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A former Christian, takes a look at the claims of Christians.

240 - Is religion just another myth, fairytale, or legend? ( imbeggar response)
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  • 240 - Is religion just another myth, fairytale, or legend? ( imbeggar response)

    Is God real? Was Christianity just made up. Or a myth, fairytale or legend invented for control, money, and power? Was the God of Christianity copied from other ancient mythical gods such as Mithras, Horus, and Dionysus? Is there any historical support to this claim? What do the scholars say?Is religion just another myth, fairytale, or legend? Paulogia at

    Thu, 09 May 2024
  • 239 - Why Gospel Authorship CANNOT Be Correct* (feat Kamil Gregor) ( InspiringPhilosophy response)

    The traditional understanding is that the four biblical gospels were written by apostles or their close companions. But most scholars today believe these attributions were added much later and that all four gospels originally circulated anonymously. In this in-depth analysis, we dive into the historical evidence surrounding gospel authorship. Looking at ancient Christian writings and the gospels themselves, we unpack the case for and against traditional authorial claims. Examining the work of...

    Tue, 07 May 2024
  • 238 - Less Ham, More Lies: The Future of AiG. - (Ken) Ham & AiG News

    == Go to to see through media bias and know where your news is coming from. Subscribe through my link to get 30% unlimited access this month only. ==Paulogia does a survey of recent Answers News episodes featuring such stories as new Answers in Genesis CEO Martyn Iles, science paints a new picture of the ancient past, when we mixed and mated with other kinds of humans, conference cancels panel on biological sex in human skeletons over transphobia fears: Commits a'...

    Thu, 02 May 2024
  • 237 - Christian Detective SHOOTS DOWN My Case! (J Warner Wallace response)

    Jojo Ruba interviews NBC Dateline Cold Case Investigator and renowned Los Angeles detective, J. Warner Wallace, about his new book: "Person of Interest" where Wallace set out to disprove or prove the existence of Jesus Christ without relying on "Bible Scripture". Be prepared to be shocked!!! Is what you believe really true when you look at the cold hard evidence???Person of Interest: J. Warner Wallace Paulogia at

    Mon, 29 Apr 2024
  • 236 - Six Times This Christian Was WRONG About This Bible Scholar (feat Dr Bart Ehrman)

    Christian apologist Frank Turek likes to quote renowned Bible scholar Dr Bart Ehrman to back up his points... the trouble is that seemingly every time he's misrepresenting the professor's points. Dr Ehrman joins me to review his actual positions.== SIGN UP for BART's "Scribal Corruption of Scripture" COURSE == Paulogia at Channel Wish-List

    Thu, 25 Apr 2024
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