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Good Game Great Game

Good Game Great Game

Zach Rich

A Video Game Book Club! Custom made for folks who hate papercuts, but love button mashing!

68 - Do Good, and Be Great At It, One Last Time (Final Send-Off Episode)
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  • 68 - Do Good, and Be Great At It, One Last Time (Final Send-Off Episode)

    Wow, approaching the writing of the description for the final goodbye episode of Good Game, Great Game is...tough, man. It's been an amazing year and a half. You all have been amazing. We're still stunned at the love and feedback and response we've gotten. As we now put our podcast child to rest, let's just say this. Thank you for the love. Thank you for the support. Thank you for the conversations. Thank you for the laughs. Thank you for the tears. Thank you for the friendship. Thank you for...

    Tue, 11 Feb 2020
  • 67 - Hey Siri, What's a Crossover? (Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Prologue - Chapter 3)

    We love mashups. We LOVE mashups. It's like taking two beloved children, one in each hand, and then smushing those hands together and see what kind of squishy weird new child comes from forcing those two together into one big ball of Play Doh. Like, yeah, you're still gonna get that good good Play Doh smell, but will you be able to shove that big new ball into the Play Doh spaghetti machine and actually get beautiful color-swirled noodles out of it? Or is the structural integrity of those col...

    Wed, 29 Jan 2020
  • 66 - To Byleth, or Not to Byleth? (Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore, Pt 1)

    If there's one thing you should take away from this one, it's that maybe if Tony Hawk was a character in Smash, people would recognize him more. Then again, he might use his skateboard in a slashing motion and become another goddamn sword boi so maybe we take that back. Also, we all had a few drinks before we got into this one, so rails? GET OUTTA HERE, BUDDIES. No time for rails, we've got some OFFROADING TO DO. In our flip flops.Your Good Great Gang is Zach Rich, Kevin Ruiter, and Andrew Or...

    Wed, 22 Jan 2020
  • 65 - Kingdom Hearts IV: A Hideo Kojima Game (Death Stranding Spoilercast)

    We're dropping in one last time on Norman Reedus and his fetus this week to finally break down what the heck happened in Death Stranding. Who the heck is Amelie? Why can't motorcycles drive up rocks well? If you give a MULE a cookie, is he going to ask for a glass of milk? Can we confirm if Hideo Kojima is still alive at this point, or is he just a recorded hologram dictating plot threads to a team of developers who are furiously trying to put them together before the end of the recorded mate...

    Wed, 15 Jan 2020
  • 64 - The GGGG Happy Meal: No Food, Just Toys, or, What I Did Over My Winter Break

    Ahhhh the end of the holidays! When we can all finally relax with all that gift giving and celebrating and just settle into our seasonal depression like a wet, warm blanket. Speaking of wet blankets, Zach, Andrew, and Kev are back at last from winter break and we played SO MANY THINGS. At least two! We're gonna talk about all those, along with gripping topics like retirement homes, food poisoning, tax audits, and we're gonna answer the question that will define 2020 for everyone we think: wha...

    Wed, 08 Jan 2020
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