet, snart på toppen! - Hyggelig! .. - Hei Uranus, hva gjør du? - Jeg leser en bok. - Hva heter boken? - Boken heter Theogonien av Hesiod. - Er boken bra? - Ja, veldig bra! .. Enjoy! Ps. for full transcripts and extended materials - please go to and sign up, we'll be posting little booklets and pdf's shortly :) Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Sun, 29 Dec 2019 - 10 - Advanced Reading #2 - In Search of Lost Time. På Sporet av den Tapte Tid.
Marcel is partly falling asleep, and is reminded of travels into foreign places and the passing of midnight. God lytting! :) Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Thu, 26 Dec 2019 - 9 - Warmup Ep6 - Verb basics, and present tense.
Welcome back! :) In this episode we'll go through the grammar for this first unit/chapter of a beginner's course, with word placement and how to make present tense in Norwegian. Example dialogues are: - Hei, hvordan går det? - Bare bra. Og du? - Bra, takk! Hva gjør du? - Jeg spiser. Og du? - Jeg leser en bok. - Bra! Og hva gjør de? - De studerer mytologi. De er studenter! - Er du også student? - Ja. Jeg studerer italiensk! And: - Hei, hva gjør du? - Jeg lager mat. Hva gjør du? - Jeg ser på tv. - Og hva gjør de? - De spiller gitar. - Bra! .. Also the preposition i/på for saying where you live: i = for country, city, street på = for neighborhoods F.ex; Jeg bor i Roma, på Trastevere, i Via Fiorentina. .. WELL DONE!!! :)) 🎉🎉🎇 You've now been through all the basics for a typical First Chapter of a beginner's course! Super jobbing!! Great work :)) 😊😊 Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Thu, 26 Dec 2019 - 8 - Warmup Ep5 - The pronouns, and the verb to live, "å bo"
Welcome back! :) The pronouns in this episode are: jeg, du, han, hun (I, you, he, she) vi, dere, de (we, you(plural), they) And the dialogues: - Hei, jeg heter Prometeus. Hva heter du? - Jeg heter Pandora. Hva heter han? - Han heter Epimetues. Og hun? - Hun heter Atene. - Hyggelig! - Unnskyld, vi heter Orpheus og Evredike. Hva heter de? - De heter Pandora og Epimeteus. Hvor kommer dere fra? - Vi kommer fra Hellas. Og du? - Jeg kommer også fra Hellas. unnskyld = excuse me også = also bor = lives - Hei! Vi heter Orpheus og Evredike. Vi kommer fra Hellas. Hva heter du? - Jeg heter Zevs. Jeg kommer også fra Hellas. Hvor bor dere? - Vi bor i Hades. Og du? - Jeg bor på Olympus fjellet. - Hyggelig! .. Great work - and thanks for listening!! :D Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Thu, 26 Dec 2019 - 7 - Warmup Ep4 - What's your name? "Hva heter du?"
Great work! Now we're adding two more items to the basic conversation :) - Hei, hva heter du? - Jeg heter Ole. Hva heter du? - Jeg heter Georg. And then with both "my name is" and "I come from": - Hei, jeg heter Lukas. Hva heter du? - Jeg heter Victoria. - Hvor kommer du fra? - Jeg kommer fra England. Og du? - Jeg kommer fra Italia. - Hyggelig! .. Bra! :D Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Thu, 26 Dec 2019 - 6 - Advanced Reading - Novelist Marcel Proust!
Excerpt and reading (with translation) of the opening of "In Search of Lost Time", "På Sporet av den Tapte Tid". Enjoy! Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Wed, 25 Dec 2019 - 5 - Merry Christmas! "Ha en kjempefin Jul!"
A couple of phrases for the big day on the 24th! Julaften = Christmas Eve God jul! = Merry Christmas! Ha en kjempfin jul! = Have a very nice Christmas Ønsker deg en God Jul! =Wish you a Merry Christmas! God Jul! 🎄✨🎅🏻 :) Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Tue, 24 Dec 2019 - 4 - Int#1 - Reading and conversation with Intermediate Student!
Example from a lesson this morning, with Bianca who lives in London :)) Enjoy! Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Tue, 17 Dec 2019 - 3 - Warmup Ep3 - "Hvordan har du det" - and the return; "og du?"
*Get new episodes every morning on weekdays! Plus 50 beginner episodes, pronunciation, etymology, and over 100 intermediate/advanced episodes! Visit: ( - Welcome!! 😊 * .. Welcome back! Here is the other version of the "hello, how are you dialgoue" :)) - Hei hvordan har du det? - Takk, jeg har det bra!- Og du? - Takk, jeg har det bra. Great work!! :D Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Mon, 16 Dec 2019 - 2 - Warmup Ep2 - Hi how are you? og "Thanks, all good!"
Second part of this mini warmup series :) - Hei! Hvordan går det? - Takk, bare bra! - Takk, det går bra! "Hi, how are you?" "Thanks, all good!" :D Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Mon, 16 Dec 2019 - 1 - Hi and Welcome!
First new warmup episode, and the following tips: Hello is "hei" and "How are you?" is "Hvordan går det?" In the next episode we'll learn the response too :))) Thanks for listening! Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Mon, 16 Dec 2019
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