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Business Woman

Business Woman

Business Woman

Business Woman is a platform for woman

1 - Introduction of Business Woman
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  • 1 - Introduction of Business Woman

    There has been an uptrend in the number of startups and new businesses in India. A majority of these have been founded by men. Even though many Indian women have ambitions towards starting their own business, they reportedly constitute only about 14% of the total entrepreneurship in India. 

    India has been found to be in a group of countries where women business owners, as well as women leaders and professionals, struggle with less favourable conditions, pronounced cultural biases, and a lack of business resources such as finances, capital, training, and development.

    In such a chaotic and biased world, BUSINESSWOMAN is here to assist you every way possible ranging from consultancy for starting your own business, training programs, set up programs to essential topics like earning, saving, spending habits and various investment options for your security and better financial standing.

    We understand your dream and we can help you achieve.

    Thu, 26 Nov 2020 - 01min