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- 296 - The Adoption of Sons | Galatians 4:1-7
Adoption in first century Roman times was very different from how we understand adoption today. Back then, adoption was the time when the father recognized that their son was mature and no longer needed the child guides that they were in bondage to. The Apostle Paul uses that analogy to show that we have graduated from being under bondage to the Law so that we could be sons of God with the Holy Spirit as our new guide. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #galatians #galatians4 #abba #abbafather #fatherblessing #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sat, 30 Nov 2024 - 52min - 295 - Jesus, Our Living Hope | John 5:1-17
Muslims and Jews have very little issues with Jesus as a teacher or prophet but they deny His resurrection - that the hope we have is a living hope in the person of Jesus Christ. We have have this living hope inside us but do we ‘live’ like we do? We often don’t because of distractions. John 5: 1-17 details the distractions of the enemy that deny us the vision of Jesus Our Living Hope. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #robinantoine #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #john5 #distraction #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 24 Nov 2024 - 41min - 294 - The Kind of Church We Want to Be | Welcome to New Life Fellowship
Welcome to New Life Fellowship. Pastor Ross shares the kind of church that New Life Fellowship aspires to be. – We want to know nothing else except Jesus Christ and the Cross. – We want to be a Community of Grace. – We want to be a church that focuses on Monday thru Saturday first. – We are a church where each person is part of the Priesthood of Believers that lives this life out everywhere we go. – We want to see the exercising of all the spiritual gifts, especially words of prophecy. – We are a church that cares about people over programs. – We want worship that connects with your soul and magnifies Christ. – We are a church that believes in prayer. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #church #churchculture #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 17 Nov 2024 - 57min - 293 - Sons of God with Authority | Galatians 3:26-29
Through our faith in Christ, we have been baptised into Christ and therefore become sons of God with authority and power. This applies to all believers, Jews and Gentiles alike, slave and free, men and women – all are one in Christ. Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #galatians3 #galatians #lawvsgrace #godsauthority #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sat, 09 Nov 2024 - 50min - 292 - The Surprising Purpose of God’s Law | Galatians 3:19-25
God didn’t give the Law through Moses as a template for us to follow. Instead, it was meant to show us that we could never live up to those standards on our own. And that there would have to be another way to Him – faith in Christ Jesus. But now that we have Jesus, we no longer need the Law. For it has done its purpose in leading us to Jesus by showing us our failure. Now, we live in and from Jesus Christ. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #galatians3 #galatians #lawvsgrace #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 03 Nov 2024 - 50min - 291 - Before Moses, God made a Covenant with Abraham and Jesus | Galatians 3:15-18
The Apostle Paul understood what the Judaizer in Galatia did not. Hundreds of years before God made a covenant with Israel through Moses at Mount Sinai, He had made a covenant with Abraham and Jesus. A covenant that came into effect on the cross, giving us an inheritance in Christ that is greater than you can ever imagine. Pastor Ross teaches from Galatians 3: 15-18 and explains what we have received in the will. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #galatians #galatians3 #covenant #lawvsgrace #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 27 Oct 2024 - 58min - 290 - Redeemed from the Curse | Galatians 3:10-14
Do you want to follow and obey God’s Law? Because if you do, you will be cursed. That is the Apostle Paul’s warning to the Galatians in chapter 3, where he reminds them that unless they are perfect, they are subject to all the curses of the Law. Fortunately, God has sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who became a curse for us that all might receive the promise of Abraham’s blessing – the Holy Spirit. And through faith in the Holy Spirit – life. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #galatians3 #galatians #lawvsgrace #faith #holyspirit #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Fri, 18 Oct 2024 - 49min - 289 - Does God Care About Your Body? | Robin Antoine
The way we look at our bodies governs how we treat ourselves and others. We all have a theology of the body - and so does Satan. We need God’s perspective. Anything other than His, is a perspective that leads to death. Sin has given us the ability to create a theology of the body apart from God. The body is an instrument of righteousness - it is made to be surrendered to God’s purposes. But God is the best caretaker of the body and surrender to his care is better than our care. In order to do that we need to accept our bodies as they are - because God does. You can watch this message on YouTube at: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #robinantoine #newlifekw #jesus #body #bodypositivity #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 13 Oct 2024 - 48min - 288 - Faith that Makes All the Difference | Galatians 3:6-9
Have you considered Abraham? In Galatians 3: 6-9, the Apostle Paul argues that our justification is by faith and not by fulfilling the Law by appealing to the father of our faith – Abraham. He proves that Abraham was made righteous simply by his faith in God. Therefore, it only makes sense that to be included in this family, one must exercise the same faith. Which also allows us to become benefactors of the same covenant. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #abraham #galatians #galatians3 #righteousness #justification #faith #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 06 Oct 2024 - 50min - 287 - What We Do vs What is True | Isaac Dunn
After chapter 11, the story of Genesis follows in detail the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. But in chapter 38, there is an odd story of Judah and his daughter-in-law Tamar. But this story provides a contrast with the story of Joseph in chapter 39 to demonstrate the nature of God's grace. What we do, doesn't diminish who we are. Who we are, is the result of what God does. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #isaacdunn #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #genesis #genesis38 #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 29 Sep 2024 - 33min - 286 - The Foolish Galatians | Galatians 3:1-5
Paul accuses the Galatian Christians of being foolish - unthinking and unreflecting - when it comes to understanding the freedom they had from the Law to earn God's approval. Life after salvation is the same as how salvation comes to be - trusting in Jesus' work. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #galatians3 #lawvsgrace #sanctification #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 22 Sep 2024 - 50min - 285 - Living under the Law frustrates God’s grace | Galatians 2:21
When we struggle to accept that God has made us righteous in Him through Jesus’ work on the cross, we are frustrating and rejecting God’s grace. If you can’t accept yourself as you are today, then you believe that you have higher standards than God and that Jesus didn’t do enough. That frustrates God because if that could be the case, then Jesus wouldn’t have needed to die. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #galatians #galatians2 #sermon #lawvsgrace #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sat, 07 Sep 2024 - 39min - 284 - Living with Expectancy | Acts 3:1-10
There is a season for routines, procedures, safety and predictability but there is no life in ‘them’. There is only life and power found in a Person - in the Person of Jesus Christ. As those who are in Christ - we haven’t been made subject to rules of living but we have been made alive to God in everything we do, think and say. This lends itself to unpredictability, foiled routines, subsequent danger at times but most importantly joy. Pastor Robin explains in today’s message how Acts 3: 1-10 illustrates a life lived and led expectant of a good God. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #robinantoine #newlifekw #jesus #acts3 #sermon #expectmiracles #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 15 Sep 2024 - 47min - 283 - What does it mean for Christ to live in me? | Galatians 2:20
Walking in the Spirit. Abiding in Christ. Resting in Jesus. Christ living through me. All of these phrases point to the same concept, that Jesus Christ now lives in and through us as the dynamic power that animates us to live the Christian life. Or as the Apostle explained it to the Galatians, “Not I, but Christ.” Join Pastor Ross as he illustrates and explains what this incredible and often misunderstood concept means in practical terms. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #galatians #galatians2 #walkinginthespirit #abidinginchrist #christinme #notibutchrist #livingbyfaith #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 25 Aug 2024 - 49min - 282 - What Determines Who You Are | Galatians 2:20
If the most important question is, “Who is God?” Then the second most important question is, “Who am I?” The world around us is obsessed with trying to answer that question through identity politics, gender wars, sexuality, striving, and even religious effort. But to answer the question of who I am, we need to also understand what determines who I am. Pastor Ross reveals the powerful truth of Galatians 2 and verse 20 and what it tells us about God’s answer to our identity. And the good news is that you are likely not who you think you are. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #galatians #galatians2 #identity #identityinchrist #whoami #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 18 Aug 2024 - 47min - 281 - How To Live A Complaint Free Life | Psalm 67
Paul warns the church in the epistles against complaining and grumbling. In a society where complaints and voiced disagreement is encouraged and celebrated - sometimes Christians wonder whether they should speak up or not. However, complaints are all over the Psalms. It is common for psalmists to complain so what’s the key to living a life not dominated by complaint and disillusionment but also acknowledges human struggle. Psalm 67 presents a key phrase that helps the believer receive what is true about how to live a complaint free life. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #robinantoine #newlifekw #psalm67 #psalms #complaining #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 11 Aug 2024 - 45min - 280 - Unbound and Free | The Story of Lazarus' Resurrection in John 11
The story of the death and return to life of Lazarus in John 11 is a surprising story of how we can deepen our relationship with Jesus through communion with Him, trusting Him, willingness to experience emotions and community. Guest speaker Peter Watt from Crossways to Life illustrates the values and leaves the viewers with an illustration that reminds us of our need for Jesus and other believers. You can also watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: Learn more about Peter Watt and Crossways to Life: #newlifekw #crosswaystolife #lazarus #jesus #sermon #shame #overcomingshame #overcomingstrongholds #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sat, 03 Aug 2024 - 47min - 279 - How to be free from ‘How to’ | Galatians 2:17-19
In writing to Timothy, the Apostle Paul says that there are those who want to be teachers of the Law, though they do not understand what they are saying, because they don’t understand that the Law is not for believers. This is the basis of the argument when Paul confronted Peter in Galatians 2. Why then did God give the Law? What was the purpose if not to provide a manual to live by? These questions are answered in this message by Pastor Ross. You can watch this on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #galatians #galatians2 #lawvsgrace #grace #lawofgod #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 28 Jul 2024 - 53min - 278 - Justification by Faith - Why This Matters | Galatians 2:14-21
Justification by faith and not by works of the law is one of the central and most important doctrines of the Christian faith. But why is so important? Pastor Ross explains what it means to be justified by grace and the glory of what it leads to by exploring what the Apostle Paul said to Peter when he confronted his hypocrisy in Galatians chapter 2. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #galatians #galatians2 #justification #byfaith #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sat, 20 Jul 2024 - 51min - 277 - Where is your God? | Psalm 42
God’s presence is a guarantee and a promise of the new covenant but what do we do when God feels distant? Or worse, when we feel indifferent to his presence with us. Psalm 42 is a description of our human experience of loneliness and despair in the life of faith. Pastor Robin describes God’s response in Psalm 42 as a new covenant privilege. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #robinantoine #newlifekw #psalm #psalm42 #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sat, 13 Jul 2024 - 48min - 276 - Addressing Hypocrisy in the Church and in Our Own Lives | Galatians 2:11-14
In this sermon, Pastor Ross teaches from Galatians chapter 2, verses 11-14, where the Apostle Paul boldly confronts Peter for his hypocritical behavior. This passage offers profound insights into the dangers of hypocrisy within the Christian community and the importance of standing firm in the truth of the Gospel. Join us as we explore the significance of accountability, the courage to correct and be corrected, and the transformative power of humility and repentance. Whether you're struggling with hypocrisy or seeking to grow in integrity, this message will challenge and inspire you to live out your faith authentically. You can watch this message on YouTube at: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #hypocrisy #galatians #galatians2 #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 07 Jul 2024 - 51min - 275 - Finding Refuge in God's Protection | Psalm 91
Join Pastor Josh as he delves into Psalm 91, exploring the profound message of God's protection and refuge in times of trouble. In this inspiring sermon, discover how faith in God's promises can provide comfort and strength. Don't miss this uplifting and empowering message that reminds us of God's unwavering love and care. Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #joshgordon #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #psalm91 #psalms #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 30 Jun 2024 - 50min - 274 - Freed from the Law to Live in Jesus | Galatians 2:1-10
Like William Wallace, the great cry of every Christian ought to be “Freedom!” Because of Christ, we are freed from the Law, to live under grace. But what does it mean to be free from the Law? Don’t we still have some obligation to it? In this message, Pastor Ross explains what living under a Law system looks like compared to living under grace with Jesus. You can watch this message on YouTube here:
Sun, 23 Jun 2024 - 48min - 273 - A Revelation of Jesus Christ will set you free | Galatians 1:11-24
One of the hardest things in life is to change what we think. The Apostle Paul faced a crisis after encountering Jesus on the road to Damascus. Would he hold on to everything he believed and was taught growing up? Or would he lay it all aside to follow Jesus. The revelation of Jesus Christ that included a revelation of his flesh, along with who Jesus is, who he was in Jesus, and who Jesus was in him forever changed him and the course of history. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #galatians #revelation #changeyourlife #changeyourmindset #grace #jesuschangeseverything #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sat, 15 Jun 2024 - 51min - 272 - How to stop being a people pleaser | Galatians 1:10
There has always existed pressure to adapt the gospel of grace that is Jesus plus nothing, to become more pleasing to others. Either to add in some rules and religious laws to make people "keep" the grace of God, or to smudge what God's word says so that the world caught up in their sin wouldn't be offended. But Jesus came with grace and truth, and like the Apostle Paul, we are not seeking the approval of man because we have become bond-slaves of Christ. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #galatians #galatians1 #peoplepleaser #progressivechristianity #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 09 Jun 2024 - 49min - 271 - A Distorted Gospel is No Gospel At All | Galatians 1:6-9
Paul's letter to the Galatians quickly went from a cold opening, to a hot rebuke. He confronts them with the ease and speed in which they abandoned God for a gospel of self-works and legalism. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #galatians #lawvsgrace #legalism #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sat, 01 Jun 2024 - 43min - 270 - Continue in Grace | Galatians 1:1-5
We begin a study of Paul's letter to the Galatians. It is a powerful letter where the Apostle Paul argues for the freedom that was paid for by Jesus Christ. Not just for the moment of salvation, but that "we might be saved from the present evil age" through the grace of God today. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #church #lawvsgrace #galatians #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 26 May 2024 - 45min - 269 - Embracing Doubt: Discovering Faith in Uncertainty | Luke 7:17-28
Join Pastor Robin as he explores the theme of doubt in our faith journey exploring the story of John the Baptist from Luke chapter 7, verses 17-28, where even the greatest prophet experiences moments of doubt. Pastor Robin encourages us to embrace our doubts, seeing them as a natural part of our faith that invites us into a deeper relationship with Jesus by asking you to reflect with Jesus' question, "What have you seen of me?" Discover how our doubts can lead to greater faith and trust in God's promises. Don't miss this opportunity to find assurance and strength in the midst of uncertainty. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #robinantoine #newlifekw #jesus #doubt #luke #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 19 May 2024 - 39min - 268 - How God Keeps His Promise of Peace to His People | Luke 1:67-80
In the midst of life's storms and trials, finding peace can often feel like an elusive dream. Yet, throughout history, God has remained steadfast in His promise to bestow His peace upon His people. Join us for a soul-stirring exploration as we delve into the unshakable truth that God indeed keeps His promise of peace, even in the midst of the most turbulent times. In this sermon, Pastor Robin shows how Luke chapter 1, verses 67-80, is a prophecy outlining how God is trustworthy to give us peace and rescue. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #robinantoine #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 12 May 2024 - 47min - 267 - Lessons for What Church is to be like from the Parable of the Good Samaritan | Luke 10:25-37
The parable known as the Good Samaritan from Luke 10 is a timeless message on how the church serves as a beacon of healing and restoration as we deepen our faith in Jesus Christ. As Pastor Ross delves into the passage, we unravel the layers of significance behind each character and detail. From the cunning lawyer's attempt to trap Jesus with theological questions to the profound lessons embedded within the Samaritan's compassionate actions, we uncover profound truths about love, mercy, and grace. Discover how the Samaritan's selfless acts of kindness parallel Christ's love for humanity, and how the Church can be an "Inn of Grace" to those who are hurting. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #luke10 #goodsamaritan #grace #whatischurch #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sat, 04 May 2024 - 48min - 266 - The Humble King of Hopeless Hearts: Jesus's Response to Disillusionment | Luke 24:13-35
In this profound sermon by Pastor Robin, we delve into the challenging concept of reconciling our expectations of God with His divine plan. Drawing from the life of Jesus and the experiences of his disciples, Pastor Robin invites us to contemplate a crucial question: Will we follow a God who doesn't always meet our expectations? Through a raw exploration of moments in Jesus's ministry where his actions may have seemed like failures, Pastor Robin encourages us to trust in the grander scale of God's plan, even when it challenges our finite understanding. Join us as we journey through Luke 24, verses 13-35 and discover how Jesus, as the humble king of hopeless hearts, reveals His character in the midst of our disappointments. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #robinantoine #newlifekw #jesus #disappointment #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 28 Apr 2024 - 44min - 265 - From Mourning to Healing: A Sermon on Understanding Grief and Loss | Genesis 23-25
In this final message on the life of Abraham from Genesis 12- 25, we delve into the intricacies of grief and loss, exploring the multifaceted nature of mourning and the path to healing. Drawing insights from Biblical wisdom and personal anecdotes, we unravel the stages of grief, from shock and denial to acceptance, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and processing our losses. Through heartfelt reflections and practical advice, discover how to support others through their grief journey and find solace in the promise of a better tomorrow. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #grief #abraham #genesis #genesis23 #genesis25 #jesus #sermon #dealingwithloss #dealingwithgrief #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 21 Apr 2024 - 46min - 264 - Are We Saved by Faith or Faith Plus Works? | Genesis 22:15-18
Catholics and Protestants have been arguing for centuries over what the Apostles James and Paul meant when they referenced the righteousness of Abraham. Was he made righteous by faith alone? Or was it his works in sacrificing Isaac? Pastor Ross explores the passages in Romans 4 and James 2 and shows how both Paul, James, and the other Apostles are all in alignment. You can also watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #abraham #genesis #genesis22 #james2 #reformation #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 14 Apr 2024 - 43min - 263 - Jehovah-Jireh: The Prophetic Prelude to Easter in Genesis 22:1-14
In this sermon, Pastor Ross delves into Genesis 22, verses 1-14 to uncover the profound foreshadowing of Easter within the story of Abraham and Isaac. Exploring the sacrificial journey of Genesis 22, we unravel the significance of Mount Moriah and its echoes of the Cross, revealing how Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son prefigures the ultimate act of love seen in Jesus Christ. Through careful examination, we discover the profound connection between Isaac and the ram, illuminating the profound depths of God's grace and provision. Join us as we unravel the prophetic prelude to Easter and delve into the roots of this timeless message in Genesis 22. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #easter #abraham #isaac #sacrifice #genesis #genesis22 #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 31 Mar 2024 - 43min - 262 - Get Back in the Fight | 1 Timothy 6:12
Paul tells Timothy to fight the good fight of faith. What does that mean? Taking a closer look at 1 Timothy chapter 6 - we can see that it is possible for Christians - even pastors to get out of the good fight. Pastor Robin highlights how Paul illustrates for believers the what and the how of keeping in the good fight. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #robinantoine #faith #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #church #1timothy #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 24 Mar 2024 - 38min - 261 - Ishmael vs Isaac – An Allegory of Law vs Grace | Genesis 21:1-21
The story of Ishmael and Isaac is more than just a tale of one brother jealous of the other. It is a portrayal of Law vs Grace. Of Flesh vs Spirit. Of self-dependence vs Christ-dependent. Of death vs life. Using the Apostle Paul’s explanation in Galatians chapter 4, Pastor Ross explains what it means to live by the Spirit and not under the Law. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #abraham #genesis #genesis21 #lawvsgrace #galatians4 #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 17 Mar 2024 - 44min - 260 - God's Grace on Display - The Story of Abraham and Abimelech | Genesis 20:1-18
The story of Abraham and Abimelech feels like deja-vu from his journey into Egypt. Twenty-five years later, Abraham lies about his relationship with Sarah to protect himself out of a greater fear of Abimelech than his fear of God. But it is much more than a story of Abraham's failure. It is a story of God's grace and redemption of this righteous man. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #abraham #abimelech #genesis #genesis20 #grace #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 10 Mar 2024 - 42min - 259 - Remember Sodom and Gomorrah | Genesis 18:16-19:29
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is an important and unforgettable one. And that is by God's design and intent because it was meant to be an eternal warning to everyone about the coming judgement that each person will face in the day of Jesus' return. But if we think that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was only their immoral behaviour, then we will miss the real sin - their lack of reverence and respect of God and His authority. Pastor Ross guides us through the famous passage and helps us identify with each of the characters and what that means for us today and in the future. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #genesis #abraham #sodom #gomorrah #genesis18 #genesis19 #judgementday #jesusreturn #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sat, 02 Mar 2024 - 52min - 258 - Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit
The kingdom of God is the rule of Christ. It is synonymous with the saying ‘Jesus is Lord’. Jesus’ rule is not just a place but a here and now that when we step into it we exert His authority over the kingdom of darkness wherever we go. In today’s sermon, Pastor Robin highlights how Jesus’ rule is the reason for accepting, forgiving, and rejoicing with each other as the body of Christ. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #robinantoine #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #kingdomofgod #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sat, 24 Feb 2024 - 47min - 257 - Hearing God
Every relationship is only as good as the communication. That is true in marriages, friendships, and even with co-workers. And the same is true with God. When we struggle to hear from Him, it will limit the depth to our relationship. But is hearing God as difficult as we have been led to believe? Or is it something that we are invited to grow into with our loving Heavenly Father? You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #hearinggodsvoice #hearinggod #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sat, 17 Feb 2024 - 54min - 256 - Dealing with Doubt | Genesis 18:1-15
Doubt is part of the human condition. Denial, pushing it down, or ignoring it won't stop them from eating away at our hope. In Genesis 17 and 18, we see Abraham and Sarah promised a miracle which they laughed at when God first told them. Yet, their doubt didn't decide their faith. Pastor Ross explores what to do when doubt fills our mind. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #genesis #genesis17 #genesuis18 #doubt #faith #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 11 Feb 2024 - 50min - 255 - The Significance of Circumcision Today | Genesis 17:1-27
In Genesis 17, we have a continuation of the terms of the covenant between God and Abram and all his descendants. In chapter 17, God changes Abram's name to Abraham, and Sarai to Sarah. But He also implements a covenant of circumcision that is much more than a physical act. It was meant as a sign to point to a greater spiritual reality that God would accomplish in the hearts of those who believe in Jesus. Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #genesis17 #genesis #abraham #circumcision #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 04 Feb 2024 - 49min - 254 - Sarah and Hagar | Genesis 16:1-16
The story of Sarai and Hagar in Genesis 16 is a sad tale of what happens when we operate out of the flesh, even trying to do God's will FOR Him, but in our own strength. God wants us to wait upon Him and His power, not do it our way and on our timeline - lest we produce an Ishmael and not an Isaac. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #newlifekw #jesus #sermonclip #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 28 Jan 2024 - 45min - 253 - The Old Compared to the New Covenant | Genesis 15
The greatest mistake the Church has made is mixing the Old Covenant (The Law) with the New Covenant (Grace). In doing so, we lose the power of both. Pastor Ross compares the two covenants and shows how "You shall..." becomes "I will..." You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #genesis15 #covenant #oldvsnew #lawvsgrace #grace #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 21 Jan 2024 - 54min - 252 - The Power to Change | Titus 2:11-14
Everyone is after the ‘Better Me’ in 2024 but that is not what God has called us to. He called us to seek first the Kingdom. So where does the power source come from to do that? Titus chapter two paints the picture and explains where that power comes from. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #robinantoine #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 14 Jan 2024 - 47min - 251 - Has God Forgotten His Promise to Israel? | Genesis 15:18-21
The covenant that God made Abram in Genesis 15 is actually the New Covenant that Christians have with God through Jesus Christ. That reality has profound consequences, specifically for the nation of Israel. Has the church replaced Israel (aka supersessionism)? Does Israel still have a role to play with God? These questions are more are answered in this message from Pastor Ross. You can also watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #israel #israelpalestineconflict #genesis15 #supersessionism #replacementtheology #ezekiel37 #drybones #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 07 Jan 2024 - 52min - 250 - The New Covenant is the Abrahamic Covenant which is Greater than the Old Covenant | Genesis 15:7-21
In Genesis chapter 15, God made a covenant with Abram. That's a big deal because that covenant is our New Covenant today. It is a covenant that God promises to do both sides, and we get to benefit from His work. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #genesis #genesis15 #covenant #abram #abraham #jesus #sermonclip #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 31 Dec 2023 - 48min - 249 - A Belief that Results in Righteousness | Genesis 15:1-6
The Christmas story has it's roots in the story of Abram in Genesis 15, when Abram believed in the promise of God that resulted in his righteousness. But what does it mean to be righteous by faith alone and how does impact us today? Join Pastor Ross Gilbert as he explores the significance of this passage. Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #genesis #abram #abraham #righteousness #byfaith #grace #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 24 Dec 2023 - 52min - 248 - The Intimacy of Imitation | 1 Corinthians 4:15-17
Imitation gets a bad rap. Often a form of humour and humiliation, imitation in Biblical terms and definition, was a term of honour. It demonstrated a form of allegiance that spoke of great affection between two parties. Paul urges the Corinthian Church to imitate him. Pastor Robin shares about 1 Corinthians chapter 4 as an affirmation but also a warning to the 21st Century church - to really understand the use of that verb in new covenant writings. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #robinantoine #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #church #1corinthians #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 17 Dec 2023 - 38min - 247 - Understanding Covenant
The Bible is a covenant document that details the various covenants that God makes with mankind. To truly appreciate the power of that statement, and therefore to understand the kind of relationship and connection we have with God, we need to step back and understand what it is a covenant. Pastor Ross does this by examining threshold covenant in particular and how it is the basis of the first Passover in Exodus 12, which was foretelling what Christ ultimately did on the cross. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #covenant #understandingcovenant #passover #exodus #genesis15 #thresholdcovenant #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 10 Dec 2023 - 50min - 246 - Abram Goes to War | Genesis 14
This story of Abram has everything you would want in a blockbuster movie. Political intrigue, great characters, villains, heroes, chases, epic battles, and the rescue of vulnerable people. But it is much more than that. It show us the gospel, both for us and how that is lived out in our communities. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #abram #abraham #abrahamandlot #genesis #genesis14 #jesus #sermonclip #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 03 Dec 2023 - 51min - 245 - Living a Life of Repentance | Genesis 13:1-18
The story of Lot and Abram going their separate ways has a lot more going on than meets the eye. We discover how God is moving in Abram's life to bring repentance. Abram's life was one where he was learning to trust God through obedience from the heart. This what it means to live a life of repentance, where we are learning to rely not upon ourselves, but upon God's power. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #abraham #abram #repentance #genesis #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sat, 25 Nov 2023 - 52min - 244 - The Root and Fruit of Perfectionism: How free is free?
The need to be perfect is something that many of us can relate to on some level. Ultimately, this desire for perfection has its roots in the belief that if I work hard enough I can prove my value in what I do. But God has a better plan. He desires we look to Him for our perfection and to rest in his finished work at the cross. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #shelaghbalfoort #newlifekw #perfectionism #grace #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 19 Nov 2023 - 42min - 243 - The Benefits of Meditation | Psalm 1
Meditation on Jesus’ instruction is the key to perseverance, prosperity and protection in the life of the believer. But meditation is a bizarre concept that - even though Biblical, is a head scratcher for new covenant believers. Pastor Robin highlights how meditating on Jesus’ instructions is an essential part of the believer’s life based on Psalm 1. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #robinantoine #newlifekw #psalm1 #psalms #meditation #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 12 Nov 2023 - 52min - 242 - Abram's Fear of Man | Genesis 12:10-20
The Bible tells the honest story, including the failures of the heroes of our faith. In this passage, we discover when Abram had more fear in man, than trust in God - and left his wife, Sarai, in a vulnerable place. Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #abraham #genesis #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 05 Nov 2023 - 52min - 241 - God's Call to Abraham | Genesis 12:1-9
The life of Abraham is an incredible example of how God works in the lives of those who trust Him. Despite being a man who struggled with fear, mistrust, doubt, and more -- he is known as God's friend. Someone that God blessed personally, nationally, and for the entire world. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #abraham #genesis #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sat, 21 Oct 2023 - 48min - 240 - Mastering the Battle for the Mind
Spiritual battles are won or lost at the threshold of the mind. Thankfully, God has given us very practical, simple weapons with which we can fully experience the victory Christ has won for us. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #joshgordon #newlifekw #battleforthemind #jesus #flesh #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 15 Oct 2023 - 51min - 239 - A Psalm For Thanksgiving - Psalm 100
Psalm 100 is a psalm of thanksgiving to God for who He is and His faithfulness to us, His very own people. Here, we learn to worship God in our joy, our service, and in our praise through song. Together, let us enter His gates and stand in His courts exulting His perfect goodness. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #psalm100 #psalms #jesus #sermon #thanksgiving #attitudeofgratitude #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 08 Oct 2023 - 36min - 238 - Why Study The Bible?
The Bible has a fantastic history. The most famous book in the world is a collection of writings from thousands of years ago by many different authors from different parts of the world. But it is so much more. It is the Word of God communicated through His chosen people who witnessed God's action and His heart firsthand. These writings have been preserved and passed down through the generations over time "so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ." You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #biblestudy #biblereading #biblehistory #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 01 Oct 2023 - 1h 00min - 237 - When It’s Difficult to Trust His Leading
Sometimes it’s not the big ‘asks’ from God that are the challenge. Sometimes it’s the small ones that trips us up. The visit to the neighbour, the small talk with the cashier, or the family get together that can sometimes be the hardest moment to go with God’s leading. Remembering who and why you were made the way you are is surprisingly the key to a life of surrender. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #robinantoine #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #psalm139 #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sat, 23 Sep 2023 - 49min - 236 - The Church at Her Best | 2 Corinthians 13:7-14
The Apostle Paul closes his letter to the Corinthians with a description of what the Church of Jesus Christ looks like when she is at her best. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #2corinthians #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sat, 16 Sep 2023 - 42min - 235 - Testing Yourself To See If You Are IN the Faith | 2 Corinthians 13:5-6
Time for a pop-quiz. It is the most important test that we need to pass. It is a test to see if we possess faith in Christ, and therefore if Christ is in us. Not everybody passes this test (Universalism is not Biblical), nor is it only for some (God did not predestine only some for faith). Anyone can pass - as long as they possess faith. Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: You can also watch this message on YouTube here: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #test #faith #universalism #predestination #calvinism #reformed #jesus #sermonclip #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 10 Sep 2023 - 50min - 234 - Overcoming Sin - Repentance in Action | 2 Corinthians 13:1-4
Living in a sin-cursed world where we face temptation from all around us, there is still hope in the simple truth that Jesus is greater than your sin. The same power that raised Jesus from the grace, is able to overcome the flesh. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #victoryoversin #jesus #sermon #2corinthians #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 03 Sep 2023 - 54min - 233 - Understanding Repentance | 2 Corinthians 12:11-21
Repentance is one of the words in our Christian faith that has been very misunderstood. As a result, it has been discarded and seen contrary to grace. But repentance is something that we all need and will lead us out of death from sin to experience life in Christ. Which is why the Apostle Paul is willing to meddle in the personal lives of the Corinthians. Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: You can watch this message on YouTube here: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #repentance #jesus #sermon #2corinthians #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 27 Aug 2023 - 54min - 232 - Agape Love Power For Everyday Life | Philippians 1:9-11
We are preoccupied often with three things, clarity on right decisions, control over the results, and corporately being known. If we’re honest with ourselves, we think about these three often and worry about them. But Paul prays a prayer for the Philippian church and us that addresses those three things. It is a prayer that reveals the power of God’s love in everyday life. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #robinantoine #agape #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #philippians1 #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 20 Aug 2023 - 48min - 231 - God's Power and Our Weakness | 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
God doesn't need you to be a strong Christian. Sounds counterintuitive, yet Paul teaches that our weakness allows us to lean into His grace, which is His power to face the difficult circumstances in life. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #strengthinweakness #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #2corinthians #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sat, 12 Aug 2023 - 46min - 230 - When God Says No | 2 Corinthians 12:1-10
God asks that we turn to Him in prayer for healing, help, and restoration. But what happens when we turn to Him in earnest faith, but His answer is no. How do we face the pain and struggle that He doesn't take away? Paul's thorn in the flesh gives us important insight to the hope filled truth that God has a purpose, especially in our pain. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #whengodsaysno #suffering #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 30 Jul 2023 - 51min - 229 - Boasting in our Weakness | 2 Corinthians 11:30-33
The world cheers for strength, for excellence, for those with power and special abilities. But God chooses the weak, who are committed to trust Him, because that's where His power shows up best. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #newlifekw #strengthinweakness #jesus #sermon #2corinthians #weakness #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 16 Jul 2023 - 42min - 228 - When I Was Convicted by the Holy Spirit
What does it mean to be convicted by the Holy Spirit? We will explore how God encourages us to grow through conviction and that conviction is our opportunity to trust Him. Peter Watt from @crosswaystolife joins us to share from his own journey the good that comes from hearing, trusting, and surrendering to the Holy Spirit. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: Crossways to Life: #peterwatt #newlifekw #crosswaystolife #jesus #sermon #holyspirit #conviction #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 16 Jul 2023 - 55min - 227 - The Fool's Speech | 2 Corinthians 11:16-30
We are often guilty of the comparing ourselves with others and feeling that we come up short. Yet it is foolish to do that, because it means putting ourselves under the standard (which is another way of saying the Law) which only guarantees that we experience death and condemnation. Yet, the Apostle Paul decides to lower himself into this foolishness to show that the false apostles who are placing the church in Corinth under law, are unworthy of their toleration. You can watch this video on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: #rossgilbert #comparison #2corinthians #newlifekw #jesus #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 09 Jul 2023 - 38min - 226 - Beware of False Apostles, Teachers, and Prophets | 2 Corinthians 11:5-15
In multiple letters and by multiple people, including Jesus, we are warned to watch out for false apostles, teachers, and prophets. For they are servants of Satan meant to confuse, devour, and bind up the children of God. But how do we identify these wolves in sheep clothing, and how can we protect ourselves? You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sat, 01 Jul 2023 - 47min - 225 - The Meek and Misunderstood Messiah | Matthew 27:37-44
Often our reminders of the crucifixion narrative highlight Jesus’ physical pain. However he also endured a psychological burden of abuse that with close watch we can see that was significantly brutal. Pastor Robin looks at Matthew 27, and helps us see how Jesus’ true power was on display in the face of mockery, manipulation, and mistreatment. But not just power to show off - but power to save... Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: You can watch this message on YouTube here: #robinantoine #newlifekw #jesus #meek #matthew27 #sermon #church #communityofgrace #kitchener #waterloo #cambridge
Sun, 25 Jun 2023 - 38min - 224 - The Portrait of My Father | Learning to See God More Clearly
The impact of a father is difficult to overstate, whether positive or negative (or usually a combination of both.) My need for a Perfect Father started the day I was born; this is a need no earthly father could ever meet. If we allow Him, God will Father us with tenderness, disentangling the lies the bind us, and bringing us new peace, freedom, and joy. You can also watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sat, 17 Jun 2023 - 55min - 223 - The Role of Deacons
When the first church erupted on the scene in Acts 2, it soon overwhelmed the apostles with the day to day administration. The result was the creation of a new and critical role within the church - the deacon. Pastor Ross explains what that role means within NLF as well as the a brief overview of the various staff and teams within the church. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 11 Jun 2023 - 48min - 222 - Keep It Simple | 2 Corinthians 11:1-4
The gospel is meant to be simple. But as the serpent deceived Eve into believing a complicated gospel led her astray, our enemy attempts to do the same with us. This robs us of our joy, peace, hope, rest, and power that is found in the simplicity of Jesus. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 04 Jun 2023 - 40min - 221 - Evangelism 101 | 2 Corinthians 10:12-18
We all want to see God's kingdom grow through evangelism, yet we often find it very hard to start a conversation. Pastor Ross breaks down some of the common questions that need an answer from everyone of us. Is there a God? Who is this God? Where do I stand with Him? And what should be my response to Him? You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 28 May 2023 - 50min - 220 - Nlf - Sermon - 2021 - 05 - 21 - Shelagh - Balfoort
Faith is foundational to the life of a Christian. We are saved by grace through faith, and we are to walk by faith and not by sight. Understanding the obstacles to faith and what we can do to overcome those obstacles can help us to experience the abundant life as we walk with God. This week we have Shelagh Balfoort from @crosswaystolife sharing. For more information about Crossways to Life, please visit You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 21 May 2023 - 38min - 219 - A Surrendered Heart - The Story of Hannah | 1 Samuel 1-2
God is casting His eyes looking to and fro across the earth looking for someone that is committed to Him. This is a person whose heart is surrendered to God and His purposes. This describes the life of Hannah, the mother of the prophet Samuel in the Old Testament. She endured a long time of unfulfilled dreams and much pain as a result. But she never lost her faith in God, and was rewarded with a part in the story of the coming Messiah. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 14 May 2023 - 47min - 218 - Stop Comparing Yourself | 2 Corinthians 10:12-13
We all do it. We compare ourselves with others in order to determine if we are worthy of love and acceptance. But when we do it, not are we being foolish, but it only ends up hurting us. Instead, we need to learn to boast in who God has made us. When we boast is what He has done, we will live in freedom. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 07 May 2023 - 45min - 217 - Fight with Integrity | 2 Corinthians 10:7-11
We live in a world filled with inauthenticity. Manipulated images, disinformation, false advertising, stories where the truth is twisted or parts hidden. Which creates a world of mistrust and people bluffing with one another. The answer is to live with integrity, where you live from the new heart that God has created within each of His children. This life leads to peace, confidence, and freedom of conscience. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 30 Apr 2023 - 51min - 216 - He Will Not Fail You | Psalm 20
Psalm 20 is a national anthem. It is a song that is a prayer for the king for battle. It is a salute to our current King, Jesus' authority. It is a challenge to read that song as a believer under grace and living in today's political system where my feelings and rights are more important than anyone else's. Can Jesus' Kingship be trusted? Can we confidently pray that His desire's are fulfilled and not ours? If we're honest with ourselves - we should take a closer look at the implication of Jesus as King. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 23 Apr 2023 - 46min - 215 - Let's Fight | 2 Corinthians 10:1-6
Every relationship will at some point experience a time of messiness and conflict. But that conflict can be a time of growth and healing, if we learn how to fight fair. The Apostle Paul experienced a time of conflict with the church in Corinth, and we learn how Paul fought for - not against the Corinthians to earn their trust against the fortress of lies and shame from the Flesh. Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 16 Apr 2023 - 47min - 214 - What does the Resurrection mean to you? | Easter Message
The entire gospel hinges on the resurrection. It is the message of hope, freedom, and life that the church offers the world. The people of New Life share what the resurrection means for them today in this powerful Easter Sunday message. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 09 Apr 2023 - 38min - 213 - Why We Give | 2 Corinthians 8-9
This is the third part of the a study on money from 2 Corinthians chapters 8 and 9. Pastor Ross explains the motivation behind giving, and where the money is to go. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sat, 01 Apr 2023 - 50min - 212 - The Truth About Tithing | 2 Corinthians 8-9
The church has a lost history with struggling with understanding the separation of the New Covenant from the Old Covenant. And one of the areas where this happened the most is with the area of giving. By importing the Old Covenant idea of tithing into the New Covenant church, we are missing the heart behind giving and the opportunity to trust Jesus in how much, or how little, to give. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 26 Mar 2023 - 45min - 211 - Let's Talk About Money | 2 Corinthians 8-9
Money. It is a sensitive topic for many to talk about, mostly because it is has an inflated role in our lives. And with that poor understanding of money, it is bound to control us - leaving us feeling empty and broke in our soul. In this message, Pastor Ross explores the topic of money in a broad sense with a rich discussion about finding contentment that pays. Please note, we had some audio problems when recording the message due to technical issues. The first 11 and a half minutes the sound was recorded from our crowd microphone and it sounds very far away. The audio then improves. We apologize for the poor quality and hope that you are still blessed by this message. Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 19 Mar 2023 - 42min - 210 - How To Be Fruitful in the Knowledge of the Lord Jesus | 2 Peter 1:5-11
We move from knowing about Jesus to knowing Jesus when we allow Jesus to meet our need. Allowing Jesus to meet our need, whatever it is, is an act of faith and God rewards faith! In 2 Peter 1, the apostle describes what it looks like to allow Jesus to meet our needs. The results will surprise you. Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram: You can watch this message on YouTube here:
Sun, 12 Mar 2023 - 50min - 209 - Guarding Your Heart | Proverbs 7 and Romans 6
We all face temptation of various kinds. But it is the most difficult battles when we face temptation with an empty heart. Here, the voice of temptation attacks who we are and makes choices that we would otherwise find horrible, suddenly appealing. But there is an answer - Jesus Christ and His work on the cross. Pastor Ross uses the wisdom of Solomon in Proverbs 7 to help explain how we face temptation. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 05 Mar 2023 - 47min - 208 - Don’t Settle for Knowing ABOUT Jesus | 2 Peter 1:2-4
The apostle Peter was in the inner circle. He know what it was like to know Jesus. 2 Peter 1:2-4, Peter talks about how important it is for us to know Jesus personally - not solely know ‘about’ Him. You can also watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sat, 25 Feb 2023 - 43min - 207 - God Comforts the Depressed | 2 Corinthians 7:5-7
Depression is one of the most common struggles that humanity faces. Some have been shamed into thinking that it is the result of their sin, or a lack of faith, or that they just aren't trying hard enough. But God, He doesn't shame or condemn those who are struggling. Instead, God comforts the depressed. Discover what how God brings comfort and how He sometimes involves the church. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 19 Feb 2023 - 53min - 206 - A Godly Sorrow that Leads to Repentance | 2 Corinthians 7:2-16
n relationships, sometimes we need to say some hard things. But the reason we speak up is from love and with love with the hope that it will lead to a Godly sorrow that leads to repentance, without condemnation. In 2 Corinthians chapter 7, we see how this played out between the Apostle Paul and the church in Corinth. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 12 Feb 2023 - 41min - 205 - Choose Who You Attach Yourself To Wisely | 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1
Under the New Covenant, God's still gives commands. These commands are not used to judge our acceptance, but they exist to keep us safe from harm. To ignore these commands is to say that you know better than God, which opens us up to harm. In 2 Corinthians chapter 6, Paul is giving a command regarding who we join ourselves to. The danger is we choose poorly and are drawn into the mess of the world. But when we obey God's command in this area, we are trusting God to care, protect, and provide for us. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 05 Feb 2023 - 48min - 204 - Are you a Sinner or a Saint? | 2 Corinthian 6:14
One of the most popular phrases in the church today is "I'm just a sinner saved by grace." You find it on bumper stickers, in books, on clothing... It's so popular, and yet it's not Biblical, and therefore it's not true. Nowhere in the Bible does it refer to New Covenant believers as sinners saved by grace. Instead, we are saints - holy ones of God. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 29 Jan 2023 - 48min - 203 - What Does True Worship Look Like?
What does true worship look like? Everyone has a different response but the big question is: Does God have a definition of what true worship looks like? The answer is 'yes' but we don't often consider what His definition looks like. Pastor Robin takes out the biblical building blocks to show us what is God's definition of true worship.
Sun, 22 Jan 2023 - 48min - 202 - Open Your Heart | 2 Corinthians 6:3-13
The Prosperity Gospel message does not accurately reflect the true gospel. The Christian Life is not a promise of health, wealth, and perpetual happiness. It will, at times, include suffering, which is not a bad thing. For love is proven through these times of suffering, and trust is formed. The Apostle Paul shares what he has endured for the sake of the Corinthians, in order that he might win their trust and they might receive life in Jesus through him. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 15 Jan 2023 - 38min - 201 - When God Begs - Unbelieving Believers | 2 Corinthians 6:1-2
It is hard to watch people struggle when the answer to their struggle is right there waiting for them to use. The harder the struggle, the more desperate we beg them to take hold of the help that is waiting for them. That is God's heart, that we would use what we possess - the life of Christ in us - so that our faith in Him would not be in vain. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 08 Jan 2023 - 51min - 200 - Discerning God's Leading
One of the most important skills to develop is learning to discern and know God's voice and His leading. This is made much simpler when you have the right centre of attention. Pastor Ross explores various centres that we might have and contrasts it with when Christ is our centre. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 01 Jan 2023 - 52min - 199 - A Christmas Message | Isaiah 9:2-7
Pastor Josh shares a Christmas message of hope and encouragement that the light of Christ can and will shine in the darkness. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 25 Dec 2022 - 35min - 198 - Ambassadors for Reconciliation | 2 Corinthians 5:18-21
With Christmas upon us, we are reminded about the mission that Jesus had in coming as part of humanity. The mission of reconciliation, that God now includes us as Ambassadors of His kingdom. You can watch this message on YouTube here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 18 Dec 2022 - 38min - 197 - Judging God's Way | 2 Corinthians 5:16-17
The question is not if we judge or not. The reality is that we judge many things everyday. And that's a good thing. Don't judge spoiled milk and you will be sick. Don't judge bad teaching, and you will misunderstand who God is and what He has done. So the question is not if we are to judge or not, but rather, how does one judge God's way? Fortunately, the Apostle Paul has told us how we are to judge one another in his second letter to the church in Corinth. Website: Facebook: Facebook Community Group: Instagram:
Sun, 11 Dec 2022 - 52min
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