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Channeling Wisdom from higher dimensions

Channeling Wisdom from higher dimensions

Moumita Paul

Moumita is a transformative coach, clairaudient, and gifted vocal channeler. As a vocal channeler, Moumita brings through divine wisdom of extraterrestrial and higher dimensional beings.

She enters into an altered state of consciousness and allows beings like Archangel Michael, The Arcturian Council of 7, Nomura Lemurians, HOD, etc. speak through her voice.
Through her channeling sessions, individuals have gained a deeper understanding of the spiritual significance of their life events, formed profound connections with their inner selves and spirit guides, and received mind-blowing insights into spirituality and metaphysics.

With a wealth of experience and a strong commitment to her client’s well-being, Moumita is a beacon of inspiration for those seeking profound healing & purposeful life.

Check out her website for full video transmission details, courses, workshops, and upcoming live channeling events where you can participate & ask questions to these beings:

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60 - What are Archetypes and How is your life's theme connected to them?
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  • 60 - What are Archetypes and How is your life's theme connected to them?

    I woke up at 3 am and had a tremendous revelation on archetypes out of the blue! I had to channel Yeshua to understand archetypes better. These topics are more intellectual & metaphysical than usual, especially in part 2 of the video. 

    These 2 videos explore the vast connection between God, space, archetypes, and other entities like the eggregors, your role in this universe, and how everything is connected. I recorded the part 2 separately.

    This video explains - 

    What are Archetypes? Archetypes are fundamental themes or patterns that shape our experiences and personality. They are like mini-consciousness entities within us. e.g. healer, warrior, victim, wounded healer, lovers, etc The Connection to Your Life Theme: Your life theme is a combination of archetypes that you've chosen to experience. Archetypes and Egregores: Egregores are collective consciousness formed around specific beliefs, while archetypes are individual themes that influence your life. The Role of Archetypes in Your Life: Archetypes guide your choices, experiences, and personal growth. The Journey of Archetypal Development: You experience various archetypes throughout your life, maturing in some and moving on to others. The Impact of Archetypes on Your Reality: Archetypes influence your thoughts, emotions, and actions, shaping your experiences. The Importance of Archetypal Awareness: Understanding your archetypes can help you navigate your life's path and unlock your full potential.


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    Mon, 02 Sep 2024 - 29min
  • 59 - How You Create Your Reality - Part 2

    1st part of this video:


    This video delves deeper into the concept of creating your reality, building on the foundation laid in the previous video.

      The Higher Self Bubble: Your reality exists within a personal "higher self bubble," which includes everything you perceive. Collective Consciousness: The collective consciousness of humanity and the Earth also contributes to your reality. The Power of Belief: Your beliefs shape your perception and, consequently, your reality. Frequency Matching: Connecting with others occurs when your higher self bubbles align in frequency. The Illusion of Distance: Physical distance is irrelevant as experiences are created within your consciousness. The Importance of State of Being: Your current emotional and mental state directly influences your reality. The Body as a Mind: Your body houses your mind (it's not just in your brain), and your physical and emotional well-being are interconnected. The Power of Self-Love: Treating yourself with love and respect attracts similar experiences and people. The Multiverse and Parallel Realities: There are countless versions of yourself in different realities, and your choices determine which one you experience. The Importance of Personal Growth: By understanding how you create your reality, you can make conscious choices to improve your life.
    Mon, 19 Aug 2024 - 16min
  • 58 - Alien-Human Hybrid Children: The Extraterrestrial Lineage (Channeling The Annunakis)

    Summary of this video:

    - Humans are hybrids: The human species is a result of a hybridization between Homo erectus and an extraterrestrial species.

    - The Role of Extraterrestrials: Introduces the concept of extraterrestrial beings as benevolent beings seeking connection with humanity.

    - The importance of hybridization: It's essential for species evolution and strength.

    - The current hybridization agenda: This program involves humans and extraterrestrial beings to create a more advanced species.

    - The Galactic Federation's role: They oversee the hybridization program to ensure its ethical and beneficial outcome.

    - The Importance of Heart-Centered Living: Emphasizes the significance of connecting with your inner self and operating from a place of love and openness.

    - The importance of personal growth: To prepare for contact with extraterrestrials, you can raise your vibration and let go of negativity.

    - The Ascension Process: Explains how personal growth and transformation are essential for connecting with higher dimensions and extraterrestrial beings.


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    Previous Annunaki video about themselves:

    Mon, 12 Aug 2024 - 22min
  • 57 - What are limiting beliefs - it's biology - Part 2

    Link to the first limiting belief video as mentioned: I channeled the answer to what beliefs are biologically speaking. This is a detailed explanation of how you create beliefs and what exactly they are, chemically speaking. Most researches focus on the psychology of beliefs, but very few research articles were present on the physical nature of it. I also share the mind-body connection and how beliefs are present throughout your body! In this video, I shared: - The Impact of Beliefs on Reality: Your beliefs shape your perception of the world and create your experiences. - The Formation of Limiting Beliefs: These can stem from childhood trauma, ancestral patterns, past lives, or even adoptive family environments. - The Biological Basis of Beliefs: Limiting beliefs create specific neural pathways, affecting how your brain and body function. - The Role of Emotions: Negative emotions reinforce limiting beliefs and prevent them from being released. -The Power of Releasing Limiting Beliefs: By releasing these beliefs, you can transform your life in various areas, including relationships, career, and overall well-being. - Shifting Your Timeline: Changing your beliefs can lead to significant shifts in your life and create new possibilities. - Becoming Your True Self: Overcoming limiting beliefs allows you to connect with your authentic self and live a more fulfilling life.

    Tue, 30 Jul 2024 - 19min
  • 56 - Is Your Destiny Fixed? Channeling Green Tara

    Is destiny fixed or malleable? I loved channeling Green Tara (female Buddha) to clear some of the doubts & confusion I had about fate & parallel realities. In this video, you will discover: * Destiny is a Paradox: It's both predetermined and influenced by free will. * Destiny as Unfolding Your Theme: You choose a specific theme to experience in life, and your personality is designed to explore that theme. * Free Will and Destiny: You have free will to make choices, but your personality construct influences your choices. * Destiny is Fluid: While there are predictable choices in the short term, your destiny can change significantly in the long term through personal growth. * Destiny is a Result of Your Choices: The choices you make based on your current perspective shape your destiny. * You Can Change Your Destiny: By making conscious changes to yourself, you can drastically alter your destiny.


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    10% Discount code on vocal channeling workshop: CHANNEL

    Tue, 23 Jul 2024 - 18min
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