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Taboo and Murder

Taboo and Murder


Welcome to Taboo and Murder. A podcast that will cover all manner of taboo subjects: some illegal, some immoral, some societal. We bring a surface level discussion to the world’s taboos. Subjects include: cannibalism, necrophilia, rape, public executions, female masturbation, gender identity, assassinations, sex, and so many more. We're always open to suggestions, please send them to @SMTaboo on twitter. Series: Vagina Talk Breaking the Taboo: One sexual Assault at a Time Murder Capital punishment Sex Drugs Politics Psychological conditions Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Uns Support this podcast:

39 - Abortion
0:00 / 0:00
  • 39 - Abortion

    NYT article Dec 28, 2018 --- Support this podcast:

    Wed, 06 Mar 2019 - 13min
  • 38 - Institutional Betrayal

    Institutional betrayal can occur within families, governments and the military, organizations, workplaces, religious institutions, or any organizational system in which people are dependent on systemic protection.  Larry Nassar Christine Blasey Ford 45  Military: LaVena Johnson's alleged murder and coverup.  AI: making it ok for men to come forward. Because, above all else, we need to ensure the comfort of men.  I'm happy that the military is being proactive; it's fucking sickening that it takes MEN coming forward as victims for these systems to be put in place. Women are disposable in every Institution because we're still "tokens."  --- Support this podcast:

    Tue, 19 Feb 2019 - 23min
  • 37 - Women: scrubbed from History

    Hot take: Albert Einstein allegedly stole his ideas from his wife. 

    --- Support this podcast:
    Tue, 12 Feb 2019 - 39min
  • 36 - Family annihilation

    Family annihilators 

    Please subscribe, rate and review! Reach out on Twitter @SMTaboo with questions, comments or two see sources.

    --- Support this podcast:
    Tue, 05 Feb 2019 - 40min
  • 35 - Badass women in history

    Nazi, Angel of Death, Black Widow. Badass bitches in history, the good, the bad and Caterina Sforza. 

    Gertrude Baniszewski - future?

    Elizabeth Bathroy - future?

    *Isle Kosh - featured in this episode

    Ma Barker - future?

    *Myra Hindley - featured in this episode 

    Griselda Blanco - future

    *Caterina Sforza - featured, please see Queenspodcast for their full detail episode on Caterina. Listen to all of Queens. They're fucking great.

    Mary Tudor - future

    Dagmar Orebye - future?

    Christina Edmunds - future?

    Ranavalona the First - future

    *Irma Grese - featured Nazi in this episode.

    Amelia Dyer - future 

    *Belle Gunness - featured in this episode.

    Klara Mauerova - future?

    *Karla Homolka - featured in this episode.

    *Mireya Moreno Carreon - featured but I could go way down the rabbit hole on this one.

    *Tillie Klimek - featured in this episode

    Charlene Gallego - future?

    Catherine de Medici - future, also see Queenspodcast

    Delphine Lacaurie - future?

    Dayra Saltykova - future

    *Leonarda Cianeiulli - featured in this episode 

    Juana Barraza - future?

    *Aileen Wuornos - featured, hot take: she's boring. It's only sexism that makes her a stand-out.

    *Miyuki Ishikawa - featured in this episode. Angel of Death

    --- Support this podcast:
    Wed, 30 Jan 2019 - 38min
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