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Driven by Father Joe’s twin sister’s unwavering determination to get justice for her brother, an unlikely friendship with an outcast Priest and the autopsy tech who alongside the famous Dr. Cyril Wecht, exhume the body, perform a second autopsy and find disturbing evidence that should prove this could not have been a suicide.From the creators of Seven Deadly Sinners comes a podcast investigating a True Cold Case, Hosts and Producers Rachael O’Brien and Greg Hunter work along side Father Joe’s twin sister Sue and former autopsy tech, Joe Wedge, to expose the Diocese for what it really is - Deadly.For years the Buffalo Diocese has been covering up abuse, hiding money, exploiting children and adult men alike - This podcast investigates, boots on the ground in Buffalo, and unravels the cover up of the mysterious death of Father Joe Moreno.
- 21 - S2 Ep2: Godwinks, Secrets & IP AddressesThu, 12 Dec 2024
- 20 - S2 Ep1: The ComputerThu, 28 Nov 2024
- 19 - 16: Justice For Father Joe
Father Joe was a spiritual Hero and his Legend will live on for years and years to come. We will continue to fight for Justice for Father Joe until his soul can rest with the truth uncovered.
Thu, 29 Jun 2023 - 18 - 15: The Chaplain of Ground Zero
Father Joe was a great man, nothing makes this more evident than his call to Ground Zero on September 11th 2001. Despite every flight in the country being grounded that day, Father Joe somehow was on a flight later that morning to New York City. He managed to make it past the last civilian stop on the subway and onto the “pile” as it was called. He was made NYPD Police Chaplain that same day, and ministered to hundreds of first responders that needed spiritual guidance in the midst of 1.8 million tons of wreckage left from the collapse of the World Trade Center, where to begin? how to continue? In the 7th months he was at ground zero Father Joe made such an impact on the heroic effort that he was personally thanked by: President George Bush, New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, New York City Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta, The CEO of Marsh, Fema, The FBI, ATF, The Red Cross, and the NYPD.
Wed, 14 Jun 2023 - 17 - 14: The Petition
You guys have probably seen a petition on before and in 2023 there is no better medium to use for a petition - it’s easy, effective and you don’t even have to create an account to sign - you simply go to and sign you name.
Wed, 31 May 2023 - 15 - 13: Buffalo Is A TheocracyWed, 17 May 2023
- 14 - 12: Seven Deadly Sinners Bonus Episode: Tony & Susan AlamoWed, 03 May 2023
- 13 - 11: The Anonymous Letter
We reveal the contents of an anonymous letter mailed to Sue Moreno right before we started this podcast with no return address.
Wed, 19 Apr 2023 - 12 - 10: The Secrets of October 13th
So when we left off we we’re in Buffalo on October 12th… We we’re at Sue’s house and we just had met with Frank - the day before the 10 year anniversary of Father Joe’s passing on October 13th, 2012 - which happens to be quite a cosmic anniversary in the Catholic world; 105 years earlier in Portugal, the Miracle of Fatima took place - and as we are leaving Sue’s after interviewing Frank for hours, the clock strikes midnight and he mentions Fatima. A miracle that Pope Pius XII himself said he witnessed in 1950 and ruled it a true miracle. It is a pretty epic modern miracle that occurred in the 20th century and is recognized by the church and we find it very peculiar the dates coincide with Father Joe’s passing. The Miracle of Fatima… started in the beginning of spring 1916, three Catholic shepherd children living near Fátima, Portugal reported apparitions of an angel.
Wed, 05 Apr 2023 - 11 - 9: French Provincial Furniture (The Lone Priest)
The Lone Priest, Father Robert Marino, was known for his love of French Provincial Furniture - Did he leave a clue behind about his suspect number 1 hidden somewhere is his beloved French Provincial Furniture collection?
Wed, 22 Mar 2023 - 10 - 8: Frank TruthWed, 08 Mar 2023
- 9 - 7: The Hand & The Gun
The ruling is that a man shot himself with his non-dominant injured hand in the back of the head....
Fri, 24 Feb 2023 - 8 - 6: The Autopsy with Ash + Alaina from MorbidThu, 09 Feb 2023
- 6 - 5: Lottery Tickets and Taxes
We left off last episode at the crime scene the day Father Joe died… however to understand the circumstances surrounding a rectory that is now taped off and crawling with cops, fire fighters and first responders we must push the clock back even farther and rewind another month to September 12th 2012 when the diocese requests Father Joe to do an audit of St. Lawrence.
Fri, 27 Jan 2023 - 5 - 4: The Crime SceneThu, 12 Jan 2023
- 4 - 3: The Exhumation
Rewind back to the Spring of 2015; where we left off last episode - Bishop Malone is still sleeping soundly in his bougie abode on Oakland Place - Joe Wedge has been asked to help exhume a body by a Priest, Father Rob Marino - Joe says he can’t turn down a favor from a Priest and he and Rob are friends after all…. There was no gun in the casket but they do find a curious second suture - was there a 2nd bullet wound? Perhaps the brain will offer more insight.
Thu, 29 Dec 2022 - 3 - 2: Buffalo or Bust
Rachael and Greg travel to Buffalo to meet former autopsy tech Joe Wedge, Sue Moreno and Joe Moreno Sr. and discuss the suspicious details of Father Joe's death.
Wed, 21 Dec 2022 - 2 - 1: The Phone CallWed, 21 Dec 2022
- 1 - Deadly Diocese - Premieres December 21
The suspicious death of a whistleblower priest leaves clues of corruption, abuse, and a deadly coverup the Buffalo Diocese has been engaging in for decades.
Thu, 08 Dec 2022
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