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biobalancehealth's podcast

Kathy Maupin, M.D.

BioBalance Health is a medical practice that specializes in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement, Weight Loss, and Medical Esthetics. Each week Dr. Kathy Maupin discusses important medical topics, and offers advice on hormone replacement and anti-aging strategies. See the full video at Dr. Kathy Maupin, M.D. is a leading expert in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, and in treating the symptoms of aging. She is also the author of “The Secret Female Hormone“, the seminal work about hormone replacement therapy for women.

284 - Healthcast 669 - Five More Myths about Weight Loss and Your Health
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  • 284 - Healthcast 669 - Five More Myths about Weight Loss and Your Health

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    The second set of myths about weight loss involve what we have been told by our federal government through the FDA and surgeon general, that is believed by most of us, but the motivation of the government is not generally for your well-being.

    Myth #7 Salt is bad for you, and you should limit your intake of salt to minimal amounts.

    A large study found that eating less than 3 grams of salt a day increases one’s mortality by 25% when compared with moderate intake.  It is a fact that salt is vital to life, this contradicts the AHA who preaches that a low salt diet is what is required for health.

    Myth #8. Replacing hormones at menopause, estradiol and testosterone, will cause women to gain weight.

    The advent of menopause changes a woman’s metabolism and makes every woman in industrialized nations insulin resistant which slows their metabolism and causes women to gain fat and lose muscle which lowers the metabolic rate even lower because muscle mass burns 90% of our calories, and as it shrinks the Basic metabolic rate drops.

    The only way to counteract this cataclysmic change is to replace estradiol and testosterone in a bio-identical and non-oral delivery system (pellets, patches, topical applications and vaginal tabs.  Even with sex hormone replacement, insulin resistance is

    Still a factor in weight gain, so a low carb, high protein diet and medical treatment with Metformin, or Wegovy or Mounjaro may be necessary to regain ideal weight after menopause.

    Myth #9 Milk products are bad for you, and you should take them out of your diet.

    Milk is not metabolized in the same way and does not have the same metabolic effects as milk products like yogurt, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, and all cheeses. The majority of Americans can tolerate, and even need milk products as a valuable source of protein.  There is a small minority of people who cannot tolerate milk products, and even fewer who respond to milk products with inflammation. If you do not have GI symptoms, or joint aches when you eat milk products then you are not necessarily healthier to cut them out of your diet.

    Not only is milk good for most Americans, but it has been proven to decrease oxidative stress and inflammation….the very things it is accused of increasing!

    Myth #10 Skim milk is better for everyone than whole milk, and those people on a diet should opt for skim milk.

    This myth is born from the myth that we should eat low fat diets to lose weight. It is a fact that Whole milk has more fat than skim milk, but skim milk is higher in carbohydrate, is generally consumed in larger amounts and is not as satisfying as whole milk.

    Skim milk is 55% carbohydrate/43%protein/5% fat while whole milk is 50% fat/20% protein and 30% carbohydrate. Unfortunately, the processes we use to make milk safe to drink (Pasturization and Homogenation) remove the necessary enzymes (Lipases, and Lactase) that help humans tolerate lactose sugar in milk.  The process of skimming milk removes the Vitamin D and A that are in unprocessed milk.

    If you can drink milk, choose smaller volumes of whole milk, not skimmed, if you like milk products like listed above, then add them to your high protein diet.  A 64 million person- year study recently revealed that whole milk drinkers, milk product eater had a significant decrease in all-cause mortality. Skim milk drinkers did not have a decrease in all cause mortality.

    Myth #11 Cutting animal products in your diet will decrease your cholesterol and therefore prevent heart attacks.

    So why do we follow fads? I believe it is because we are human and we look for the easiest path to a goal, and easy diets appeal to most of us who want to lose weight, however losing weight is complex and involves a good medical based plan and a change in your lifestyle. Your plan should start with seeking the right kind of medical advice that fits the diet to your blood work, medical history and in some cases your genetics.

    Mon, 16 Sep 2024 - 23min
  • 283 - Healthcast 668 - Six Popular Myths About Weight Loss

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    My medical practice, BioBalance® Health, allows me to hear all of the myths about how to lose weight, when I am in consultation with a new patient. All of my female patients and some of the men have at one time, or multiple times been fooled by the false promises of friends, doctors, and advertisers, about quick and easy ways to lose weight.  If you have bounced around trying every diet out there on the internet and failed to lose weight, then I can help you stop the pointless trial and error process, and help you embrace the difficult and time-consuming process of truly losing body fat and keeping it off!

    If you thought that all we do at BioBalance Health is replace women and men’s testosterone with long-acting bioidentical pellets, you are partly right!  In addition to treating our patients’ hormone deficiencies we also have the goal of attempting to guide them toward a healthy long life!  This involves treating “pre-diseases” like prediabetes that other doctors don’t treat until damage has been done and guiding our patients as to the right way to achieve their ideal weight.  One of the important roles we have in assisting our patients with “fat-loss” is to disprove all the lies our patients have been told over the years by nearly everyone about how to lose weight.  Some of these myths are actually believable (unless you are a doctor and understand the physiology of weight loss), but still never work. Other diet plans work for some people with specific genetic qualifications, but not for the majority of the population.   Then, there are diet plans that are so bizarre and illogical, that they literally make me giggle when my patients describe the protocol (or advice) they have been following without results.

    Why are these myths so prevalent?  It is because we have been programed since childhood to eat in a way and in amounts that are inevitably going to cause us to be obese. It takes a lot of work to turn those lifestyles, habits and food choices around to lead my patients to lasting fat loss and long-lasting health. Hard work never “sells” and a time-consuming diet doesn’t either so businesses make a lot of money keeping you fat!

    You may or may not have heard these! I will tell you why they


    #1 Myth- If you eat fewer calories, you will lose weight, and all calories are the same.

    This is one of the myths that is spoken by doctors every day because they learned it 30 years ago in medical school, and it just isn’t true!  To begin with calories in food are metabolized differently depending on whether they are Protein, Fat or Carbohydrate. It takes more calories to metabolize Protein, and more than fat and the food that burns the least calories to be metabolized are carbohydrates.  So, food calories are different depending on which food group they are from. Eg. There is a vast difference between the weight you might lose, or gain based on the food group your calories came from. For example:  If you eat a steak with 500 calories verses a slice of birthday cake/icing that contains 500 calories, it takes more calories to breakdown protein so you USE calories to make it into blood sugar, while the birthday cake takes almost no energy to make BS and readily makes fat if it is not used in exercise.

    Another factor that causes counting calories to be a losing proposition, is that every food stimulates insulin differently, and insulin that is over stimulated over time gives a person insulin resistance which causes them to be so efficient that they can go a day and not eat anything, and still fail to lose weight.  If you have tried a low-calorie diet and that happened, then you are not alone.   Going back to the steak and birthday cake example, steak does not stimulate insulin very much and birthday cake is likely to over stimulate your insulin making insulin resistance worse and doesn’t make energy but is stored as fat!

    The third reason limiting calories cannot be the basis of a weight loss diet is that an individual human body has a vast number of factors that influence how you as a unique individual burns calories, therefore any one calorie limiting diet will not work for the majority of humans. We are all different with individual requirements for the types and amounts of food we need which is based on our genetics, our history of healthy or unhealthy diets, our daily exercise, and how obese we are when we start to lose weight.

    What that means simply is that there is no easy way to attain your ideal weight and stay there but limiting your calories.  Weight watchers tried this method for years and I never found a person who lost weight by eating a certain number of any type of calories (candy, dessert, or fruit and vegetables with the equivalent number of calories) in one day, who lost weight and kept it off.  If you eat 1200 calories of fruit, veggies, eggs, fish and or meat throughout the day and have an active lifestyle, you will lose fat that day. If you eat 1200 calories you save up all day to eat one dessert you will probably gain weight because it will overstimulate your insulin and make your calories into fat and not energy.  Weight Watchers changed their program several years ago when their clients realized their system didn’t work. Counting calories to lose weight is a myth you should avoid.


    Myth #2: The promise:  “If you just  eat _________ (one food like grapefruit/cabbage soup/ salad/juice take your pick)  for ____ weeks you will lose 20 lbs.

    The cabbage soup diet is an example of this failed “theory” which invaded the US female population in the early 2000s and my patients embraced it completely believing that they would lose 20 pounds in 4 weeks.  I objected and told them that eating only one food for 4 weeks was unhealthy, a baseless fad which was unlikely to work, but very few of them listened.   It turns out that Cabbage is a food that slows the metabolism of people with   A blood type, and the majority of citizens in my city, St. Louis, have A blood type!  At their next GYN visit my patients were all moaning over the fact that they had GAINED 20 pounds on the cabbage soup diet! Not eating a variety of foods is unhealthy and this proves that even an unhealthy diet doesn’t promise weight loss for everyone.

    So please don’t follow fads. they are baseless, and you might gain weight and not lose it!


    Myth #3 You can exercise your way to fat loss,  eat whatever you like and still lose weight.

    I believe exercise should be part of every human’s healthy lifestyle, and exercise is necessary to speed up the metabolism while you eat a low carb, high protein diet and refrain from bad habits like alcohol consumption. However, eating like you normally do and exercising hours daily will not bring about weight loss for 90% of the population of the US. Lasting weight loss doesn’t occur unless you add eating a healthy diet, stopping bad habits and taking the required supplements necessary to decrease your fat mass, and exercise.  Yes, you have to do it all!    Increasing muscle increases our metabolic rate and exercising muscles increases the loss of fat, but both muscle building and muscle strength require high protein diets, with a moderate amount of fat, and without a lot of carbohydrate.  Eating carbohydrates unchecked can cause the weight loss promised by exercise-based weight loss programs to fail, over and over again. After the age of 45 your muscle will not be preserved while you lose weight if you do not replace your low testosterone and exercise too.  So it is not ONE factor that facilitates weight loss, it is complicated and there is a perfect fat-loss plan for everyone…you just have to find it!


    Myth #4 Low fat diets are a good way to lose body fat and prevent heart disease!

    Every study has failed to support this idea!  Low fat diets don’t lower cholesterol, but low carb diets do!  We were told by cardiologist for the past 30 years that low fat diets would lower the cholesterol and the atherosclerosis in your arteries…but they lied!  It is now accepted by most doctors that low fat diets leave people hungry which causes them to  eat too many carbs resulting in an increase in cholesterol and weight gain. Re-introducing fats into your diet should include healthy fats (fat from seafood, vegetables like olive oil, milk fat and other omega 3,6, and 9 ) are necessary for brain health and good body composition.

    The advice by the US FDA and Medical specialists to eat a low-fat diet has contributed to over 50% obesity, dementia, and diabetes in America. If your cardiologist tells you that a low fat diet is going to prevent heart disease, then look for a more up to date cardiologist.


    Myth #5 High protein diets are not effective for weight loss.

    High Protein-Low Carb diets are the best diet for the majority of people in the US.  This diet is the most effective type of eating plan for your weight loss.  If you want to know what % of protein, fat and carbohydrates you should eat, then go to our website, and become a weight loss patient with genetic guidance and you will learn how to distribute your foods based on your unique genetic map.  High protein diets keep you “full” longer after a meal or snack, so your calorie intake is naturally lower.

    Reserve your intake of carbs to supply you with physical energy before and after exercise. Otherwise, your diet should consist of high protein and fat, and limited carbs, with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit (these food are not considered carbohydrate).


    Myth #6 Diet soda is a “free food” because there are no calories, so I can drink as much as I want to and lose weight!

     Diet soda contains many chemicals, salt and includes a chemical sweetener called aspartame.  Salt causes swelling, and all chemical sweeteners stimulate insulin and act to make you hungrier than if you drank unsweetened iced tea, water or anything sweetened with stevia.  Stevia is a plant that does not contribute to insulin resistance and diabetes.  The majority of diet sodas stimulate insulin just like carbohydrates do and contribute to weight loss failure.  Every time you drink one you should consider it just like eating a carbohydrate!



    Following the advice above will prevent so much frustration with future weight loss attempts, and will help you achieve your ideal weight through avoiding these myths about weight loss.

    Remember that weight loss fads have been around for a long time without a public refute of the obvious myths above.   Fads should be ignored if you want effective weight loss. Remember that Instagram and Facebook posts are only motivated by profit, even though they spread crazy diets as based on fact. There is no one monitoring the “fads” validity.

    Please don’t listen to fads of people who are not doctors or nurses trained in weight loss! More Myths about weight loss next week!

    Mon, 16 Sep 2024 - 20min
  • 282 - Healthcast 667 - Dr. Maupin Radio Interview with Dave Glover

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    Dave Glover, the most listened to talk radio voice in the Midwest, invited me on his show last week to talk about BioBalance Health Testosterone Pellets for men and women and BioBalance Skin my medical esthetic spa.  His show is on KMOX, the voice of the St. Louis Cardinals.  Dave Glover and I have worked together for 10 years, and he is unabashedly my patient who has experienced the superiority of our medical care that is unique, and preventive, in addition to being the best testosterone pellet therapy in the Midwest. We go far beyond to direct our patients to a healthier life.

    Dr. Maupin Radio Interview with Dave GloverWhen patients have their first appointment our doctors have already reviewed their lab amd medical history, and the first appointment is chocked full of information about the meaning of their laboratories, diagnosing medical problems such as insulin resistance and prediabetes to finding diseases they were unaware of.  At the same one-hour long appointment we work with our patients to develop an individualized diet and exercise program for their unique situations.

    The secret to our success in bringing 95% of our patients back to health is the foundation of replacing testosterone in the most effective and safest method with replacement non-micronized testosterone estradiol pellets.  We do much more in a short time to direct our patients to reversing the symptoms of aging (the symptoms of testosterone and estradiol loss) while we prevent future illnesses like diabetes and help our patients move to healthier lifestyles.

    Dave asked me what is new about BioBalance Heath.  We are always improving our knowledge, based on new medical research, and our newest offering is a simple genetic Diet and Metabolism Test called Nutrigen.  This test is done by simply doing a self-cheek swab and never has to be repeated!  Right now we are offering this test for $300 (a discount of $150).  If you have tried many diets and still don’t know what type of food you should eat, our test is meant to be a ONE-TIME test to tell you everything you genetically need to lose weight.  Or if health is your goal and not weight loss and you want to know how to eat for the rest of your life, this diet is a necessity!  It comes with a 60-page report.

    What % of your diet should be fat, carbohydrates or protein? What times of day should you eat? Should you eat snacks? Does exercise help you lose weight or not? Is a low carb diet the best one for you? a low-fat diet? A low-calorie diet? Is a high fat diet the best for you to be healthy? What supplements do you genetically need? Everything you have ever asked about your individual path to ideal weight!

    Everyone who elects to take this test will get a 60-page report about every genetic factor that affects their diet, metabolism, exercise and weight loss.  It even includes what genetic factors are working against them and their ability to lose weight. When their test comes back, our Nurse Weight Loss Specialist, Sarah Hooper RN will be ready for them to make an appointment to go over the report and explain a healthy eating plan. We always have used the INBODY machine for following body composition and not just weight for ALL our patients, pellet, weight loss, and non-pellet patients.

    Dave then asked about what was new in our BioBalance® Skin Office? We are always looking for ways for our patients to look younger, and healthier as they age. Dr. Maupin and Sullivan’s criteria to adding services is that they are TRULY EFFECTIVE, as well as painless, and the service is affordable compared to other pathways to the same outcome.

    This year we have added a painless hair growing ultrasound treatment called TED.  It can treat any form of hair loss, as long as there are some follicles left to stimulate. Women and men come in for 4 to 6 45-minute treatments, that feel like a scalp massage.  There are no necessary serums or vitamins to buy. You just have to keep the areas treated out of the sunlight for the month following the treatment.  This is a real breakthrough and compared to very costly hair transplants and painful PRP treatments this is a game anger!

    For women who have lost weight and ask us every time they come in for weight loss or pellets what they can do about sagging and crepey skin, now we have a variety of treatment s  to offer them: Opus treatments for the chin and jowls, Juvashape to tighten areas all over the body. EM Sculpt to build muscle, lose subcutaneous fat and tight skin, and EM Face to take the place of a Facelift!  Our patients are encouraged to come in for a free consultation to help them decide what they can do to “SHAPE UP” after successful weight loss!

    We offer episome treatments with our Aqua Gold treatments to rejuvenate tighten, smooth out and lift facial skin….It is a step up from  microneedling for more mature skin.

    We literally offer the MOST EFFECTIVE, MOST ECONOMICAL TREATMENTS with the least pain and best results anywhere!  BioBalance Skin Staff will guide you to the appropriate choice of treatments so you can be assured you have the best esthetic treatment for your individual problem.

    Our Goal is to help our patients look as good as they feel with their BioBalance Pellet treatments!

    Mon, 16 Sep 2024 - 17min
  • 281 - Healthcast 666 - Heat Stroke – How to Stay Healthy in the Heat.

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    2024 has been the hottest summer of the decade and it is causing many of you to go to the ER with heat related sickness. There are several risk factors that may put you at high risk for illness relating to the heat. I have been present several times when someone collapses from heat stroke which is the most severe heat related illness. The heat can kill you if it progresses this far.  It is interesting, athletes who won’t back off from their outdoor activities, and will work out in the highest heat of the day.

    Heat stroke can cause a person to collapse, drop their blood pressure, act out, or pass out, or even seize, all of which are signs to call 911, and start emergency procedures: elevate their legs, if possible, place ice packs under the arm pits, around the sides of the neck, and on their groin.

    The highest risk patients:

    Babies and toddlers are over 65 On multiple medications Taking a diuretic Obese patients People with anemia and other blood conditions Patients with coronary heart disease Patients with atrial fib Those people who don’t drink water, just caffeinated drinks-dehydrated people Who have just been flying (dehydrated) Who are hung over (dehydrated) Who have been nauseated and vomiting in the days before going out and working or playing in the heat.

    Ask the heat stroke victim to drink fluids if possible. Of course, make sure they stop the activity they are engaged in outside in the heat. Move them to a cool place while you are waiting for emergency help to arrive. Heat stroke can cause a vascular stroke or death, so emergency treatment is necessary. If possible, offer the victim water with electrolytes in them (NUUN-Sport) and some sugar in case they are also hypoglycemic as well. If they can’t drink, which is a side effect of heat stroke, put a wet washcloth in your mouth to suck water from it slowly.

    My husband and I went on a trip to Cinque Terra, Italy with another couple last fall to hike the trails between the 5 towns that line the cliffs over the shores of Liguria.  The hike was supposed to start at 8 am so we could avoid the heat of the day….and it was in the 90s and humid…but as luck would have it the transportation we had arranged for wasn’t able to take us to the starting point and we didn’t get there until  10:30.  We packed several water bottles and a few snacks but we were not prepared for the  4  ½ hour trek high above the mediterranean on a trail that was 3 feet wide and involved thousands of steps up and down…we had drunk most of  our water in the first 2.5 hours and were very hot and sweaty the whole time….about 40 minutes from the town of Vernazza, my husband started stumbing, and talking nonsense…he had stopped sweating and couldn’t walk….There was no place to lay him down without blocking the path and we found a shady spot for him to recline and put his feet up.  I had some Nuun-sport electrolytes which I had put in my water and had been drinking, so I put 2 electolye tablets in ½ bottle of water and tried to get him to drink it…..he was delirious and refused, and I had to force him to drink…he fell asleep and we received water and cold water bottles to put around his neck from passersby.

     Ideally, we would have gotten ER help which he really needed, but there was no way to get emergency care to him and at 6-4 and 230 he was too heavy to carry/drag…and remember we were on the edge of a 200 ft cliff. When he had slept 20 minutes I kept my finger on his pulse and he was thready and fast…..Thankfully he rallied and we got to Vernazza and he walked into the ocean after drinking several glasses of water to cool off and fell asleep on the beach for an hour until he was ready to get on the train back to our hotel….This was one of the scariest times of my life because I knew what to do but didn’t have the IVs, or water or ice or anything to help him.  Remember this and make sure you are always prepared for the worst scenario when you are active in the heat!


    So how do you know when you are getting close to heat stroke?

     You feel weak and out of breath. Your pulse rises, you stop urinating, and you STOP sweating.  You are getting close to heatstroke when you start to feel cold even though the ambient temperature is high.  When you feel dizzy and unstable on your feet…the next thing to happen is vascular collapse

    See the stages of Heat Related Illnesses below, which we are all at risk for! This is from the NEJM.


    Heat-Related Illness Description Treatment Severe illness     Heat stroke A multisystem, life-threatening illness characterized by elevation of the core body temperature (to >40°C) and CNS dysfunction


    Classic heat stroke: most often occurs among older persons with compromised behavioral and physiological compensatory responses to heat exposure

    Exertional heat stroke: most often occurs among healthy persons during extreme physical exertion, which results in excessive metabolic heat generation, often but not always with concomitant ambient heat exposure

    Move patient to cool environment; manage airway, breathing, and circulation; administer rapid cooling with cold-water or ice-water immersion or other means; administer intravenous rehydration; and evacuate to emergency department after on-site cooling is performed. ICU admission is warranted for management of end-organ sequelae. Moderate illness     Heat exhaustion Profound fatigue, weakness, nausea, headache, or dizziness (or a combination of these symptoms) resulting from a decrease in body water content or blood volume due to water or salt depletion from heat exposure; mild elevation (
    Mon, 16 Sep 2024 - 19min
  • 280 - Healthcast 665 - The Male Orgasm and Testosterone

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    In general, I spend my time defending women and the fact that our problems and sexual physiology is ignored, by the governmental powers and physician organizations in the US, so I try to do my part to bring information to women about their hormones and the aging process. Today I am changing my focus to men and the way men’s normal sexual function is considered a “normal” and rarely discussed outside the men’s locker room and or porn sites. So here goes…The fact is that men’s sexuality isn’t just the act of sex, but men spend a lot of their sexual energy on fantasies and just thinking about having sex.  Men’s ability to have an orgasm is not just a wham- bam—thank you…well you know the phrase…and there are many physiologic factors that must work, in the background to bring a man from thinking about sex or desire, to an orgasm.

    Sadly, in the current environment couples don’t talk about sex….they don’t tell their partner what makes them excited or even what they want…. because none of us can read minds, too many of us don’t get what we want when it comes to sex.

    With lack of communication between partners, leads couples to trial and error without a map.  Neither sex knows how the other sex “works”.  I decided to describe the normal series of what men go through on their way to orgasm to educate them and their partners.  In addition, the process is not always the same in each person and as men age the time between the first sexual thought to completion gets longer and longer…sometimes these detours include episodes of losing an erection, sometimes getting it back and sometimes not which leads to frustration of both partners.

    In youth when a man’s free testosterone is high and his arteries are free of plaque, between puberty and age 35, erections may occur often, and they last a long time if the man is stimulated for a long period of time. At this point sex is automatic and easy to complete to orgasm and ejaculation.

    As time goes on, free Testosterone starts to decrease with age, as does the diameter of a man’s arteries…blood flow doesn’t rush to the pelvis to create an erection like it did in youth. The things that lower free testosterone.  What happens with age that cause erections and ejaculation to be less and less automatic and easy?

    T and free T drops after age 35 in most men and becomes critical by age 55, even in healthy men. Ejaculate decreases due to lowering of free T Vasectomies decrease the volume of ejaculate by 1/3 Stress causes free T to decrease. Hypertension causes arteries to contract and deliver less blood to the pelvis for an erection. High blood sugar and diabetes destroys the arteries in the pelvis making blood have a more difficult time getting to the penis. Stress causes Cortisol to rise and free T decreases, Obesity increases the estrogens in men and that decreases free T by binding it with sex hormone protein and inactivating it. Any medication the constricts blood vessels (ADD medicine, Phentermine, speed, etc) decreases blood flow to the pelvis. Some medications that lower blood pressure lower It in the pelvis too low so that men are impotent (e.g. Lisinopril).

    For men who don’t know all these medical, aging changes that happen to most men, these changes cause fear and anxiety which of course makes it worse.  Men who have this issue (most men) are even reticent to talk to me about it and they haven’t talked to their spouse either.

    So here is what I tell them:  You are aging like everyone else, and that fact can’t be changed, however, your lifestyle and your medical health, or poor health is affecting your orgasms and your ability to have sex.  These factors CAN be changed.  You can change your BP medicine to

    one that doesn’t impair erections.  You can get your diabetes or obesity under control, and you can improve your erections.  However, to get it all back you will need testosterone replacement if your free T is under 129 ng/dl. The safest way to accomplish this is with my practice BioBalance® Health…we do it better and know all the tricks to making you healthy productive and potent!

    What is in the ejaculate? mature sperm are mixed with whitish, protein-rich fluids with prostaglandins are produced by the prostate. These fluids nourish and support the sperm so they can live after ejaculation for a limited time to fertilize an egg.  This mixture of fluid and sperm, known as semen, and is what is moves through the urethra in the form of ejaculate.

    Sensory stimulation travels from the skin to the brain and stimulates dopamine and endorphins which are neurotransmitters that make a man fee happily ecstatic during and after an ejaculation.  These neurotransmitters also stimulate the Hypothalamus to make oxytocin, a bonding hormone that binds couples together. Many nerves, vessels and the brain are involved in a successful sexual encounter.

    The culmination of a sexual encounter is complex and involves the whole body. I find it interesting that the “medical view” of orgasm is still divided into 4 different steps when, if you are a male (or even a female who has had sex with a male) the divisions seem very arbitrary and is ALWAYS connected to ejaculation.

    It is a fact that men and women can have sexual intercourse and orgasm without ejaculation.

    The following is how the practice of medicine describes the male sexual act.   In contrast I have educated my patients by comparing sex to a on the fact that men can have orgasms which occur in the brain when endorphins flood the neurons, even without ejaculation.  So I will discuss, the male sexual experience to them, not with the “4 easy steps of male sexual response”, but as a “process” of achieving orgasm in men.  It is more like a recipe, that requires each ingredient to be added in order, but sometimes you can stop in the middle and start again.  It is not always a straight line from sexual desire to orgasm.

    In general, all men need testosterone to have sexual desire, and sexual desire to have sex, however both men and women can be physically or visually stimulated to be aroused without true sexual desire. If the man has a long history of having sex often, then the habit of having a sexual response can be achieved without enough testosterone, however the erection will not necessarily last long enough.   Continued physical stimulation can bypass desire, and therefore testosterone, and a man can be stimulated into having an erection of sorts and into having an orgasm with or without ejaculate

    An erection requires testosterone to become fully erect, however there is a “work around” now and men without testosterone can have an erection with Viagra, Cialis pills, or prostaglandin injections into the penis itself. Men can also have a penile implant placed so they can have sex without testosterone or Viagra/Cialis. However, let’s talk about sex with testosterone in men who have good pelvic blood flow who don’t require medication to become erect.

    The second necessary ingredient after testosterone is stimulation, which can be with touch, visual stimulation, auditory stimulation or even imagination that causes a man to be stimulated. The sexual response to any of these stimulations send messages through the nerves from the brain to the pelvis that dilates his veins and arteries. This sends blood to the penis from the arteries and blocks the veins from draining the blood out.  This creates an erection. Testosterone’s role is to cause the arteries to dilate by stimulating the production of nitric oxide from the arterial walls. Remember the stimulation? The ongoing stimulation (mental, visual, auditory or imaginary) keeps the erection hard with vascular dilation.

    At this point stimulation can be changed or paused and other stimulation can prolong this part of the process.  Holding the base of the penis can keep it hard, or any tight encircling toy can keep the erection from proceeding to orgasm for some time or the erection can go away without continued stimulation.

    The third step is the preparation for orgasm which can last from as long as 30 minutes and as short as 2 minutes. A clear “pre-ejaculate” is produced that lubricates the penis for intercourse, and if ejaculation is to take place there is a “loading of semen” that takes place from the seminal vesicles readying the man for ejaculation.  At this point the penis contracts the muscles quickly in rapid repeating emissions that shoot the semen out of the urethra. This is the orgasm and ejaculation that occur together, which is typical of normal youthful ejaculation.  As men get older the force at which they ejaculate decreases.

    After ejaculation/orgasm the brain is flooded in endorphins, the feel-good neurotransmitters, that make a human feel happy and satisfied.  This is solely the result of the orgasm after a sexual encounter. The feeling of ejaculation does relieve pelvic pressure but is not needed to experience orgasm in most men.

    Medical science has been able supply an assist for desire (testosterone) and erectile function (vasodilation and release of nitric oxide but they have not discovered the “pill” to make ejaculations occur or to improve their volume.  It is important for an aging man to accept that orgasm doesn’t require ejaculation since we don’t have an answer to recreating the youthful ejaculation.  Besides age, vasectomy can also limit ejaculation.  dehydration, vasoconstrictors, anti-hypertensive drugs and diuretics can limit the volume of the ejaculate as well.

    After the “process of sexual orgasm” the penis loses tumescence, blood leaves the pelvis and overall relaxation occurs throughout the body. Then a period of time must pass before another erection can occur.  Over time some “twice a day men” can turn into once every week…..this can be changed by practicing…..having sex more often.

    The sexual response in both men and women is more like a symphony with several movements, than a recipe, but it is definitely not a series of steps that is followed in every human in every circumstance. It is the job of the physician to help patients both understand and live with any variations in the sexual process.  Much of what I do is act as a teacher to my patients who need to understand their own bodies and any dysfunctions thereof.  Understanding becomes treatment over time.

    Mon, 16 Sep 2024 - 19min
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