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Dr. Mike Mayer Psychologist & Motivational Speaker
Dr. Mike Mayer discusses psychological concerns with both business and family life. Relationships exist with business partners, employees, family members, friends, and other people you engage with on a daily basis. Dr. Mayer offers suggestions for these relationships based on psychological principles.
- 194 - When Life Presents Challenges, What Do We Do?
From health to emotions so interactions with others we deal with challenges all the time. How we deal with them is significant. We have the ability to bring about change and you have to believe that to overcome challenges. Learn more here...
Thu, 06 Jan 2022 - 6min - 193 - Are We Making a Difference in the World?
What can you do to make a difference in someone's life? Do you want to make a difference for someone? Can you help them learn something that helps them live a better life, or can you help them with something they have difficulty doing on their own? Can you live your life in a way that helps impact others in a productive way? Listen more to lean more...
Thu, 09 Dec 2021 - 6min - 192 - Can a Person Love Someone Too Much?
No matter how we define love, loving someone unconditionally is very important but may seem impossible? We must also protect ourselves from someone who might hurt us. Can we love ourselves too much? If we think of no one else but ourselves we may not have experienced true love. Learn more now...
Thu, 18 Nov 2021 - 7min - 191 - What is Your Story?
Does your story change? Where do your stories come from, lessons learned, interactions with others, outside influential events? If we are asked to tell our story, what would we say, what would we focus on, and how do we want our stories to be remembered? How are stories from the past influential in our lives today? Listen more now...
Thu, 28 Oct 2021 - 7min - 190 - How do we get along if we don’t believe and the same thing?
Can we be flexible and open-minded when we look for answers? Can we try to understand, not agree, with an opposing viewpoint? Is it necessary for everyone to agree? Can we think differently and not interfere with the rights of others to live differently? Were we ever taught to do this? Learn more and listen now.
Thu, 07 Oct 2021 - 6min - 189 - Suggestions on Things to be Grateful for Each Day
Consider the things you are grateful for, those we take for granted, and those we don't; a home, an education, a job, access to food, natural resources, freedom, and much more. Listen now to find out more.
Thu, 16 Sep 2021 - 5min - 188 - Why Change Anything in Our Lives?
Is self-evaluation a good thing and who sets the standards on how we judge ourselves? What is an acceptable standard to live by? What questions do we need to ask ourselves and do we take time to think about these questions? Learn more here...
Thu, 26 Aug 2021 - 7min - 187 - Changing Habits Could Help Make our Lives Better for Us and for Those Around Us
Some habits we may need to change require some introspection. While it is important to take care of ourselves first so we can help others, we should be aware of how our beliefs and actions affect others. There is more to learn than we already know. Setting personal boundaries and keeping them can make better more effective lives for ourselves. Learn more and listen now...
Thu, 05 Aug 2021 - 5min - 186 - Remembering Ways to Help Us Manage Our Stress
Ready to practice some stress release measures? Consider these methods... identity what is causing you stress, ask for help, have a plan b in mind, practice relaxation techniques. Listen now to learn more.
Thu, 15 Jul 2021 - 5min - 185 - Mistakes: How Do We Benefit From Them?
Can we accept the mistakes we make? Ask yourself what did you do to contribute to the failure, how it affects others? This can help us grow. We will make mistakes even in our areas of expertise. The value of learning can outweigh the embarrassment of making a mistake. Listen now to learn more.
Thu, 24 Jun 2021 - 6min - 184 - Relationships: How Do They Influence Our Lives?
From the Obvious to the subtle, many relationships touch our lives. We can reduce the negative influences, as strong as they may seem. The way we think is the way we feel. How are we in a relationship, what legacies to we leave behind?
Thu, 03 Jun 2021 - 5min - 183 - Tips on How to Use Mistakes as a Way to Success
These suggestions can help you turn your mistakes into a success. Knowing the steps can help you get through and learn from the mistake vs repeat it.
Thu, 06 May 2021 - 5min - 182 - Can we dare to be who we would like to be?
What would you do if you had to stretch yourself in a new way? What are the small things and what are the big things that we are afraid to move forward with. What meaningful changes can you make?
Thu, 15 Apr 2021 - 6min - 181 - What hinders our progress in achieving mental wellness?
Are we aware that we have an issue that is affecting those around us? Are our responses to life causing us and those close to us problems? Anger, Sadness, Addiction, Perfection, Bad Relationships... etc. The list goes on. Could this be affecting our mental health?
Thu, 25 Mar 2021 - 7min - 180 - Do We Know Our Own History?
What we initially learned in life can be the hardest to change. A lot of different sources help us grow and change. We take this all in to become the person we are today. Our words take on different meetings due to our life experiences and genetic make up. Listen to find out more...
Thu, 04 Mar 2021 - 6min - 179 - Couples Covid and Stress: Some solutions for couples dealing with pandemic-caused challenges.
Couples and families are having more time together than ever before and no personal space to deal with challenges. Here are some tips to help couples get through. Listen now!
Thu, 11 Feb 2021 - 6min - 178 - Why Would Anyone Need to Talk to Another Person About One’s Own Issues of Life’s Concerns?
Choose wisely someone who is a good listener that you can feel comfortable with. Where do you find this person? How will you feel after you have released some of your thoughts and feelings? Listen now to learn more.
Thu, 21 Jan 2021 - 5min - 177 - What do we need to know about life in 2021?
Food for thought, be a better listener, find the good in others, are you content with your purpose in life, do you behave as you want others to emulate, do you know how to love others... learn more
Wed, 30 Dec 2020 - 6min - 176 - What is the Influence of Appreciation and Praise in our Lives?
Appreciation and Praise are more powerful motivators than money and physical intimacies. Some things you can do include: be polite and respectful, as people for their solutions for a problem, don't give orders, listen, be positive. Listen now to learn more.
Thu, 10 Dec 2020 - 6min - 175 - Needed Reminders: What are the positive things in our lives?
Daily reminders of the powerfulness of the positives that do exist in our lives. There is a choice as to where we focus our energies. Enjoy the positive feelings that do exist between people, things, and events. Make a list of positives in your life and then when you are frustrated think about an item from this list. End your day by recalling two positive feelings or experiences that occurred to positively influence your day.
Wed, 18 Nov 2020 - 6min - 174 - Entitlement: What do you think you are entitled to?
Entitlement involves a responsivity to at in an appropriate ways to others. What is one entitled to? Can you change your expectations of entitlement? Learn more here.
Thu, 29 Oct 2020 - 7min - 173 - What are some lies that prevent powerful results?
Lies we tell ourselves... It can never happen. Complaining is OK. Ill fix it later.... Things that paralyze us and keep us from creating a better life for ourselves.
Wed, 07 Oct 2020 - 6min - 172 - What are some tips to obtaining a positive attitude?
What takes place in this world is not as important as how we view it. Put things in perspective. Is our stress and frustration really worth it? Have something to look forward to. Looking forward can keep you focused and excited. Help others, there is no better way to forget about your worries than to help others with theirs. Listen now to learn more.
Thu, 17 Sep 2020 - 7min - 171 - What people do you trust enough to share your deepest thoughts and concerns with?
To talk to someone about things they have to understand confidentiality, be a good listener. We must respect their opinions. What would we share with them?
Tue, 25 Aug 2020 - 6min - 170 - What are some steps to success?
Learn 7 steps to help you succeed at your goals. We all want to make a difference and fulfill our dreams.
Wed, 15 Jul 2020 - 6min - 169 - Aristotle: Is He Still Relevant Today?
Learn from 5 quotes by Aristotle to live a better life today. Consider new concepts and change what is in your power to change.
Wed, 03 Jun 2020 - 6min - 168 - Tools: What tools can help us in tough times?
Looking for some tools to get through these times. Dr. Mike Mayer has some tips for you. We all have different strengths and challenges. Learn about some tools that you have at hand to help you through this.
Wed, 13 May 2020 - 7min - 167 - What Are we Forgetting?
Fear which is common in these times needs to be replaced with hope for the future. Can we take actions to reduce our fear such as washing hands, and taking precautions. We have the time to get closer and be a family unit. Don't forget that joy and happiness can come in small packages. Each one of us has the potential to adapt to life's challenges.
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 - 8min - 166 - Challenges: How are we meeting them?
In the time of Covid-19 we need to meet this challenge in a personally successful way. Yet it can overwhelm us in all it's negative effects. Do not shut down and let fear be your only answers. Fight fear with real answers you can do to protect yourself and others. Do something to help the situation. Redirect yourself to activities and accomplish tasks.
Thu, 02 Apr 2020 - 7min - 165 - Differences: How do we handle them?
What are the unmovable beliefs we have about what makes us different? Can we change those beliefs? Can we look at the beliefs of others with an open mind and heart? Can we open our belief systems to new ideas or flexibility?
Tue, 10 Mar 2020 - 6min - 164 - Wealth: What does this mean to us?
Wealth means different things to different people. We come by our concept of wealth through our family of origin and our experiences. Can we broaden our concept of wealth to include the many ways we can reach others lives and share with them our many wealth's we posses as a person.
Wed, 19 Feb 2020 - 6min - 163 - Fathers: are we aware of our importance as Fathers?
The love of a father is never forgotten. The goal is to be awesome father that leaves their children with the feeling of being loved and the skills to regulate their behaviors.
Wed, 29 Jan 2020 - 5min - 162 - Marriage: What do we need to teach our children about it?
How can we show our children what they need to be, look for and do in a marriage? How do we show trust, commitment, and the qualities needed for a successful relationship?
Wed, 08 Jan 2020 - 7min - 161 - Our Gift: What Will it Be and To Whom?
At this busy time when everyone is trying to gift gifts to so many people we often forget the caring and loving that should go with the process. Let them know you care about them and how they have positively effected your lives.
Wed, 18 Dec 2019 - 5min - 160 - Self V. Others: Which is a Priority? When?
Start with self. Do we take care of our selves, our body, our emotions, out spirit? Loving and accepting ourselves is a must to understand our lives. Next is others. When we do something for ourselves how does it impact others? We must find joy in life but not at the sacrifice of others.
Thu, 05 Dec 2019 - 6min - 159 - Opportunities: Do we take them or let them pass by?Wed, 13 Nov 2019 - 6min
- 158 - Successful People: What are some traits of Successful People?
Can you emulate some of these traits? They are willing to take the time and energy to be their best. They work hard, get up early, rarely complain, expect hard work, they study and ask questions, and they know lots of people. Listen now to learn more.
Tue, 22 Oct 2019 - 157 - Reasons: What are the Reasons we do the things we do?
Do our actions have roots in our families or origin? Do experiences dictate our future? We are stronger than our pasts.
Thu, 03 Oct 2019 - 7min - 156 - Go Ahead and do Anything You Want: Does that Sound Good?
What would you do if you could do anything you wanted for a day or a week? Would you sleep all day or accomplish a task you want to get done. Would you enjoy life now?
Wed, 04 Sep 2019 - 155 - Stereotypes: Are we guilty of Stereotyping others?Wed, 14 Aug 2019 - 7min
- 154 - Success: What should we give to others to achieve success?
Giving others our passion to others and fire others up. When you give others our energy it can become contagious and we will feel it coming back to us. Give others our experience that can help them make their lives more meaningful.
Wed, 24 Jul 2019 - 6min - 153 - Dare to Care: Care about What?Wed, 03 Jul 2019 - 6min
- 152 - Helping Yourself (PART 1): What can I learn from self and others?
Don't bite off more than you can chew? When is too much too much? Slow down and enjoy some what what you have bitten off.
Thu, 25 Apr 2019 - 6min - 151 - PROBLEMS: Why Don’t They Go Away and Leave US Alone?
Try a new approach, brain store new solutions, get advice and grow yourself. Doing the same thing that did not work last time will not make your problems go away.
Wed, 03 Apr 2019 - 7min - 150 - Friends: What are some ways to be a better friend?
Are you taking the steps to have friends and to be one. Friendship starts with liking ourselves, it continues with several steps including choosing your friends wisely, listening and reaching out. Learn more...
Mon, 18 Mar 2019 - 7min - 149 - Positives is this an extension of our selves to others?
When we put positive actions into the world are we putting an extension of our selves out there for others? We all want to reach a goal, do a good deed, relaxing and enjoying life. How can we be the positive in our lives?
Challenge your preconceived actions, habits and even figures of speech. Do not assume because you believe something that it is true for others? What are the appropriate boundaries in love?
Wed, 30 Jan 2019 - 6min - 147 - Happiness, look for the bright spots.
Get the most happiness out of life. Take a picture a day of something that brings you happiness. Surround yourself with joyous people. Start conversations with power leads that spark positive conversation vs venting. Stop waiting for XYZ to happy before you can be happy. Focus on the now.
Thu, 10 Jan 2019 - 8min - 146 - Memories can Help Shape your Future
Memory is a significant part of our daily lives. We can influence what we remember in the future. We can re-remember the positive to help us have a productive future.
Wed, 05 Dec 2018 - 7min - 145 - Self Confidence, do we have it, when we need it?
There is self confidence in general and then there is self confidence in specific situations. What we learn about ourselves growing up greatly influences our views on our selves and our self confidence.
Wed, 14 Nov 2018 - 6min - 144 - Where do we Learn Respect for Others?
Where does it come from and where do we need to practice it. Respect is earned and not just given. The difficult lesson is that we must give respect to receive respect. Are we bias in who we respect?
Wed, 24 Oct 2018 - 8min - 143 - Work Health: How do we, our co-workers, and our boss affect our productivity?
Your attitude influences the entire staff, office, workplace either positively or negatively. Have you checked your attitude recently?
Wed, 28 Jun 2017 - 6min - 142 - Marriage: Are we the same person we were when we married?
A big factor in marriage failing is the unwillingness to a partner to accept change. To stay married it helps to be able to embrace change.
Thu, 08 Jun 2017 - 6min - 141 - Stigma of Mental Illness: What can we do about it?
Research suggests that the majority of people have negative attitudes towards people with mental illness. It behooves all of us to better understand mental illness.
Wed, 24 May 2017 - 6min - 140 - Hints: What questions do we need to ask to better understand our behavior?
What do you know about the way you behave and are you willing to ask yourself questions to find some answers?
Thu, 11 May 2017 - 5min - 139 - Partnerships: Are you a good partner?
What are some common qualities that can either make the partnership grow or cause problems that could make it fail?
Fri, 21 Apr 2017 - 5min - 138 - Important: What is really important in our life?Mon, 17 Apr 2017 - 6min
- 137 - Confidant: is a Confidant Good for Your Mental Health?
What concerns can you talk out with your confident? Are they a sounding board or an adviser? Find potential solutions, relieve concerns and stress while building trust with a confidant. Confidentiality and trust are key.
Wed, 14 Mar 2018 - 6min - 136 - Resilience, do you have it?
Some days we feel like we do and some days we don't. Some times you have to face diversity before you can know if you have it. Keep moving forward towards our goals.
Tue, 02 Oct 2018 - 7min - 135 - Unhappy and Miserable, 8 steps to take to stay on this route.
Follow these 8 principles to remain unhappy and continue to be miserable. Change these negative patterns to be happier and more content with life. Considering these lists could change your path.
Wed, 12 Sep 2018 - 5min - 134 - 5 Steps to Change a Behavior
Changing behaviors can help you lead a better and more content life. 1) Need to want to change and must involve intellect, body, emotions and even your spiritual motives. 2) Knowing what specifically needs to change, what is driving our anger or our obsessions. 3) Follow through with a doable plan to create a new habit. 4) Validate out successes by truly feeling the joy. 5) Review what worked and get through blocks that keep us from succeeding.
Wed, 22 Aug 2018 - 6min - 133 - Relationships: Is this what life is about?
When we look at relationships closely we see that someone or something is influencing our emotions in one way or another. Find the good in every relationship you choose to participate in. Learn to tolerate others differences as well as your own. Make your own meaningful and rewarding relationships in life.
Wed, 08 Aug 2018 - 7min - 132 - 3 more challenges to improve your life skills.
Re-frame and manage disappointment and aversion. See setbacks as opportunities. See failure as an event not an identity. Be open to new information and be willing to change your mind. Create a habit to motivate yourself.
Wed, 11 Jul 2018 - 7min - 131 - 3 Challenges to Improve Your Life Skills
To live a life that is less reactive it is necessary to put the Ego in it's place. View situations with clarity. It takes two to do this but it has to start somewhere. This podcast looks at the Spotlight Effect, Egocentric Behavior and Self Awareness.
Wed, 27 Jun 2018 - 5min - 130 - Quick Tips for a Better Life
Things to avoid and things to embrace to find the peace and contentment we all deserve. Focus on purpose. We all have something to offer the world. Try these tips to work towards a better life.
Tue, 05 Jun 2018 - 5min - 129 - Past Present and Future. How has the past influenced you?
How has your past influenced you? The past is there to learn from to help you get the most from the present. Do you use the present wisely? Is your present life preparing you for the future?
Wed, 16 May 2018 - 5min - 128 - Respect: is Respect Becoming More Difficult to Show to Others?
We are the ones that individually decide who we will respect. Are we respecting more people or fewer people? Is our personal criteria more stringent or are there fewer people deserving of our respect? Respect is earned not just given, yet we need to give respect to receive respect. Respect does not necessarily require agreement.
Wed, 11 Apr 2018 - 8min - 127 - Past Experiences. What did we learn from our parents?Wed, 28 Feb 2018 - 6min
- 126 - Authority – Is authority losing it’s respect
All of us realize that most people do not like to be told what to do. Yet, all of us must realize that in order to get alone in this world we need to comply with appropriate and fair leaders.
Fri, 08 Dec 2017 - 5min - 125 - Validation – How important is it to give and receive?
Realistically, we all like the positive feelings of expressing validation. This validation includes those from our children, our spouse, our friends, our boss and our co-workers. Do you give validation to others? We should.
Mon, 22 Jan 2018 - 6min - 104 - Wishes, what do we do to make them come true?
Generally, we should use wishes to bring about a change for the "good" in ourselves or for others. Use wishes as a motivator.
Thu, 28 Dec 2017 - 7min - 103 - Work Relationships: Do the co-workers at your workplace work well together?
How does the discord at work influence your mental health? Working as part of a team can make your workplace more efficient and more enjoyable. Yet you have to ask yourself... are you a team player? Do you have negative co-workers, gossips or slackers at your workplace?
Fri, 17 Nov 2017 - 8min - 102 - Two – Do two people work well together?
With differing types of "two" people combinations they all would work better together if they wold be more other centered as well as ... (listen to the podcast to find out.)
Wed, 25 Oct 2017 - 7min - 101 - Apologize – Have we ever apologized to anyone for anything?
An apology can show that we are not always right and we do make mistakes. Who do we need to apologize to and are we willing to do so?
Wed, 27 Sep 2017 - 7min - 100 - Everyone – are you a part of “everyone”?
These "everyone's". how do we include them in our lives? Do we care, does it matter how the "everyone" lives on this planet?
Wed, 13 Sep 2017 - 6min - 99 - Gifts – Are you a giving person?
To me a gift is an effort on someone's part to extend an appreciation in some way to another person without expecting anything in return. Do you do this? Love is a gift!
Wed, 09 Aug 2017 - 5min - 98 - Resentments: Do we continue to let them affect us?
Resentment is an emotionally debilitating condition that when unresolved can have a variety of negative results on the person experiencing it. Have you let go of your resentment?
Wed, 19 Jul 2017 - 7min - 97 - How to Reduce Workplace Stress. Reminders:
So who we are and how we handle stress will greatly influence our ability to handle any stress at work.
Wed, 24 Feb 2016 - 6min - 96 - The Perfect Day, Is There Such a Day?
There is no perfect day, but to make it better, we need to start looking at making each part of the day more meaningful.
Thu, 11 Feb 2016 - 6min - 95 - The Past: Can we let go of it?
We need to be truthful with ourselves about how we feel, still angry, sad, anxious, in order to get unstuck. Yet holding out for the possibility that someday you will feel better.
Fri, 22 Jan 2016 - 6min - 94 - New Year’s Changes: Do we know what to change in ourselves?
There are some people who have no intention of making changes. Others have no idea what to change. Others realize that personal change are necessary. Where are we on that list?
Thu, 07 Jan 2016 - 5min - 93 - Happy People: What are they doing differently than others?
Happy People are curious people (Diener/Dishi). Happiness is good for you. Having a best friend for support adds to happiness.
Mon, 07 Dec 2015 - 6min - 92 - Wisdom: Are we willing to learn from others?
We must understand others before we can learn from them. Both parties must understand the meaning of each other's words. There is a lot to learn from others.
Wed, 18 Nov 2015 - 6min - 91 - Forgiveness: Do we really mean it?
Forgiveness is a needed attribute in people who want to be complete (Luskin). To forgive we need to understand how our actions affect others (Held).
Fri, 30 Oct 2015 - 7min - 90 - Being sensitive: Do we know what that really means?
Being sensitive to me means "how we treat others and understand others using their perspective as a source of knowledge." (mayer)
Fri, 02 Oct 2015 - 6min - 89 - Workplace perks and stress: How are they connected?Fri, 18 Sep 2015 - 8min
- 88 - Mom and Dad: What did I learn from them?
The truth is that our parents greatly contribute to the way we see the world. We learn good and sometimes not so good values and beliefs.
Fri, 11 Sep 2015 - 6min - 87 - Biases: Are we aware of them? Do we try to change them?Fri, 14 Aug 2015 - 7min
- 86 - Atta Boy! Atta Girl! Have we forgotten how to encourage others?
People need encouragement in their lives. We need to reach out and find those people who need an 'atta boy' or 'atta girl' encouragement.
Tue, 04 Aug 2015 - 8min - 85 - Why are people so lonely?
Loneliness is increasing as modernization occurs. We are often too busy to connect with others. Appropriately reach out to others.
Fri, 10 Jul 2015 - 8min - 84 - How do we deal with difficult people at work?
The answer is "carefully" and with a genuine interest in reaching out to them. There is a reason they are difficult to get along with.
Wed, 24 Jun 2015 - 7min - 83 - Are we willing to look at how we manage ourselves with regard to others?
How we believe about ourselves can and does effect how we react to others. Are we willing to openly look at our own behavior.
Fri, 19 Jun 2015 - 6min - 82 - Are we willing to learn from those younger than us?
Can we learn how to deal with various issues from our children or from much younger co-workers? Yes we can.
Wed, 27 May 2015 - 7min - 81 - Ah-Ha! Moments: Do you have any?
Times when you rest your mind, stop thinking and "veg out" can be the best time for an "aha" moment.
Mon, 18 May 2015 - 7min - 80 - Myself: What do you say to this statement: I’ve always been this way?
No one should assume that being "just who you are" is a good thing. We need to assess that we could need changes in being "just who we are"
Wed, 06 May 2015 - 1min - 79 - Habits: How do we handle them?Wed, 25 Feb 2015 - 8min
- 78 - Long-lasting marriages: How do they happen?
The longest couple on record were married 91 years. Laugh together, stay best friends, never fight about money are just a few of the suggestions
Wed, 11 Feb 2015 - 9min - 77 - Boundaries and Love: Two abilities important for a successful life
To live a better life we need to be loved and learn how to regulate our behaviors. These can be the keys to a happy life.
Wed, 17 Dec 2014 - 6min - 76 - Thanksgiving: Do we forget to be thankful?
We often take too much for granted. You are mentally happier if one focuses on what we have and not what we don't have.
Wed, 26 Nov 2014 - 5min - 75 - Tough: Are we too tough or not tough enough?
There are times when we need to stand up for our own personal well being. We can also be too tough on ourselves when we fail to enjoy life in a healthy way.
Tue, 18 Nov 2014 - 6min
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