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ESG調查局:永續足跡大作戰 ESG Detectives

ESG調查局:永續足跡大作戰 ESG Detectives


ESG調查局:永續足跡大作戰 ESG Detectives

18 - ESG調查局🔍ep18 菇力全開邁向淨零_方紹宇Fang_蕈優生物科技Magical Mushrooms_ESG Detectives
0:00 / 0:00
  • 18 - ESG調查局🔍ep18 菇力全開邁向淨零_方紹宇Fang_蕈優生物科技Magical Mushrooms_ESG Detectives

    火鍋季正式開鍋!但你知道這些菇背後蘊藏著環保與永續的創新嗎?本集邀請蕈優生物科技副總經理方紹宇,分享如何運用智慧農業與循環經濟應對氣候變遷及土地成本挑戰,並引領台灣菇產業邁向淨零碳排。此外,他還談到如何多角經營,將面膜、觀光農場及餐廳結合,滿足消費者的期待。 • Apple Podcasts 👉 • Spotify 👉 • SoundOn 👉 • YouTube 👉 / @esg_detectives This week on ESG Detectives, Fang Shaoyu, VP of Q-Yo Biotechnology, explores how smart agriculture and the circular economy are transforming Taiwan’s mushroom industry toward net-zero emissions. From eco-friendly farming to diversifying into tourism and skincare, Fang shares how sustainability drives innovation. #ESG調查局, #火鍋季, #淨零排放, #循環經濟, #智慧農業, #永續發展, #NetZero, #ESGDetectives, #Sustainability, #CircularEconomy, #SmartAgriculture, #Mushrooms, #EcoInnovation

    Sat, 30 Nov 2024
  • 17 - ESG調查局🔍 Ep17 綠點助減碳_一卡通總經理Keynes鄭鎧尹 iPASS Green Points

    一卡通如何以「綠點」激勵減碳行動?本週邀請到一卡通總經理鄭鎧尹Keynes Cheng博士,分享一卡通如何結合大數據和回饋計畫,提升了大眾使用公共運輸的意願,推廣低碳生活。 數據驅動的減碳策略:鄭鎧尹博士分享了一卡通如何通過整合通勤數據,協助企業和個人精確計算碳排放減少成效。透過與小港醫院、東南水泥等企業合作,以企業識別證引領員工低碳通勤潮流。 綠點計畫鼓勵大眾運輸:為鼓勵民眾多搭乘大眾交通工具,一卡通推出「綠點」回饋活動。民眾搭乘捷運、客運、單車等指定運具可享綠點回饋,折抵交通費用。 大型活動中的環保行動:高雄經常舉辦大型演唱會,一卡通規劃推出「綠點登錄券」,鼓勵觀眾多使用大眾運輸參與活動,每次搭乘可獲得綠點積分回饋。 無論是企業還是個人,這集節目讓您了解一卡通如何透過數位工具與綠色回饋,推動台灣的永續發展。記得收聽、按讚、訂閱和分享!在以下平台關注我們: • Apple Podcasts 👉 • Spotify 👉 • SoundOn 👉 • YouTube 👉 / @esg_detectives #ESG調查局, #一卡通, #綠點, #減碳, #大眾運輸, #永續發展, #低碳生活, #智慧交通, #企業合作, #數據驅動, #ESGDetectives, #iPASS, #GreenPoints, #CarbonReduction, #PublicTransport, #Sustainability, #BigData, #GreenInitiatives, #SmartCity, #EcoFriendly This episode features iPASS President Keynes Cheng discussing how "Green Points" encourage carbon reduction and low-carbon lifestyles in Taiwan. Cheng highlights data-driven strategies, partnerships for low-carbon commuting, and incentives for public transport use. Tune in to see how iPASS is driving sustainability through Green Points!

    Thu, 31 Oct 2024
  • 16 - ESG Detective🔍 Ep16_EV電動車與AI的永續革命_Volker🚗_ESG調查局

    電動車真的如想像中環保嗎?本週我們邀請到 Mosaic Ventures 的 Volker Heistermann,揭開電動車與 AI 技術的環保真相。他將分享電動車如何透過 AI 和半導體優化能源使用,卻也帶來新的環境挑戰。從 Tesla 特斯拉的碳中和路徑到半導體製造背後的隱藏代價,這集節目將顛覆你對綠色科技的理解。 想知道科技進步背後的環保秘密嗎?這集絕對不容錯過!立即收聽,了解汽車與科技產業中的永續真相。 每兩週更新,記得收聽、按讚、訂閱和分享!在以下平台關注我們: • Apple Podcasts 👉 • Spotify 👉 • SoundOn 👉 • YouTube 👉 / @esg_detectives #ESG調查局, #AI, #電動車, #半導體, #永續發展, #碳足跡, #綠色科技, #汽車科技, #ESGDetectives, #AI, #EV, #Semiconductors, #Sustainability, #GreenTech, #AutomotiveTech Are electric vehicles (EVs) truly as eco-friendly as we imagine? This week, we welcome Volker Heistermann from Mosaic Ventures to reveal the environmental truth behind EVs and AI technology. He will discuss how EVs leverage AI and semiconductors to optimize energy use, while also presenting new environmental challenges. From Tesla’s carbon neutrality path to the hidden costs behind semiconductor manufacturing, this episode will reshape your understanding of green technology. Curious to uncover the environmental secrets behind tech advancements? Don’t miss out! Tune in now to learn the real sustainability story behind the automotive and tech industries. New episodes every two weeks—make sure to listen, like, subscribe, and share!

    Thu, 03 Oct 2024
  • 15 - ESG 調查局🔍ep15.極速時尚的終結?紡織業的綠色革命Jerry Liu劉凱葳_ESG Detectives

    🌟 台北時裝週即將登場,我們邀請到輝台公司總經理劉凱葳(Jerry Liu),深入剖析紡織業如何面對當前的挑戰,為這個夕陽產業注入創新能量! 🧵 在本集中,Jerry 將分享他如何在父親離世後,懷著對父親教誨的感恩,繼承事業並推動公司轉型。他將傳統紡織公司帶入數位化改革的道路,拓展B2B跨境電商市場,並引領公司進入 ESG 與永續發展的新紀元。此外,Jerry 也將揭示如何與客戶及供應商合作,推動環保再生織材與創新生質材質的應用。 🌿 對於目前的 快時尚(Fast Fashion),Jerry 表示,這已經進化成「極速時尚」,令人擔憂。他強調無論在產業端還是消費者端,都需要共同努力,加強回收機制並推動更負責任的消費習慣。 節目隔週更新!別忘了收聽、按讚、訂閱、分享,並在以下平台關注我們: Apple Podcasts 👉 Spotify 👉 SoundOn 👉 YouTube 👉 #ESG調查局, #紡織業, #永續發展, #快時尚, #數位轉型, #企業二代, #輝台, #ESGDetectives, #Sustainability, #Podcast, #TextileIndustry, #Fashion, #SocialImpact #FastFashion #Change 🌟 Jerry Liu, General Manager of Fantastic Enterprise Co., shares how he transformed his family’s traditional textile business into a B2B e-commerce leader, embracing ESG and sustainability. He discusses using eco-friendly materials like oyster shells and the challenges of ultra-fast fashion, calling for industry and consumer change.

    Mon, 16 Sep 2024
  • 14 - ESG Detectives🔍 ep14 投資長的旅遊與搖滾人生_雄獅旅遊_沈家慶Ryan@Lion Travel_ESG調查局🕵️‍♀️

    暑假接近尾聲,是否去旅遊了嗎?如果您想了解旅遊行業的最新趨勢,本週我們非常榮幸邀請到雄獅旅遊的投資長 Ryan Sheng 來到節目。他將分享自己在這個職位上所承擔的責任,以及雄獅旅遊如何在旅遊行業日益重視 ESG 的背景下,推動生態旅遊、減少碳足跡等可持續發展議題。Ryan 也將深入探討他在選擇新創團隊時的標準,並揭示他在投資中最看重的特質。 作為啟蒙計畫的共同創辦人之一,Ryan 會談及他在指導新創企業家過程中的經驗和心得。此外,我們還會聊到 Ryan 過去十年以上的搖滾樂經歷,看看音樂如何在他的投資工作中產生影響。無論您是剛踏入新創領域的新人,還是對旅遊、投資與搖滾音樂的交集感興趣,本集都將帶來滿滿的洞見與啟發。別錯過 Ryan 對於新創領域新人的寶貴建議! 每兩週更新一集,記得收聽、按讚、訂閱和分享!在以下平台關注我們: • Apple Podcasts 👉 • Spotify 👉 • SoundOn 👉 • YouTube 👉 / @esg_detectives #ESG調查局, #投資, #生態旅遊, #永續發展, #新創, #搖滾音樂, #雄獅旅遊, #環境保護, #旅遊業 This week, we're thrilled to host Ryan Sheng, Chief Investment Officer of Lion Travel. Ryan discusses his role and how Lion Travel is embracing ESG principles, from eco-friendly tourism to reducing carbon footprints. He also shares his criteria for selecting startups and his experiences mentoring new entrepreneurs. For a twist, Ryan reflects on how his decade-long journey as a rock musician influences his investment decisions. Whether you're new to startups or curious about the mix of travel, investment, and music, this episode is packed with insights. Don’t miss Ryan’s valuable advice for aspiring entrepreneurs! #ESGDetectives, #Investment, #EcoTourism, #Sustainability, #Startups, #RockMusic, #LionTravel, #EnvironmentalProtection, #TravelIndustry

    Wed, 28 Aug 2024
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