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Samhitam Singapore

Tamil bedtime stories for Kids☺️. Teach your Kids character building values for life🌺. Impart the love for Tamil to your child🙆🏽‍♂️. Help your child have a deep and fulfilling sleep every night💤. Made with love in Singapore💕🇸🇬

8 - Aruvi S1E8 | Waltz of the Sheep and Sly Fox | Tamil bedtime stories for Kids
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  • 8 - Aruvi S1E8 | Waltz of the Sheep and Sly Fox | Tamil bedtime stories for Kids

    A sly fox yearning to devour fresh meat. A flock of sheep desperate to defend themselves from imminent threat. Find out who prevails in this gripping tale! Reach out to us on to share your feedback/requests with us!

    Fri, 15 Oct 2021 - 07min
  • 7 - Aruvi S1E7 | Much requested TENALI RAMAN story! | Tamil bedtime stories for Kids

    We heard your feedback and here's the much awaited Tenali Raman story. Have fun and let us know of your kids have any story requests!

    Wed, 08 Sep 2021 - 05min
  • 6 - Aruvi S1E6 | Mother goat's advice | Tamil bedtime stories for Kids

    Find out what happened to the baby goat which did not heed her mother's advice. Teach your Kids the beauty of Tamil and help them have an amazing sleep tonight!

    Mon, 12 Jul 2021 - 05min
  • 5 - Aruvi S1E5 | The duck that lays golden eggs | Tamil bedtime stories for Kids

    The duck that lays golden eggs?! Yes you heard that right! Find out how the greed of the duck's owner brought misfortune upon himself. Teach your child about the harms of being greedy to build up his/her character. Pass on the love for the Tamil language to your Kid.

    Wed, 09 Jun 2021 - 04min
  • 4 - Aruvi S1E4 | Mother hen's sacrifice | Tamil bedtime story for Kids

    Discovery the limitless love a mother hen has for her chicks. Help your child understand the vastness of a mother's love. Impart the virtue of respect to your child. Spark the love for the Tamil language in your kid.

    Sun, 30 May 2021 - 05min
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