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The Wright Report

The Wright Report

Bryan Dean Wright

Former CIA Officer Bryan Dean Wright is back! The Wright Report is a morning news podcast, with updates from America and around the world. Bryan tracks down current events that others don't, and helps us understand why these developments are so important. Plus, he provides analysis based on his experiences as an Intelligence Officer, leaning on facts and data. As always, he leaves listeners with the ultimate decision of what to think about the issues -- and what we ought to do about them. The Wright Report is your morning news brief, available starting April 3rd at 7am Eastern, with reports each morning, Monday through Friday!

309 - 05/31/24 NEWS: The Trump Verdict: The Global Fallout to Come
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  • 309 - 05/31/24 NEWS: The Trump Verdict: The Global Fallout to Come

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    Join Bryan Dean Wright, former CIA Operations Officer, on a special episode of The Wright Report. Today, we delve into the global ramifications of the recent Trump verdict. Found guilty on all counts in the Hush Money Case, Trump's conviction sends shockwaves worldwide. How will China leverage this moment to further its ambitions? What strategies might Russia and Iran deploy in this volatile context? We also examine the reactions of key allies, such as Turkey and European nations, and explore the potential for increased geopolitical instability. This episode provides critical insights into the international fallout and the profound implications for America's future. Tune in for an ad-free, in-depth analysis that you can't afford to miss.

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    "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32

    Fri, 31 May 2024 - 19min
  • 308 - 05/30/24 NEWS: Map Day: NY // Chile // LA // Europe // Gaza // North Korea // Poland & Baltics

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    Join Bryan Dean Wright, former CIA Operations Officer, on The Wright Report as he dives into this week's most pressing news. In this episode, Bryan covers a range of topics that shape America and the world:

      Venezuelan Asphalt in NY: Discover why roads in New York are being paved with Venezuelan asphalt, despite sanctions, and the implications of Biden's waivers on this trade.

      Chile Wildfires Investigation: Uncover the truth behind the devastating wildfires in Chile that were initially blamed on climate change but have now been linked to arson by local officials.

      South American Crime Rings: Learn about the sophisticated tactics of South American crime rings targeting wealthy American neighborhoods, including the use of hidden cameras.

      Immigration Policy Shifts: Hear about DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas' rare admission regarding illegal aliens gaming the system and what this means for U.S. immigration policies.

      European Union Polls: Get insights into the latest polls from France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and the Netherlands, showing strong support for stricter immigration controls and backing of local farmers.

      Middle East Update: An in-depth look at the Philadelphi Corridor between Gaza and Egypt, its strategic importance, and the latest developments in the Israel-Gaza conflict.

      North Korean Provocations: A bizarre update on North Korea's use of "poop balloons" as a form of retaliation against South Korea and the broader geopolitical implications.

      European Border Defenses: Details on Poland and the Baltic nations' new border defense initiatives to counter Russian aggression and illegal migration.

    Bryan provides not just the news, but also his expert analysis and opinion, offering listeners a comprehensive understanding of these complex issues.


    "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32

    Thu, 30 May 2024 - 26min
  • 307 - 05/29/24 NEWS: Power Grid Breakthrough // Jobless Future // Secret Chinese Drugs // US Diplomats Strike Back

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    Join Bryan Dean Wright, former CIA Operations Officer, on The Wright Report for an in-depth look at the day's most critical news shaping America and the world. This episode covers:

    Energy Crisis Solution: Discover a groundbreaking fix for America’s power shortages that could also reduce wildfires. Learn how advanced wiring technology could double grid capacity and expedite solar and wind farm projects without lengthy environmental reviews.

    AI Revolution and Universal Income: Elon Musk predicts that AI will eventually replace all human jobs, necessitating a universal basic income. Bryan delves into the implications of this prediction, exploring its potential impact on society and the economy.

    Marijuana Usage vs. Alcohol: For the first time, more Americans are using marijuana daily than alcohol. Bryan investigates the surprising role of Chinese organized crime in the U.S. marijuana supply chain and the challenges this poses.

    Battling China’s Economic Coercion: Learn about a dedicated team at the State Department working behind the scenes to help allies like Lithuania withstand economic pressure from Beijing.


    "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32

    Wed, 29 May 2024 - 27min
  • 306 - 05/28/24 NEWS: Chinese Flood US Bases // Good News from Border States // Battle for the Pacific (Minerals) // Four Days of Middle East Fighting // Q&A

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    Join Bryan Dean Wright, former CIA Operations Officer, on The Wright Report for an in-depth look at the day's most critical news shaping America and the world. This episode covers:

      Chinese Illegal Immigration Surge:

      U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents intercepted 118 Chinese nationals in California over the weekend, bringing the eight-month total to over 30,000. The episode explores the potential espionage implications of these Chinese nationals approaching U.S. military installations.

      Copper Mining Revival in Arizona and Texas:

      New developments in copper mining and refining in Arizona and Texas due to rising copper prices. Discussion on the global demand for copper driven by green energy, military needs, and AI innovations.

      Deep Sea Mining Debate:

      The U.S. House is set to authorize a budget for the Pentagon to study deep-sea mining for essential minerals. Environmental and geopolitical implications of deep sea mining are examined, focusing on the Clarion-Clipperton Zone.

      Middle East Tensions:

      Four days of intense developments in the Middle East, including attacks by Hezbollah on northern Israel and the impact on Israeli civilians and soldiers. Discussion on the potential regional war and its global economic implications.

      Listener Questions:

      Memorial Day episode feedback and future plans for similar stories. Speculation on President Joe Biden's political future and potential changes in the Democratic Party's strategy. Encouragement for health and exercise, emphasizing the benefits of combining cardio and weightlifting.


    "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32

    Tue, 28 May 2024 - 29min
  • 305 - 05/27/24: Memorial Day Special: Life and Legacy of a Fallen Hero

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    In this special Memorial Day edition of The Wright Report, Bryan Dean Wright, former CIA Operations Officer, takes you on a remarkable journey through the life and legacy of Douglas Seymour MacKiernan, the first CIA officer to die in the line of duty.

    The episode begins with a tribute to all who have served and sacrificed for the United States, focusing on MacKiernan’s extraordinary story. Born in 1913, MacKiernan’s life was marked by a love for adventure, languages, marksmanship, and science. Despite his academic struggles, his natural talents led him to MIT, a brief stint in academia, and eventually, the US Army during World War II.

    As a cryptographer, MacKiernan's skills were critical in the war effort, leading him to a covert career with the CIA in China's volatile regions. His mission: to gather intelligence on Soviet activities and support local anti-communist forces. His adventure was filled with peril, from navigating the treacherous deserts of China to evading communist forces.

    The climax of MacKiernan’s story unfolds in the desolate landscapes of Central Asia, where he led a daring escape through deserts and over the Himalayas, aiming for freedom in Tibet. Tragically, miscommunications led to his death at the hands of Tibetan border guards in 1950, just days before a message confirming his identity could reach them.

    MacKiernan’s heroism remained a secret for decades until the CIA revealed his story in 1997, honoring him as the first star on the CIA Memorial Wall. This episode not only commemorates his bravery but also serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made for freedom, resonating deeply as we face contemporary global challenges.

    Join us for this riveting and moving episode, paying tribute to Douglas MacKiernan and all who have given their lives in service to our nation.


    "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32


    Mon, 27 May 2024 - 25min
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