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Maranatha Teachings

Maranatha Teachings

Nikolas Larum

Maranatha Church, established in 1994, is a multigenerational house church in Coastal Virginia. Most recently, we've been studying the epistle to the Hebrews.

217 - Context of Author (The Bible in Its Context - Part 6)
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  • 217 - Context of Author (The Bible in Its Context - Part 6)

    In this episode, we examine how reviewing words and ideas across the body of work of a particular author in Scripture can help us understand their meaning. In this sharing, we put a spotlight on Paul's use of "wrath" in 1 Thessalonians 1:10 and John's use of "life" in John 10:10.

    Mon, 25 Nov 2024 - 58min
  • 216 - The Great Commission in Whole-Book Context (The Bible in Its Context - Part 5)

    Like any skilled writer, Matthew finishes his book in a way that capstones all that he told before. In this episode, we explore the solid bullet points in the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) in light of Matthew's entire Gospel. If you are not accustomed to (and even if you are) reading Matthew as an independent book, the consistency of the themes may surprise you. Join us as we launch down this fast-paced and practical review of the first book in the New Testament canon.

    Sun, 03 Nov 2024 - 31min
  • 215 - More Whole-Book Context - John 3:16 (The Bible in Its Context - Part 4)

    John 3:16 is perhaps the most widely used evangelistic verse in the New Testament. In light of John's entire Gospel, what does it mean to believe in Jesus? Join us as we examine John's exposition of faith and the various types of "believers" Jesus encountered and what he required of them and ultimately of us.

    Sun, 27 Oct 2024 - 50min
  • 214 - Whole-Book Context (The Bible in Its Context - Part 3)

    In this dynamic episode, we examine who "the least of these my brothers" (Matt. 25:40) are in light of the context of the entire book of Matthew. Give a listen as we discuss the benefits of reading aloud, review some of the history of how Scripture was published, and gain clarified insight into the meaning of Jesus's prophetic Olivet Discourse as recorded by Matthew.

    Sun, 20 Oct 2024 - 50min
  • 213 - Paragraph Context (The Bible in Its Context - Part 2)

    In this dynamic session, we grapple with three very familiar verses and concepts: the fire baptism in Matt. 3:11, the cattle on a thousand hills in Ps. 50:10, and the thief in John 10:10. What do these verses mean in the paragraph and portion context of where they appear. If you like me learned these verses as proof texts of particular ideas, the answers may surprise you.

    Mon, 14 Oct 2024 - 46min
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