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Linda Yoonjin

Podcast by Linda Yoonjin

39 - Episode 39: Setting Goals You Can Achieve (Feat. Erin Falconer from PickTheBrain)
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  • 39 - Episode 39: Setting Goals You Can Achieve (Feat. Erin Falconer from PickTheBrain)

    In this podcast, I talk about SETTING GOALS YOU CAN ACHIEVE with Erin Falconer, the editor-in-chief and co-owner of PickTheBrain. We may attempt to make many goals in our lives but may find ourselves often discouraged that we aren't able to (1) achieve them or (2) stick to them without giving up. From Erin's own success with creating PickTheBrain, which Forbes has named one of the "Top 100 Most Influential Sites for Women," she gives her insights into how she achieved her goals and what factors to keep in mind for achieving yours too. QUESTIONS ASKED IN THE PODCAST: 1. Why should we set goals? 2. Are goals really achievable? How can I transition from goals being something real in my life versus just a pipe dream? 3. What are some common bad habits and/or mistakes you see that prevent people from achieving their goals or making "bad goals"? 4. How can I stay motivated to reach my long term goals when they seem hard or almost impossible? 5. How can I stay focused when I have many goals I'm working on at the same time? 6. What is the most important thing to do in goal setting? What are the important markers I should hit when setting goals to guarantee success? 7. How can our audience get connected to you?

    Mon, 04 Nov 2019 - 29min
  • 38 - Episode 38: Creating A Conscious Business (Feat. Anna Choi)

    Now more than ever, consumers are supporting and purchasing from businesses with a conscious mission. Anna Choi is a conscious business coach who helps her clients focus their energy to attract more customers in less time and scale their impact on the world. Her key message is creating a new normal economy based on the "quadruple bottom line." QUESTIONS DISCUSSED 1. How would you define a "conscious business?" Is it different from a social enterprise? 2. What is the quadruple bottom line? 3. Is it really possible to make a profit while taking care of the Earth? 4. What are some examples of social enterprises that we see out there? 5. How can I vote better with my dollar? How can I make my daily purchases more mindful? 6. What tips do you have for someone who wants to start a conscious business? 7. How do I free up more time to grow my business?

    Mon, 04 Nov 2019 - 27min
  • 37 - Episode 37: What Is An Earth Citizen, And Are You One?

    Earth Citizens will save the world. Are you one? Questions discussed: 1. What is an Earth Citizen? 2. What is the Earth Citizen spirit? 3. Why do we need it? 4. Can it really fix our problems? If so, what? 5. How can I become one or get involved? 6. What daily actions can I take to live as an Earth Citizen?

    Mon, 15 Jul 2019 - 22min
  • 36 - Episode 36: Are You Addicted To Food? (Feat. Gillian Riley from

    Gillian Riley is the author of 5 books related to curbing addiction. She is also a TEDx speaker and an expert on the science of food and nicotine addiction. Questions discussed: 1. Are humans addicted to food? 2. What is the science of food addiction? 3. How much of hunger is "real hunger?" 4. What are the benefits of eating less? 5. How can I naturally eat less without causing myself to feel stressed or starved?

    Tue, 09 Jul 2019 - 24min
  • 35 - Episode 35: Let's Talk Procrastination (Feat. Victor Step from Growth Evolution Development)

    Guest Speaker: Victor Step, Creator of Growth Evolution Development Questions discussed: 1. What's your story with procrastination? 2. What is the cause of procrastination? 3. Is there a way to "avoid" procrastination? 4. What are some good habits or tips to be more diligent and proactive? 6. If there's something that I'm procrastinating on right now, what can I do at this moment to get motivated to start?

    Tue, 09 Jul 2019 - 28min
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