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How are you doing?

How are you doing?

Gregoria Alegria

Such a common and frequently asked question, but is it always answered sincerely? Your mental health is something that cannot go unattended, I want to discuss how something that is constantly ignored can lead to deeper life/personal conflicts.

1 - Episode 1: Gregoria
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  • 1 - Episode 1: Gregoria

    Welcome to 'How are you doing?'. This is the first-ever 'How are you doing?' episode. Here is an introduction to what I will be talking about throughout this journey, how the idea for this podcast came to be, a bit about myself, and how I am doing. If you are interested in being on the podcast, send us a DM!

    Instagram: @hyad_podcast 

    Fri, 05 Nov 2021 - 22min