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- 106 - #110: The Parables: New Wineskins
The parables offer insight into spiritual reality, using physical examples. Often times, there are multiple layers to them that may go unnoticed at first. This is certainly the case with the parable of New Wineskins in Matt 9:16.
At issue: What is the fundamental transformation that occurs when a person moves from being controlled by the law (as we all were) to being controlled by the Spirit? Can both mind sets co-exist? What can the Old Testament temple teach us about God’s dwelling in us? How ‘good’ do we have to be in order for God to live in us? Where’s the line between how much we should or shouln’t get away with? We answer these questions and more, as we explore the following passages:
Matt 9:16 Luke 22:20 Romans 8:2, 5-9 Col 2:21 1 Kings 8:1-10 Acts 2 (the whole chapter, really)Sun, 17 Nov 2024 - 26min - 105 - #1: Not a Sinner Saved By Grace
Are you tired of failing in your battle against sin? Would you like to overcome temptation and WIN in your battle? Overcoming temptation all starts with seeing things God sees them… which is reality. In this episode we offer a view of God, His grace, Christ’s power and our state that quite simply might revolutionize your life. Ready? Let’s GO!
Know someone who could benefit from listening? Be sure to share this episode with them in a positive, encouraging way. Have questions? Feel free to contact us -! Like what you hear?
Like us on FB -, 01 Jan 2016 - 24min - 104 - #2: Reasons To Believe We Can Win
Most Christians have been conditioned to accept losing to sin. As a result, that’s exactly what we do. Lose. But what SHOULD we expect? After all, we aren’t God. If you are wanting to win as a Christian, this second episode in our series “Overcoming Sin” is for you. Ready? Let’s GO!
Know someone who could benefit from listening? Be sure to share this episode with them in a positive, encouraging way. Have questions? Feel free to contact us -! Like what you hear?
Like us on FB -, 17 Jan 2016 - 32min - 103 - #3: Failure Ends Here
You’ve caught the fever! You have a glimpse of your potential in Christ and are excited to begin winning in the battle against sin. Now what to do? Here are some solid principles you can use to launch into a winning trajectory. Ready? Let’s GO!
Know someone who could benefit from listening? Be sure to share this episode with them in a positive, encouraging way. Have questions? Feel free to contact us -! Like what you hear?
Like us on FB -, 07 Feb 2016 - 39min - 102 - #4: Face on Fire!
Moses didn’t have anything on you! In fact, God used Moses as a perfect example of how He works to change our character. This fourth episode in our series “Overcoming Sin” offers a truly enlightening take how God transforms us. We have a hunch you haven’t heard anything like this before. Ready? Let’s GO!
Know someone who could benefit from listening? Be sure to share this episode with them in a positive, encouraging way. Have questions? Feel free to contact us -! Like what you hear?
Like us on FB -, 15 Feb 2016 - 23min - 101 - #5: The Four Steps To Winning
After ditching failure as an option for Christians (Episode 1), catching a glimpse of our potential in Christ (Episode 2), changing our life direction from losing in Christ to winning in Christ, (Episode 3) and being blown away by how God really transforms us (Episode 4), we are now ready to put it all together in four basic action steps. This is the capstone in our series “Overcoming Sin”. THIS is where the rubber meets the road. Ready? Let’s GO!
Know someone who could benefit from listening? Be sure to share this episode with them in a positive, encouraging way. Have questions? Feel free to contact us -! Like what you hear?
Like us on FB -, 29 Feb 2016 - 24min - 100 - #6: SPONSOR - Duct Tape!
Changing the inner man takes effort and time. Here’s a QUICK FIX!
Know someone who could benefit from listening? Be sure to share this episode with them in a positive, encouraging way. Have questions? Feel free to contact us -! Like what you hear?
Like us on FB -, 15 Mar 2016 - 00min - 99 - #7: What IF I Sin Anyway?
After listening to episodes 1 - 5 about our potential in Christ to overcome temptation (yes - it can be done), you’ve bought in and are excited about the New Creation and Christ’s power in YOU! Woohoo! Then, you SIN. What now? Did the process fail you? Did you fail? Doubts arise. You think to yourself, “Maybe I AM STILL just a sinner saved by grace. Maybe I’m NOT a new creature. May be I CAN’T expect to overecome sin. Maybe I should just resolve that I’ll ALWAYS have some sin and just be at peace with that.” What to do? This is a follow-up to our series “Overcoming Sin” that offers a fresh take on how to deal with our failures.
Know someone who could benefit from listening? Be sure to share this episode with them in a positive, encouraging way. Have questions? Feel free to contact us -! Like what you hear?
Like us on FB -, 01 Apr 2016 - 26min - 98 - #8: What About Paul's Slavery To Sin?
Romans 7 - Proof of Paul’s slavery to sin, right? Proof that we’ll ALWAYS be slaves to sin and that we can’t truly overcome. We take another look at Romans 7, and it’s context (Spoiler alert: It happens to fall between Romans 6 and 8). Paul says he is a wretched man, that nothing good dwells in him, that the things he wants to do, he doesn’t and the things he doesn’t want to do - he does. It’s as if he is powerless as a Christian to overcome sin. But IS HE? ARE WE? A take you have probably never heard. Ready? Let’s GO!
Know someone who could benefit from listening? Be sure to share this episode with them in a positive, encouraging way. Have questions? Feel free to contact us -! Like what you hear?
Like us on FB -, 01 May 2016 - 20min - 97 - #9: Is that REALLY Worship? (Part 1)Wed, 01 Jun 2016 - 20min
- 96 - #10: Is That REALLY Worship? (Part 2)Fri, 01 Jul 2016 - 19min
- 95 - #11: Why Do I Struggle Making Disciples?Mon, 01 Aug 2016 - 22min
- 94 - #12: Making Disciples #2 - Walking Through The Door Of OpportunityThu, 01 Sep 2016 - 32min
- 93 - #14: Making Disciples #4 - The Gospel in 2 Minutes Or LESS!
McDonalds is fast. Starbucks is fast. Microwave popcorn is fast. Presenting the gospel is… fast? While we don’t want to drag things out longer than they need to be, the fact is that fast-food Christianity is a lot like fast-food itself. Quickly consumed, quickly forgotten. While the consumer is left wanting, the seller feels like they accomplished something. But it seems that most methods of presenting the gospel really are the quick and easy variety. What better way is there to present the gospel that will be more likely to produce lasting fruit? In this episode we offer a better path than the Romans Road. Ready? Let’s GO!
Tue, 01 Nov 2016 - 27min - 92 - #15: Making Disciples #5 - Fish or Cut Bait
In every relationship we have to ask the question: Is that person who they say they are? The answer to that question determines who we will trust, affiliate with and lean on. The same is true in building a relationship with Christ. Who is He? In this episode we help our friend come to the critical point of having to answer the question that Jesus asks: “Who do you say that I am?” The answer to this question determines everything. Ready? Let’s GO!
Thu, 01 Dec 2016 - 28min - 91 - #17: SPONSOR FUN - IDSWed, 01 Feb 2017 - 01min
- 90 - #18: Jason asks about AC/DCSat, 11 Feb 2017 - 16min
- 89 - #20: Thank You OnRamp Web Design!
Without Caleb, this wouldn’t be possible. Thank you Caleb and OnRamp Web Design! Caleb didn’t ask us to plug him, which makes it even more fun!
Sat, 01 Apr 2017 - 00min - 88 - #21: Man Up Challenge #1Mon, 01 May 2017 - 24min
- 87 - #22: Man Up Challenge #1 - Follow UpThu, 01 Jun 2017 - 10min
- 86 - #23: SPONSOR FUN - Yukon Bob's Apocalypse HQSat, 01 Jul 2017 - 00min
- 85 - #24: Support The Ashley FamilyMon, 11 Apr 2016 - 01min
- 84 - #25: SURVIVING The Apocalypse!Tue, 01 Aug 2017 - 22min
- 83 - #26: Boots On The Ground - Interview with Jeff McGraw
In our series “Boots On The Ground” we gain insight into what it takes to get things done by interviewing the ones who are doing the work! Jeff McGraw of Lancaster (LANkester), OH is one of those people. Jeff gives us valuable insight into how he gets it done, what challenges he sees facing Christian men today, and what the biggest opportunities we have in this day and age. Let’s learn from Jeff!
Fri, 01 Sep 2017 - 30min - 82 - #27: Youth Immersion - How Old Is Old Enough?
Is my child old enough to become a Christian? Is there a magical age? What if my child were to die today, would they go to heaven? At what age does the grace that covers children cease to cover them? As parents these questions are probably on the back (or front) of our minds quite often, especially as our children reach certain age milestones - 12, 16, 18, 21, etc. Here are some principles to help guide us as we ask these questions. For an in-depth study, check out Steve Compton’s work on the subject here -
Sun, 01 Oct 2017 - 30min - 81 - #28: Youth Immersion Part 2 - What Now?
A follow up to our Youth Immersion episode, where we examined at what age is appropriate for a person to be immersed into Christ. What is a person to do if they were immersed young? What if a person isn’t sure if they were old enough? What if, as parents, we encouraged or allowed our children to be immersed as youth? What now? Mark and Jason talk through their immersions as youth, what it did (and didn’t do) for them, as well as some practical steps moving forward. For an in-depth study on this topic, check out Steve Compton’s work on the subject -
Wed, 01 Nov 2017 - 31min - 80 - #29: SPONSOR - Christianese Made Easy!Wed, 01 Nov 2017 - 02min
- 79 - #30: Christianese (More Than Just Words?)
What do governments (from communist to good old ‘merica) know about controlling their citizens that we should take note of in the church? In this episode, we discuss a topic (hopefully engagingly so) that most have kicked to the curb to their peril. What we say and what we mean by it can affect peoples’ souls: Ours, our neighbors & friends, and our kids. Here is a link to a video we are discussing: Special thanks to Rob O’Keefe of Lancaster, Ohio for his valuable insight that helped us put this episode together!
Wed, 01 Nov 2017 - 29min - 78 - #32: FB, Yelling, Politics and Religion
In today’s culture it’s tempting to think that lampooning our adversaries with a quick meme or condescending label will win our argument. A few “Likes” and BOOM! We WON! While satire is a good tool for making points, if we want to truly help people move from point A to point B, we need to use some different tools in our tool belt. In this episode we compare and contrast both styles and give some tips on how to engage in a constructive way. Hint: Being willing to be proven wrong is key.
Fri, 01 Dec 2017 - 26min - 77 - #33: Lies We Allow Ourselves To Believe: "I Could Be More Useful To God IF..."
Second in our series Lies We Allow Ourselves To Believe, this lie is incideous in that it is couched in humility. Yet it renders us powerless to accomplish God’s purpose. What if we have believed (or still believe) this lie? We offer some motivation and ACTIONABLE steps to busting through the funk this lie causes.
Sun, 31 Dec 2017 - 27min - 76 - #34: Learning From Our EnemiesMon, 01 Jan 2018 - 35min
- 75 - #35: Interview - Steve Doty Direct Connect Humanitarian Aid
Join us as we interview the definition of a fascinating everday hero. Steve Doty, the founder and director of Direct Connect Humanitarian Aid sheds light on some of DCHA’s most recent projects - introducing us to people who are truly doing amazing things. DCHA is a humanitarian aid organization that exists to support local people who are already doing the work of serving others. By connecting those with a heart to serve with resources they need, DCHA is making a difference in places like Belarus, Kosovo, Vietnam and other countries as well. Steve not only introduces us to DCHA but stirringly shares his own background as a social orphan and what led him to found Direct Connect. You can learn more about DCHA at
Thu, 01 Feb 2018 - 41min - 74 - #36: Interview - Steve Doty: Overcoming Sin
Everyday hero to many: Steve Doty in our first interview introduced us to Direct Connect Humanitarian Aid, what DCHA is doing in 8 countries around the world, and how a social orphan with a troubled past came to found a humanitarian organization. In this episode, Steve gives us the secret to overcoming sin in our personal lives. Want to win? Then you’ll definitely want to listen close and maybe even take some notes.
Thu, 01 Mar 2018 - 52min - 73 - #37: Lies We Allow Ourselves To Believe: Listen To Find OutSun, 01 Apr 2018 - 29min
- 72 - #38: The Spiritual Revolution - What Is It?
Are you a spiritual revolutionary? For the purposes of our discussion, a spiritual revolutionary is someone who views their relationship to sin COMPLETELY differently than most of the Christian world. As a result, people are WINNING in their personal lives. It’s not law. It’s not licentiousness. It’s new wine. Are you ready for it?
Tue, 01 May 2018 - 15min - 71 - #39: Answering Calvin - Part 2
Part 2 in our series examining Calvinism. What about the scriptures that seem to indicate we are simply at the mercy of God and his soverign choices concerning our lives? Do we play any part in the salvation process? If so, what is that role? We tackle the tricky scriptures.
Highlights: God’s choice combine with our choice. God’s foreknowledge and where that fits in the picture. Marriage relationship as an illustration. Pancakes!
John 6:65, Ephesians 1:4,11, Romans 9:10-16, Exodus 5, Matt 22:14, 2 Thess 2:13 - 14, 1 Peter 1:1-2, 2 Peter 1:10
Fri, 01 Jun 2018 - 30min - 70 - #40: God Is Light
In this first episode in our journey through 1 John, we begin in verse 5 - “This is the message that we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all…”. Unpackaging this verse and connecting the not-so-subtle dots between this and other related passages in the Scriptures can be a life changing exercise. Are you ready?
1 John 1:1-5, Hebrews 1:3, Exodus 34, 2 Cor 3:6, 2 Cor 4:6, Matt 4:16, Isa 9:1-2, Isa 60:1, Genesis 1:1-5
Sun, 01 Jul 2018 - 27min - 69 - #41: God Is Light Part 2 (1 John 1 - Continued)
Sin. Light. Honesty. For those trying to overcome sin, 1 John is a critical foundation. It establishes our mindset and lays forth “the rules” so to speak. So, one of the assumed “rules” in Christinaity is that to be honest, we have to admit that we are dirty sinners. That we will always be sinners. And that anyone who says they AREN’T currently embroiled in sinful habits is a liar. 1 John is used as a prooftext for that position. On the other hand, 1 John is used by others to say that if we DO sin, we aren’t walking in the light. Which is true? Both? Neither?
If you CARE about trying to please the Lord, we believe this episode is helpful in answering these questions. Ready? Let’s GO!
1 John 1:6-10
Romans 13:11-13
1 John 2:1
Ephesians 5:8-14Wed, 01 Aug 2018 - 19min - 68 - #42: Liar or Lover? How to Tell The Difference.Hey Christian! Love God? ? Of COURSE we do! We declared it 40 times in that repetitive emotional chorus last Sunday. We listen to Christian radio. We buy fun t-shirts with Christian sayings. We read the Bible and pray. Is that proof? Here’s a nifty little tool God gives us to use in proving our love for Him. It’s in 1 John 2:1-11. Afraid to listen? Don’t be. We want to love God more…. right? Let’s Go!Sat, 01 Sep 2018 - 22min
- 67 - #43: Of Kids, Young Adults and Old Men...
Tired of children in the faith? Frustruated with young men? Irratated at fathers? 1 John addresses all 3 of these, and helps us see the bigger picture. God’s system is beautiful when you step back and take a look at what’s really happening here, and it’s helpful to us no matter what stage we are in.
1 John 2:12-14
1 Cor 3:1-3
Hebrews 5:12-14
2 Peter 3:14-18
Eph 4:9-17
3 John 4
1 Thess 2:11Mon, 01 Oct 2018 - 28min - 66 - #44: Stuff, Wants, Rights & Lookin' Good!Mon, 15 Oct 2018 - 25min
- 65 - #45: Will The Real Antichrist Please Stand Up?
The antichrist. He’s the subject of countless books, videos and so called prophesies. Yet, he may be sitting next to you at your church assembly. He may be living in your home. He may be you. Also, what does it mean when John says to Christians, “You have need of no-one to teach you?” Proof of direct revelation today? **Special thanks to Holly Tull for providing a positively unique rendition of the Rocky Theme Song.
Scriptures for this episode: 1 John 2:18-21, 2 John 7-11, Hebrews 4:14-16, John 14:26, 1 John 1:1-4.
Thu, 01 Nov 2018 - 18min - 64 - #46: Slaves, Children and True Love
Can a slave who has been freed not know it? Can a person who has been forgiven much not love much? Can an adopted child take their situation for granted? Can a person, after realizing how much they’ve been forgiven still act cavalierly toward his / her fellow man?
In this episode we ask some tough questions that if answered honestly can have impactful results in us and those around us.
And, we find time to have some fun reintroducing “Christian Radio”. Maybe a new low for “Christian Radio”. But really, is there anywhere to go but UP? Find out!
1 John 3:1-3
Sat, 01 Dec 2018 - 32min - 63 - #47: Is Your Love Jr. High Love? (Check Yes Or No)
1 John 4:7-11. A slap on the back, a “How you ‘doin’?” That’s love, right? Meh. Not really. There’s love. And then there’s love. The kind of love we thought we had in Jr. High isn’t the same as what we have now, right (hopefully)? As Christians there’s only ONE guaranteed way to learn how to grow from Jr. High type love to the true adult kind. And, there is a love that ONLY Christians can give. No-one else. Period. Ready to grow up? Let’s go!
Tue, 01 Jan 2019 - 28min - 62 - #48: You KNOW You Are Abiding... RIGHT?Fri, 01 Feb 2019 - 24min
- 61 - #49: When I Lay Awake At Night, I'm AfraidFri, 01 Mar 2019 - 24min
- 60 - #50: I Can Do All Things: What Does That Even Mean?
We celebrate when we see athletes make even the slightest reference to scripture. “Hey - he’s one of US!” It’s encouraging when someone quotes the scriptures in a positive way. At the same time, how do we put the true meaning of Philippians 4:13, Romans 8 and 1 John 5:4 into practice? Did God give us those verses to help us improve our jump shot? Run a mile faster? Move up the corporate ladder? Or… something BIGGER?
Mon, 01 Apr 2019 - 29min - 59 - #51: A Verse That Doesn't Belong In The Bible?Wed, 01 May 2019 - 24min
- 58 - #52: How to Make 100% Sure Your Prayers Are AnsweredSat, 01 Jun 2019 - 23min
- 57 - #53: Have YOU Committed The Sin Leading To Death?
John tells us to not pray for those committing a sin leading to death, which begs the question: What IS that sin anyway? And, have I committed it? Is there hope? An episode with a lot of practical applications as we pray for others and take personal inventory.
1 John 5:16
Rom 2:24
Hebrews 10:26
Herews 6:4
1 John 1:5-10Mon, 01 Jul 2019 - 26min - 56 - #54: Little Children Guard Yourselves From IdolsSun, 01 Sep 2019 - 26min
- 55 - #55: "Best Of" and Look To the NEW IMR
For the past 54 Episodes IMR has brought you broadcast pod excellence (cough, cough, wink, nod). Well, maybe not. But what we HAVE tried to do is tackle important topics in a never-before-tackled-unconventional-not-your-grandmother’s-christian-radio type way. Honest conversation + FUN + Biblical principles. But there is one thing lacking, and we’re about to change that. Listen for the “Best Of” and for a look to the future. Ready? Let’s GO!
Sun, 27 Oct 2019 - 25min - 54 - #56: Why Does God Allow Pain and Suffering?
First in our apologetics series, we tackle a question that has made believers queasy for thousands of years. Why does a loving, all-powerful, all-knowing, God allow pain and suffering in this world? While some choose to ignore the question, others bank on it as justification for not believing in God. Either way, it is a legitimate question that has a powerful answer. Once you know it, you’ll be able to share with your friends who may be wondering the same thing.
Sun, 10 Nov 2019 - 28min - 53 - #57: The Problem with Evil
Can there be an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving God at the same time evil exists? Or asked another way, “If there is a God, why does He allow evil to exist?”
In this second episode of our apologetics series, we tackle this question. If you haven’t asked it, your friends certainly have. Ready for an answer?
Romans 8:19-23
Hebrews 5:14
Matthew 13:24-30Also, in this episode we touch briefly on the issue of whether or not people have the ability to choose between doing good or evil. Do we have choice? Or are our decisions the result of naturalistic inputs such as our DNA or environmental surroundings (Determinism)?
While we don’t intend to fully dissect that topic, it is pertinent when it comes to the question of evil.
A PBS interview of Richard Dawkins is referenced, and you can find it in the link below.
Sun, 08 Dec 2019 - 24min - 52 - #58: Can A Rational (not boring) Case Be Made for God?
Does science allow for the existence of George Washington? And, are those who believe faith is irrational right? Many Christians CELEBRATE the notion that their faith is irrational. To reason through the existence of God would mean we don’t have true faith, they claim. Feelings and emotional worship experiences have replaced reasoned questions and a quest for truth in most assemblies. No wonder skeptics think Christians are harmlessly ignorant at best and dangerously so at worst.
And we at Inner Man Radio completely agree with the skeptics on this one.
But the question stands - CAN a person come to a rational, well-reasoned faith in God? The same way they come to believe George Washington existed.
We believe so. And furthermore, we believe the burden of proof actually lies with the Atheist, when reason is applied.
Sun, 12 Jan 2020 - 31min - 51 - #59: Fake Faith, Junk Science and Bad Refs
What do a fake faith healer, a naturalistic scientist and bad sports referees have in common? Almost sounds like a bad joke (it is). When it comes to shaping the public’s opinion on whether or not there is a God and if the Bible is His word, it’s no joke. A fresh take you’ve never heard before that will leave you seeing the scientific, faith and even sports worlds differently.
This episode contains audio clip montages featuring the following personalities:
Atheist Montage - Richard Dawkins and Bill Nye
‘Christian’ Montage - Katt KerrReferences:
Romans 1:18-23
Isa 1:18Sun, 01 Mar 2020 - 40min - 50 - #60: Is Christianity Immoral - Part 1
So, is Christianity immoral? That’s a common (and can be a legitimate) question. After all, if one is to believe the Bible’s account of things, the very same God who supposedly created all men equal, giving them inalienable rights, also commanded Israel to commit genocide in the Old Testament. To answer this question, we first need to answer another one. “What is morality, anyway?” Where do those who believe Christianity to be immoral get their sense of morality from? In fact, is there really such a thing as morality anyway? Or, is morality simply a social construct born of our evolutionary need to survive, even working together as a society? Big questions with big implications. Ready? Let’s go!
Sat, 11 Apr 2020 - 22min - 49 - #61: Is Christianity Immoral - Part 2
If I stole your TV, would you feel wronged? If someone harms you or your family would you want justice? Why? Is this the result of some commonly held zeitgeist, the 10 commandments or something beyond these? Believe it or not, answering this will help us determine whether or not the Bible is consistent or not and therefore immoral. Honest question that we do our best to answer.
Sun, 07 Jun 2020 - 40min - 48 - #62: Can The Bible Be Trusted Anyway (Really?)
Is the Bible full of errors & contradictions? What about all those stories about people and places that never existed?
And if we are to take it at face value that it was written by over 40 authors over a 1,300 year period, ending 2,000 years ago, how can we trust it? What about the fact it’s been translated from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to German to English, etc., etc?What about Source Criticism? Documentary Hypothesis (sounds smarter with a British accent)?
While not an exhaustive treatment of the subject by any means, we believe these questions can be answered and strive to give the basics in this episode. Moreover we present the case that the overarching message of the scriptures from beginning to end is strong evidence - proof even - for it’s reliability.
Tue, 14 Jul 2020 - 39min - 47 - #63: What About Hell?
In this episode, we continue our apologetics series - answering frequently asked questions about God, the Bible and Christianity. Perhaps no other topic is too hot to handle (sorry - couldn’t resist) in the way this topic is. The subject of hell has been used by religion over the years as a means of profit and control. This worked so long as enough people resonated with the message - that “If you don’t do this or that, you’re gong to hell.” Like any good business though, man made religion now shies away from the topic becuase it doesn’t resonate with the target audience. In fact, the idea of hell is repulsive to many. Talking about it is just to risky to the business model - which requires growth in attendance, donations and public standing.
However aside from all that, the question still stands: How could a loving God send people to an eternal punishment? Does the punishment really fit the crime? What about people who are good people but commit an eencie weencie violation… is hell justified for them? In the words of a recent U.S. presidential candidate, “C’mon man!”.
These are legitimate questions that have legitimate answers and we hope to do our best in giving those.
Sun, 01 Nov 2020 - 29min - 46 - #64: 30 Day Challenge Day 1: Something Better on Tap (Gal 6:10 & Prov 3:30)Tue, 02 Feb 2021 - 02min
- 45 - #66: 30 Day Challenge: Day 2 - True Heroes? (Matt 25:34-40)Thu, 04 Feb 2021 - 02min
- 44 - #66: 30 Day Challenge Day 3: Kid's Lessons (Eph 5:16)Thu, 04 Feb 2021 - 01min
- 43 - #67: Challenge Day 4: Through The Uprights! (! Peter 2:12)
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Day 4: 1 Peter 2:12. It sure is easy to think that there’s a secret formula for encouraging others spiritually. But as Jason learn’s there’s only one way to put the ball through the goal posts. And as for Mark, will he tune out enough to tune into the REAL game?
Sat, 06 Feb 2021 - 01min - 42 - #68: Challenge Day 5: Distractions: Wipe Them Clean!
Day 5: Galatians 6:8. There’s seemingly a million things to be angry at or pre-occupied with. Here’s an idea: Wipe them clean! And replace them with actions that will make a long term difference.
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Sun, 07 Feb 2021 - 01min - 41 - #69: Challenge Day 6: Getting Grilled
Day 6: Acts 17:16-34. We never know when an opportunity will arise. Are we ready? Paul was on Mars Hill, and as a result of being prepared, he saw and seized the opportunity. How about looking for and jumping on an opportunity this week. Just like a hunk of juicy meat. Either that, or get grilled!
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Tue, 09 Feb 2021 - 01min - 40 - #70: Challenge Day 7: Success Calls.
Day 7: Life in the fast lane can be exciting and offer many rewards. After all, being a MAN means being successful, right? And then there’s fellas like Mark who call. (Or, is it really God calling?) The only way to know is to put Matt 6:33 into practice.
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Tue, 09 Feb 2021 - 01min - 39 - #71: Challenge Day 8: Like Sands of the Seashore
Day 8: Ever want to just leave it all behind? Well, if you travel far enough south, you might catch Jason and Mark livin’ the dream on a beach overlooking crystal blue waters. What a great place to contemplate the meaning of Galatians 6:2 and 1 Peter 3:15. Or, is it? A little rest and relaxation every once in a while isn’t a bad thing. Running from our responsibilities is. Bearing burdens and making defenses means running to the battle, not from it. Ready to bear and defend?
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Thu, 11 Feb 2021 - 02min - 38 - #72: Challenge Day 9: Off Target
Day 9: Times are tough. It’s hard to be generous, right? 1 John 3:17 has something to say about how we use our posessions. The spirit in Christians is a spirit of generosity. Ready, aim, fire!
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Fri, 12 Feb 2021 - 01min - 37 - #73: Challenge Day 10 - What It's All About
Day 10: Doing LIFE together. THAT’S what Christianity is ALL about! Or, if abused, is that just hedonism in disguise? Solomon, knew a thing or two about doing life and gives us something to think about in Ecclesiastes 2:1-5. Living life in a way that moves the gospel IS what it’s all about.
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Sun, 14 Feb 2021 - 01min - 36 - #74: Challenge Day 11: I Smell a Rat
Day 11: The latest Christianeze video, prayer, book or pod… if I just had ONE MORE tool, THEN I’d be able to really evangelize. Right? I smell a rat. Can it be as simple as Colossians 4:5 and 2 Cor 4:13.? It can, and with Christ in us, we’re up to it!
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Sun, 14 Feb 2021 - 02min - 35 - #75: Challenge Day 12 - Unceasingly Clever
Day 12: When it comes to praying, there just isn’t any way around it. But then again - should there be? Mark fills the letter of the law (kind of), but misses the point. 1 Thess 5:17, Eph 6:18.
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Wed, 17 Feb 2021 - 03min - 34 - #76: Challenge Day 13: Bumper Crop
Day 13: Some extra cash made it your way recently? How are those barns? Needing some bigger ones? Matt 6:19-20 Romans 10:15
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Thu, 18 Feb 2021 - 03min - 33 - #77: Challenge Day 14: Good CounselFri, 19 Feb 2021 - 02min
- 32 - #78: Challenge Day 15 : Making the Most of Your...Tax
Day 15 - Giving to God so that we can save money with Caesar. Hmm, a little backwards? 2 Cor. 8:12-5 gets to the heart of giving. In the end, those who didn’t reap in abundance had no lack, while those who did, had no excess. Is it too taxing of a proposition to give for the sake of…giving to the Lord and meeting someone else’s spiritual or physical need?
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Sun, 21 Feb 2021 - 02min - 31 - #79: Challenge Day 16: More Power!
Day 16 - Can God’s power overcome our timidity and diversonary tactics? Of course! 2 Tim 1:7. IF, we choose it… Eph 6:10. It’s from Him, and not of ourselves 2 Cor 4:7.
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Sun, 21 Feb 2021 - 02min - 30 - #80: Challenge Day 17: Graceful SeasoningsWed, 24 Feb 2021 - 02min
- 29 - #81: Challenge Day 18: Opportunity KnocksFri, 26 Feb 2021 - 02min
- 28 - #82: Challenge Day 19: Lifted Spirits
Day 19 - It’s tempting to confuse ego boost with our desire to attract people to Christ. Consider who God has called and why. 1 Cor 1:26-29.
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Sat, 27 Feb 2021 - 02min - 27 - #83: Challenge Day 20: Trivial Pursuit
Day 20 - Being ready to make a defense is something worth carving out time for. You could say 2 Timothy 2:15 isn’t trivial, but it IS a game of final Jeopardy.
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Sat, 27 Feb 2021 - 02min - 26 - #84: Challenge Day 21: Preppin' For Good Works
Day 21 - Crises all around us. Pandemic, inflation, cultural wars, political shenanigans, not to mention what COULD happen! As soon as we prepare for those things, THEN we’ll be ready to help others… right? Question: If not now, when? Matt 25:34-40.
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Wed, 03 Mar 2021 - 01min - 25 - #85: Challenge Day 22: Stretchin' The Wineskins
Day 22 - Some great memories in those old workout pants, huh? They can only be stretched and patched so much. Time for some skins that can handle the work. Dont you think? Matt 5:14-17.
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Wed, 03 Mar 2021 - 02min - 24 - #86: Challenge Day 23: Frame of Reference
Day 23 - Just about any tool can be used for good. It’s when we want to make a good showing in order to be accepted where things go awry… 1 Thess 4:11-12, Gal 6:12.
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Mon, 08 Mar 2021 - 02min - 23 - #87: Challenge Day 24: An App For That
Day 24 - An easier way to achieve a desired result… and we’re willing to pay for it. It’s called capitalism, and it has produced millions of products and services that make our lives easier and incentivise hard work. At the same time, where does this concept fit in the church? Are there shortcuts to achieving Christ’s character? Is the church a means to a paycheck? There’s definitely an App for that. Matt 21:13.
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Fri, 12 Mar 2021 - 02min - 22 - #88: Challenge Day 25: Done Fishin'Fri, 12 Mar 2021 - 01min
- 21 - #89: Challenge Day 26: Soil TestSun, 14 Mar 2021 - 03min
- 20 - #90: Challenge Day 27: Safe BetSun, 14 Mar 2021 - 03min
- 19 - #91: Challenge Day 28: A Royal Pain
Day 28 - Giving thanks for all things. It is a spiritual exercise that turns our minds from the negative of the situation at hand, to one that is prepared to take the next step with the right attitude and glorify God in the process. 1 Thess 5:18
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and
Wed, 17 Mar 2021 - 01min - 18 - #92: Challenge Day 29 - For The Long Haul
Day 29 - Our relationship with Christ is for the long haul. It’s no wonder it’s compared to marriage. Speaking of which, aren’t most of those challenges (in either relationship) a bit petty when viewed through a larger lens?. Mark 10:8-9
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and attitudes.
Sun, 21 Mar 2021 - 04min - 17 - #93: Challenge Day 30: We Were Wrong?
Challenge Day 30: Admitting we’re wrong. When in Christ and we do something we shouldn’t - it’s often a matter of where we’re focusing our attention. The difference isn’t positive mental attitude. The difference is focusing on Christ and His character. If we do that, we don’t have to worry about reputation. Christ has our back. Matt 21:28-31, 2 Cor 3:18.
Sun, 21 Mar 2021 - 03min - 16 - #94: Why So Narrow God? Part 1
So now that we’ve discovered there is a moral basis for Hell, the next logical question is, “Why does God make it so hard to go to heaven, especially since you claim He loves us so much?” Put another way, “Why is the path so narrow?” In this episode we ask the question, “Is it?” and then dive into whether or not God has a moral justification for making requirements of people for eternal life. And what about people who have never had the chance to hear the gospel, anyway? A person in the remotest parts of the earth? How can God be justified in condemning them to Hell? This is the first in a two part series that gets to the heart of the issue: Is God really love and are we really in need of a Savior.
Sun, 25 Apr 2021 - 19min - 15 - #95: Why So Narrow God? Part 2
Why do some claim there are “rules” on what a person must do to be saved, anyway? Aren’t they just little technicalities that people use as control over others to convince them they’re going to hell? And why did Jesus say the path to salvation is narrow? Lastly - how narrow is TOO narrow? Hint: The problem isn’t the number of ‘rules’, the problem really is that when we object to clear Bible teaching regarding salvation, we’re objecting to the idea that God has ANY rules at all.
Sun, 02 May 2021 - 25min - 14 - #96: The Biggest Obstacle To Belief: ImpotenceSat, 17 Jul 2021 - 26min
- 13 - #97: Incubator for Growth - The Family and Honesty
The Family. If there is an ideal incubator for learning valuable lessons and gaining many of the character traits necessary for productive Christianity, it might well be our families. In this series we tackle various character traits that mark Christians, in relation to how those might be best imparted to our kids. Also, we get a little vulnerable in these episodes, revealing shortcomings and lessons learned along the way, even as we are still learning. If you have kids, you just might benefit from the open, frank discussion. If you don’t, the principles still apply, as we aim to make this worth your time as a growing Christian too. After all, we ARE family in Christ.
Sat, 09 Oct 2021 - 20min - 12 - #98: Incubator for Growth - The Family and Respect
Disclaimer: We’re not experts. However, when did that stop us from tackling a subject? When it comes to growing as Christians, the family is often the incubator for that growth. As far as raising respectful children are concerned, there are some principles that parents need to respect as well. If you don’t have kids, this is for you as well as we attempt to break down the topic in a way that has application for everyone. And Uncle Philmore makes an appearance too.
Sun, 05 Dec 2021 - 40min - 11 - #99: Incubator for Growth - The Family and Responsibility
Responsibility. If we’re going to do right by our children, we need to train them to be responsible. Easier said than done! What are some pitfalls we find ourselves falling into as parents, what are some principles to help avoid them? A little bit-o-been-there-done-that and a lot of looking at how Christ does it with us… His disciples. Mark 25:14 | Mark 9:28-29
Sun, 02 Jan 2022 - 33min - 10 - #100: Incubator for Growth - Relationships with our Kids
How do you know if you have a good relationship with your kids? When it’s tested. The importance of open, trusting relationships with our children, grown or not cannot be overstated. Putting principles from God’s relationship with us is a useful guide - even down to the detail. And if you’re relationship with your children isn’t stellar, we have some ideas for you as well. Are you a grown child or teenager? Fear not! This episode has something in it for you too. Uncle Philmore makes sure of that.
Sat, 09 Apr 2022 - 36min - 9 - #101: Incubator for Growth - Trust
The ultimate goal as parents is to help our children gain trust in the right person: Jesus. In the process though, they’re watching US. How do we build a relationship with our kids that helps them learn to trust in the right people? AND what if we blew it… and now we’re trying to regain that trust? What now? Hebrews 2:11-13, Matt 21:21, Matt 14:22-33
Thu, 04 Aug 2022 - 32min - 8 - #102: Incubator for Growth - Affection
Dads - take note! We think we have the “L” thing down with our kids. And as a result they’ll “L” God too. Right? Let’s back up a bit and take a look (and maybe a hard swallow) at what we are or can do to better train our kids in “L”oving God. We call it “Affection”.
“Abba”. Daddy. Pop Pops. Terms of endearment. All heart warming to the one they’re aimed at.
Romans 8:15, 1 John 4:19, Mark 14:36, Gal 4:6
Sun, 25 Sep 2022 - 28min - 7 - #103: Incubator for Growth - Relationships (Yep, THOSE Kind)Sat, 17 Dec 2022 - 24min
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