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Swedish Learning Accelerator

Swedish Learning Accelerator

Language Learning Accelerator

If you're trying to think your way into learning Swedish, you're doing it wrong. Learn Swedish like you did English: by hearing a huge amount of it. (With at least a vague idea of what it means!) Thousands of Swedish Phrases, along with the English translations, presented directly to your brain: from practical to philosophical to flirting. Just phrases, no filler! Go way beyond the Swedish language basics to not just communicate, but actually become an interesting person in Swedish. As an audio-only tool to learn Swedish, it's a perfect companion for driving, walking, or house chores. This podcast is the perfect supplement for your current language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo or are enrolled in a Swedish class. If you’re a beginner, we recommend you use this tool in addition to a good Swedish intro course like Michel Thomas. The Swedish Learning Accelerator is created by language lovers and world travelers, for the love of language! Every episode has subtitles available. (If your podcast player supports it.)

70 - Learn Swedish: At the Bar
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  • 70 - Learn Swedish: At the Bar

    This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish. These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn. View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode. Contact us with feedback and ideas: Phrases in this episode: We heard you have live music here tonight. Excellent, we’re in the mood for some jazz! We’d like to sit in the lounge area. Is smoking allowed here? Do we order at the table or at the bar? Do you have any happy hour specials? Can I order a half pint? Do you have a cocktail menu? Is the cider sweet or dry? May I try a little taste of it? I’ll take a gin and tonic with a lime. Can you keep our tab open? Do you serve food here? We’d love some light snacks to share. The meat, cheese and pickles plate sounds perfect. We’ll take another round of drinks. We want to split a slice of the chocolate cake. The music is a little loud, can we move to the patio? I’d like to pay the tab now. We’re so full, we should have skipped the dessert!

    Tue, 11 Jun 2024 - 03min
  • 69 - Learn Swedish: Giving Orders 3

    This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish. These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn. View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode. Contact us with feedback and ideas: Phrases in this episode: Go get your brother. Be nice to your cousin. Tell me what happened. Don’t do that again. Hold my hand. Catch the ball! Look both ways before crossing. Wait for me! Help me bring the groceries in. Take your shoes off. Move that stuff off the counter. Hang your coat over there. Help me set the table. Wash your hands. Eat your dinner. Pass the bowl to her. Finish your homework. Clean up your room. Brush your teeth. Go to sleep. Listen to this episode several times.

    Tue, 28 May 2024 - 02min
  • 68 - Learn Swedish: Conflict Resolution 2

    This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish. These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn. View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode. Contact us with feedback and ideas: Phrases in this episode: I know you’re upset. We are, too. Let’s take a break from this for now. We can talk about it once we’ve all calmed down. I know you’ve tried really hard to make this work. We appreciate all of your efforts. Can you tell us more about your side of the story? It sounds like when this happened, it made you angry. Is that true? Let me make sure I’m understanding you correctly. I’m sorry that you felt attacked. It wasn’t my intention to make you feel that way. I didn’t understand why you were behaving that way. Now that you’ve shared your point of view, I can understand why you felt that way. What is it that you are asking us to do about this? I think that we can agree to what you are asking. Thank you for being honest with us. We really appreciate you bringing this to our attention. I think we understand each other better now. Are we in agreement about how we will handle this if it happens again? Is there anything else you want to talk about? Just remember that you can talk to us any time.

    Tue, 14 May 2024 - 04min
  • 67 - Learn Swedish: Conflict Resolution

    This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish. These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn. View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode. Contact us with feedback and ideas: Phrases in this episode: I’m really sorry about what happened. I take responsibility for my side of the problem. I want to resolve this with you. I just wanted to see if we can get on the same page about this. Let’s take a minute to calm down together. Let’s sit down at the table and talk. Can you help me to understand what the problem is, as you see it? Let me repeat back to you what I heard you say. I just want to make sure I’m understanding you. I think I understand where you’re coming from. Let’s start with what we agree on. I just wanted to clarify some things I didn’t understand. I think we both feel the same way about this. Maybe there’s a way to work this out so we can both get what we want. I agree with you about this, but not about that. Thank you for helping me to understand your point of view. I’m sorry that you feel that way. Do you have a suggestion of what we can do differently going forward? I really value your friendship, and I don’t want this to come between us.

    Tue, 30 Apr 2024 - 03min
  • 66 - Learn Swedish: Food

    This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish. These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn. View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode. Contact us with feedback and ideas: Phrases in this episode: Do you like to cook? What’s your specialty dish? Do you like baking? What sort of things do you like to bake? Do you have a favorite local restaurant? What is your favorite food? What is your least favorite food? If you could eat the same meal every day, what would you eat? Do you have a favorite dessert? Did your parents cook for you as a child? Did your parents teach you how to cook? Tell me about a memorable meal with your loved ones. What are some of the food traditions you grew up with? Did you share food with your neighbors or community? What type of meat do people eat where you’re from? What types of seasonings do they use? Did you eat street food growing up? Is there a regional cuisine you enjoy the most? What was the best meal you've ever eaten? What was the worst meal you've ever eaten?

    Tue, 23 Apr 2024 - 03min
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