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Cotton Eye Joe

Cotton Eye Joe

Cotton Eyed Joe

Have you ever wondered why most legal pads are yellow? Have you ever wondered who invented the lighthouse? Have you ever wondered why the Minions are? Well, Asher and Jackson don't have answers to all of those (specifically the last one) but they aim to find out. Where did it come from? Where will it go?

4 - 004: Are Mustaches Creepy?
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  • 4 - 004: Are Mustaches Creepy?

    Why mustaches creepy?

    Thu, 20 Feb 2020 - 33min
  • 3 - 003: Okay

    It's pretty crazy to me that words have origins. I mean what did the creation of language look like? And what specifically did the creation of this one word look like? Was it racist? I sure hope not, but I also always unironically type "aight" instead so I'm not too word.

    Mon, 10 Feb 2020 - 24min
  • 2 - 002: Daylight Savings Time

    This week we talk about one of the weirdest things we have to deal with in our modern world and we dive into something nobody really understands the history or reasoning for. No, I'm also glad we're not talking about Bill Cosby.

    Tue, 10 Dec 2019 - 20min
  • 1 - 001: The Song

    Y'all know we had to do it to em, right? This first, pinnacle episode of our show, we talk about where the song Cotton Eye Joecame from and where it and the show are gonna go.

    Wed, 04 Dec 2019 - 25min