Podcasts by Category

Meditative Reflections: Dhayan:ध्यान

Meditative Reflections: Dhayan:ध्यान

Urmila Rao

Meditative Reflections: Dhayan: What you hear are thoughts, feelings & reflections that I receive during my meditations.🙏🏽

16 - Positive Affirmations, Positive Life Experiences 🧿
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  • 16 - Positive Affirmations, Positive Life Experiences 🧿

    The core essence of positive affirmations is to dispel feelings that are unhelpful, to break that loop. And energize life-force. Keep positive point of creation. Move on with positive charge. Website: www.karmicwellness.in . IG: karmicwellness_urmila

    Thu, 13 Apr 2023 - 06min
  • 15 - The Flow of Life!☘️

    This episode is about noticing the perfection with which Life unfolds. Sequence of events that come, bringing things, situations, people at the time they come; why not sooner or later? This is Intelligence of Life itself! For sessions and workshops, enquire at : hellokarmicwellness@gmail.com website: www.karmicwellness.in

    Thu, 22 Dec 2022 - 06min
  • 14 - What is the Purpose of All This?

    What is the purpose of experiences that we have? Is there a meaning to them? Or are they random? This episode is meant to give some idea. This episode was published in Gulf News Tabloid in form of column titled, ‘ Meditate with Urmila.’ For emotional wellness course and workshop, online or face-to-face, connect at : hellokarmicwellness@gmail.com website: www.karmicwellness.in

    Tue, 20 Dec 2022 - 06min
  • 13 - The Last Thought

    The last thought of the mortal life matters. Why? Because whatever the last thought/ feeling is, we take that energy Home as Consciousness casts off the body. The last thought of the last breath matters. To have divine thoughts as we transition, divinity must be lived from this moment on. Because only practice builds up the energy. Website: www.karmicwellness.in Email: hellokarmicwellness@gmail.com

    Fri, 15 Jul 2022 - 07min
  • 12 - The Cosmic Law of Opposites: How to work with them?

    By understanding the workings of the cosmic principles and applying them, one can live wisely and peacefully. The Law of Polarity is one such principle, where one needs to develop the opposite positive emotions and behaviour to counter negative patterns. Know more: web: www.karmicwellness.in email: hellokarmicwellness@gmail.com . Courses and Workshops: 1. Thought Therapy ( how to use thoughts effectively ;to heal , to manifest). 2. Forgiveness Practice: how to come to the space of forgiveness. 3. Meditations 4. Yoga Nidra and more.

    Fri, 01 Jul 2022 - 05min
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