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Night Swims Podcast

Night Swims Podcast

Night Swims

Welcome to Night Swims, a podcast hosted by Two Idiots who think they know everything about mysteries, conspiracies, and strange phenomena. Tune in every week for a new topic as they learn, teach, laugh, and cry their way through each episode. With 99 episodes down and thousands of interesting and bizarre things to be learned, there’s something out there for everyone.

107 - 107--Ancient Astronauts
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  • 107 - 107--Ancient Astronauts

    Hello there. Today we have a sort of a sequel to last episode about the Dogon people, with a few guests showing up and totally not derailing the show at all. Also just and FYI, ancient astronauts are basically aliens. So yea, we have another alien episode here at Night Swims, but what's new. We hope you enjoy it.

    Tue, 10 Aug 2021 - 59min
  • 106 - 106--Dogon...and a Hint of Pyramid, With Just a Dash of Time Travel

    Welcome. I had COVID. Sorry we were gone, I'm sure we were extremely missed by our millions of fans. Anyways, Doug had the topic this week so you know it'll be bad but cut him some slack. Love you all.

    Wed, 28 Jul 2021 - 36min
  • 105 - 105--Atlantis Part 2

    It's part 2. What more is there to say. Douglas is out of town so it's my time to shine. I will rule the world!

    Mon, 05 Jul 2021 - 56min
  • 104 - 104--Atlantis Part 1

    Atlantis is a beautiful paradise resort in the Bahamas equipped with over---Oh wait sorry, wrong script.

    Atlantis is an ancient "lost civilization" to some, and nothing more than a fictional piece of literature made by Plato. Today in part 1 we discuss the history of the legend and it's literary interpretations. Part 2 comes out next week.

    Thu, 24 Jun 2021 - 1h 10min
  • 103 - 103--Operation Highjump: Full of Highjinks

    NAZIS. Nah just kidding, well...kind of. Operation Highjump is another secret operation carried out by the US Military, and it's true purpose is possibly unknown. We hope you enjoy.

    Sun, 13 Jun 2021 - 45min
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