Podcasts by Category

Mama B

Mama B

Takeyla Barbee

Hello, Just Talkin’ Podcast is a platform where we are all moms and have so much to say and talk about . We have so many things we like to share , for example our pain, our struggles our loss and just life it’s self about being a mama these days . Please join me In breaking down those barriers and just opening up on how we feel about motherhood 💙

4 - Feeling overwhelmed
0:00 / 0:00
  • 4 - Feeling overwhelmed

    Getting to the root of why we are so over whelmed, and how to pick ourselves back up .

    Wed, 06 Jan 2021 - 15min
  • 3 - Talking about school with Amayla

    Getting Amayla opinion on how she feels about school and just things in general.

    Tue, 05 Jan 2021 - 08min
  • 2 - Mama B (Trailer)
    Tue, 05 Jan 2021 - 00min
  • 1 - Self care ❤️

    Just Talkin’ Podcast is what it’s like and what it takes to be a mom these days . We will discuss so many different topics on being a mom and what it takes , rather your single or married our title doesn’t change we are still “Mom” just a safe place where we can talk about what is on our hearts and our minds , our everyday struggles we have and how we can overcome them .

    Tue, 05 Jan 2021 - 06min