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Our culture grows more complicated and challenging every day, and we want to address those tough issues on the ReFOCUS with Jim Daly podcast. Jim Daly is the president of Focus on the Family, and he enjoys having deep and heartfelt conversations with people who will strengthen your faith. That’s why Jim has invited some of our day’s most acclaimed and respected thinkers to join the conversation. He will dig deeper and ask the hard questions to help you share Christ’s grace, truth, and love. This bi-weekly podcast will leave you feeling challenged, encouraged, and more engaged with the world. So dive in and listen.
- 47 - The Two-Parent Privilege: How Americans Stopped Getting Married and Started Falling Behind
This discussion with economics professor Melissa Kearney makes a provocative, data-driven case for marriage and two-parent households, by showing how the institution's decline has led to numerous economic harm in society. She outlines how America can reverse this trend to ensure future prosperity and stability for children.
Read this article for support in single parenting.
Read this article about parenting differences between moms and dads.
Get the Kendrick brothers' movie on fatherhood journeys, Show Me the Father.
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Mon, 02 Dec 2024 - 46 - Former Prime Minister of Australia Reminds Us God is Bigger than Government
Scott Morrison, the 30th Prime Minister of Australia, shares about his tumultuous four years in office and the ridicule, sorrow, anger, and humiliation he faced because of his faith in Christ. He brings the encouraging message that God is in the details, even in suffering, and that His goodness is the anchor that holds in the storm. Morrison asserts that in all things, God's plans for us are good. He also reminds us that God is bigger than government. Our allegiance should be first to Him, as we influence culture by sharing the gospel with our neighbors.
Get a copy of Scott Morrison's book, Plans For Your Good, for a gift of any amount.
Subscribe to the Daily Citizen - Stay informed with a Christian perspective on today’s issues.
Read this article for advice about loving your spouse despite political difference.
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Mon, 18 Nov 2024 - 45 - Cultivating Conversations about Faith in Your Vocation
Duane Barnhart is a former Hollywood producer and the founder of Vintage Gentleman, an organization encouraging traditional manhood, emphasizing integrity, authenticity, courage, and community. This conversation encourages people to develop authentic relationships and share the Christian faith through word and deed in their vocation.
Hear the ReFOCUS with Jim Daly episode with Os Guinness on being agents of change for Christ.
Hear the ReFOCUS with Jim Daly episode with Dennis Quaid on his faith and the Reagan movie.
Get involved with Vintage Gentlemen, founded by Duane Barnhart, to invest in true masculinity.
Read this article to find the right job for the right reason.
Read this article on Christianity and your career.
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Mon, 04 Nov 2024 - 44 - Monique Duson: Responding to Critical Race Theory with Grace and Truth
Monique Duson spent two decades advocating for Critical Race Theory, but through a close, loving friendship, she began to clearly see the contradictions of CRT with a Christian worldview. She is now the founder and president of the Center for Biblical Unity, and along with her friend, Krista Bontrager, offers practical help for having those uncomfortable conversations about race.
Watch this video series for more from Monique Duson.
Check out Lighthouse Voices events to learn more from Christians about navigating the culture.
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Wed, 23 Oct 2024 - 43 - Sean McDowell: Having Meaningful Conversations in Cancel Culture
Disagreements in our culture are dividing friends and family at an alarming rate, causing many people to feel unsafe to share their opinions. But as God's ambassadors, we're called to listen to others and engage the culture despite our differences. This discussion will help you to revive the art of meaningful conversations and tackle issues of the cancel culture, while showing respect to others.
Get your copy of Sean McDowell's End the Stalemate when you make a gift of any amount.
Watch this video series on speaking truth in the culture with John Cooper of Skillet.
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Mon, 07 Oct 2024 - 42 - Os Guinness - Saving America: Being Agents of Change for Christ
Dr. Os Guinness shares deep insights into the current chaos in the United States in what is a cultural revolution. Guinness observes a crisis of freedom, a shift in the past fifty years toward the radical left, which has more in common with the French Revolution of 1789 than the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt (The Sinai Revolution of faith) in the Old Testament. He inspires believers to be agents of change in America by representing Christ and being champions of justice and true freedom, which leads to peace and order in society.
Get your copy of Os Guiness's book The Magna Cart of Humanity for a gift of any amount.
Get the RVL Discipleship Study video series for more fascinating teaching straight from the Bible.
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Mon, 23 Sep 2024 - 41 - A Transformative Journey to Engaging Culture
Dr. Michael Brown became a believer in Jesus 1971 as a sixteen year-old, heroin-shooting, LSD-using Jewish rock drummer. Since then, he has preached throughout America and around the world, bringing a message of repentance, revival, reformation and cultural revolution. He encourages believers to move beyond the walls of the church to engage the culture for Christ. He'll help you to stand against the cultural tide to bring God's kindness, love and truth to others. He also brings a message of encouragement, pointing to the sparks of revival that he's seeing in America today.
Watch this free video series to engage the broken culture with the love of Christ.
Jason Jimenez shares about engaging Gen Z about cultural lies with biblical truth
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Mon, 09 Sep 2024 - 40 - Dennis Quaid: Lessons from the Christian Faith and Ronald Reagan
Dennis Quaid is well-recognized for his numerous roles in Hollywood films the past several decades. In his latest film, he portrays a beloved American hero, President Ronald Reagan. He'll discuss what he learned from Reagan about being a winsome peacemaker and the important role of faith in the president's life. He'll also share about his own personal faith in Christ and how it guides him in today's turbulent culture.
Read more about coming home to Jesus with this free download!
Read this article from Focus on the Family to learn more about restoring your relationship with God.
To learn more information about Reagan, and to view the trailer, visit the website.
Get a copy of Jon Burke's book, Imagine Heaven, to catch a glimpse into the joy of heaven.
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Mon, 26 Aug 2024 - 39 - Doing Life with Others While Sharing Christ
This intriguing discussion helps Christians to share the gospel in a personal and engaging way, while learning to walk alongside unbelievers in everyday life. Boden shares about making disciples, translating the Christian message for a lost culture, and sharing the hope we have in Christ through kindness and hospitality.
Get a copy of Dave Boden's book, Parallel Faith, for a gift of any amount!
Listen to a ReFocus with Jim Daly episode with Rosaria Butterfield.
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Mon, 12 Aug 2024 - 38 - Ray Vander Laan: Living as Examples of Christ in the Culture
RVL shares about the Apostle Paul's example of engaging the culture for Christ and helps believers to live for Christ in the 21st century, modeling humility, peace, unity, and healthy sexuality as we draw others to God's truth.
Get the RVL Discipleship Study video series for more fascinating teaching straight from the Bible.
Access the RVL Discipleship anytime!
Watch the free video series from Ray Vander Laan on reaching the broken culture.
Send Jim a voicemail! Click here.
Mon, 29 Jul 2024 - 37 - Putting God's Love on Display in the Culture
Evangelist Nick Hall, Founder and President of Pulse, shares an optimistic message about signs of revival among the youth of America today. He encourages you to pray often, engage with others at their point of need, be a good listener, and love them as Christ loved us.
Watch this free video series about bringing God's truth to the broken and hurting culture.
Read this article from Jim Daly's blog about sharing the gospel.
Do you want to impact the next generation for Christ? Apply for Pulse 100.
We'd love to hear from you! Visit our Homepage to leave us a voicemail.
Mon, 15 Jul 2024 - 36 - From Porn Star to Pastor
Pastor Joshua Broome shares about his amazing life change - from porn star to pastor - as he offers hope to anyone who feels their life is irredeemable. He'll share about God's grace and forgiveness that he received after falling into the depths of despair, even becoming suicidal. We'll hear how his wife, Hope, demonstrated God's love to Joshua soon after they first met.
Watch this free video series with Monique Duson about embracing your true identity in Christ.
Listen to this podcast for help if you or your spouse is struggling with pornography addiction.
Make a free appointment for an initial consultation with a Focus counselor.
We'd love to hear from you! Visit our Homepage to leave us a voicemail.
Mon, 08 Jul 2024 - 34 - Rosaria Butterfield - From LGBT Culture to God's Truth
Rosaria Butterfield shares how her worldview shifted from feminism and LGBT culture towards God's truth after some loving Christians befriended her. She addresses five prominent lies in the culture regarding homosexuality, gender, feminism and spirituality as she helps you speak biblical truth to others in a loving way.
Make an appointment for a free consultation with a counselor from Focus on the Family.
Read this article from Focus on the Family about God's design for sexuality.
Listen to more from Rosaria Butterfield about her personal story of finding freedom for lesbianism.
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Mon, 17 Jun 2024 - 33 - Brad Wilcox: The Correlation Between Marriage, Happiness, and Wealth
Dr. Brad Wilcox shares his research about marriage and how it supports Biblical truth! Not only is marriage good for you, it's good for your children and our culture! He'll share about strong, stable marriages and why marriage matters. You'll learn how to defend and build up the institution of marriage in a culture that has rejected it.
Mon, 03 Jun 2024 - 32 - Persuading Others to Choose Life in a Post-Roe World
Scott Klusendorf, President of the Life Training Institute, challenges pro-life advocates to gently yet persuasively stand for preborn babies and vulnerable women in a culture divided on abortion. Scott explains the four main worldviews informing the abortion debate and the philosophical flaws in moral relativism. He offers a clear defense for every human life, regardless of size, level of development, environment, or degree of dependency. He'll help you engage common cultural arguments on abortion to advocate for life. Scott will also encourage you with practical strategies to show love and compassion to women and help further steer the culture toward life.
Learn more about the Church’s long history of protecting life in the Didache, here.
Watch this video series with Scott Klusendorf about having engaging pro-life conversations.
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Mon, 20 May 2024 - 31 - John Lennox: Evangelism with Gentleness and Respect
Dr. John Lennox, professor of mathematics at Oxford University (emeritus), helps equip Christians to share their faith in a respectful and logical way without alienating others. Lennox, who has twice debated atheist Richard Dawkins, shares about the importance of being salt and light in the culture, encouraging us to show gentleness to people we encounter.
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Mon, 06 May 2024 - 30 - Being Christlike in LGBT Cancel Culture
Before God fully captured his heart, Joe Dallas identified as a homosexual and tried to integrate his sexuality with his Christian beliefs, actively promoting a pro-gay theology. But God brought Joe through a process of repentance and restoration. Dallas addresses major controversies in today’s cancel culture, helping believers have respectful discussions and share Christ’s love and truth with others who don’t share our faith.
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Mon, 22 Apr 2024 - 29 - Answering Pro-Life Critics with Grace and Truth
The topic of abortion is very polarizing in the culture. But hearts and minds are still being influenced every day to choose life. Kristan Hawkins, the president of Students for Life of America, will share inspiring stories about the pro-life movement and will help you to speak up for the preborn and vulnerable women. She talks about what motivated her as a teenager to get involved in the pro-life movement, her work with Students for Life of America, and how to graciously deal with criticism, attacks, and misinformation from abortion advocates.
Donate to help us save babies through Option Ultrasound!
Watch this video series for more on persuasively defending life from Scott Klusendorf.
Get involved with Students for Life to support and defend the rights of pre-born children.
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Mon, 08 Apr 2024 - 28 - The Importance of God’s Design for Marriage and Family
Dr. Mark Regnerus, researcher and professor, shares about how the Dobbs case and other cultural developments are impacting marriage, sexuality and family formation among young adults. He also talks about his experience coming under attack for his controversial research, and speaking God's truth in a hostile environment.
Find resources from Boundless to marry well, in separate guides for men and women.
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Mon, 25 Mar 2024 - 27 - John Marriott: Christian Deconstruction and Dealing with a Crisis of Faith
As a young man, John Marriott struggled with insecurities in his Christian beliefs. It led him on a journey of reconstructing his faith and helping others in a faith crisis. Now a high school and college instructor, Marriott shares about common barriers to faith that young people experience, as he encourages loving interaction with those doubting their Christian faith.
Check out our Hope Restored marriage intensive to find healing with your spouse.
Get Ray Vander Laan's new study to deepen your faith and assurance in the truth of God's Word.
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Mon, 11 Mar 2024 - 26 - Ray Comfort: Sharing the Gospel with Courage
Ray Comfort, a Christian apologist, author, and TV host urges believers to come out of complacency and into sharing the gospel with a world that desperately needs Jesus. While sharing his faith journey, he'll encourage you to have courage like Daniel in the Bible to stand for Christ in the culture and commit yourself to prayer and obedience to share God's love with others.
Read more about who Jesus is and how to have a relationship with him.
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Mon, 26 Feb 2024 - 25 - Frank Turek: Demonstrating Real Love and Tolerance in the Culture
This discussion will help Christians understand the proof that the Bible is real and will better equip them to share God's grace with others. Jim Daly and Frank Turek unpack the root of unbelief, the difference between cultural "tolerance" and real love, the problems associated with Christian hypocrisy, and the importance of demonstrating Christ's love with people who have different worldviews.
Watch this video series to learn about bringing healing to our broken culture.
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Mon, 12 Feb 2024 - 24 - Chloe Cole: Gender Reassignment Surgery Regret
19-year-old Chloe Cole shares about the devastating effects of gender transitioning on children, her personal regrets of transitioning as a young teen, and the peace found by trusting in God's perfect design.
Click here for more resources from the Focus on the Family counseling department on Transgenderism.
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Mon, 29 Jan 2024 - 23 - Ryan Bomberger: Woke Culture, Critical Race Theory, and Protecting Life
Ryan Bomberger addresses the misinformation spreading through the media – including woke culture and cancel culture, which he's experienced firsthand. He shares about the sanctity of human life, especially the impact of abortion on the black community. Ryan urges the church community to lead the way in modeling Christ’s love and truth to overcome division.
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Mon, 15 Jan 2024 - 22 - Brant Hansen: Extending Forgiveness in an Offensive World
It's easy to be offended by someone in conversation, while driving, while at work, or in your own home. But citing Scripture, Brant Hansen says you really don't have a right to be angry at others because of what Jesus did for you. He shares the secret to personal freedom - humbling yourself and forgiving others, just as God has forgiven you.
Watch this video series for more tips on responding like Christ to attacks on your faith.
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Mon, 01 Jan 2024 - 21 - Sharing Your Faith Without Fear of Rejection
Rico Tice helps believers with simple and practical ways to share the Christian faith with others.
Read Rico Tice’s 4 Simple Steps to Sharing the Gospel.
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Mon, 18 Dec 2023 - 20 - Jason Jimenez: Countering Gen Z Cultural Lies and Depression with Biblical Truth
Parents today are in panic mode. Gen Z children are struggling with depression, identity, a lack of stability, and increased cases of abandoned faith. Jason Jimenez will equip you to reach the younger generation and help them know their true identity in Christ. Your children are hearing the lies of the culture, and Jason talks about how to have hard conversations with your children to refute those lies.
Watch this video series for more practical tools to help your kids strengthen their faith.
Click here for more resources from the Focus on the Family counseling department on Transgenderism.
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Mon, 04 Dec 2023 - 19 - Tony Evans: Impact Culture by Seeking First the Kingdom of God
In a world full of distractions, it’s easy to build your goals around temporary things, like money, possessions, and cultural acceptance. Dr. Tony Evans will inspire you to seek God’s kingdom in every aspect of life, running toward the ultimate prize – intimacy with Christ. Dr. Evans will challenge you to be disciplined in your daily walk and reach a lost culture with the ultimate hope.
Watch this video series with Ray Vander Laan about reaching our broken culture for Christ.
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Mon, 20 Nov 2023 - 18 - Erwin Lutzer: Responding to Culture with Truth and Love
America has been shifting away from its Judeo-Christian values for decades, moving toward a kind of cultural socialism that makes promises it cannot keep. Dr. Erwin Lutzer describes how this socialist movement is deceiving many Americans today with propaganda and how the church needs to respond with courage, truth, and love.
Stay informed on the cultural issues that affect you and your family with the Daily Citizen.
Mon, 06 Nov 2023 - 17 - The Irreplaceable Impact of a Mom and Dad
Katy Faust, Founder and President of Them Before Us, advocates for children's rights to their mother and father. Raised by a mom who identified as lesbian, Katy makes the case for a child's right to life and their right to both a mom and dad, which supersede whatever adults may feel. She also encourages loving adoptions and offers practical advice for talking about difficult issues with a compassionate mindset.
Watch this video series for encouragement and tips on sharing pro-life views with compassion.
Sign up to receive more from Jim about current events and living for God in the culture.
Help give foster children hope and help through a suitcase bundle.
Click here for more resources from the Focus on the Family counseling department on Transgenderism.
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Mon, 23 Oct 2023 - 16 - All Things to All People: God's Grace for the Weary
Author Philip Yancey encourages believers to share the Christian faith with others from different walks of life, while showing great compassion for them. He reminds listeners that some people have turned away from God and from Christians because of hurtful experiences in their past. Philip and Jim will help you to refocus your thoughts and actions on sharing God's truth with love and grace in practical ways.
Booklet: Coming Home – Learn about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
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Mon, 09 Oct 2023 - 15 - Duck Dynasty's Phil and Al Robertson Offer Jesus as the Answer to Culture
Phil and Al Robertson, from the Duck Dynasty clan, share about the impact of the gospel in their lives and the need for Jesus as the answer to all of today's cultural woes. Phil will share about his new movie, The Blind, which details the gritty story of his life and conversion, and the discussion will focus on reaching the lost with the message of hope in Christ.
Get tickets for The Blind to see watch the real story of Phil Robertson on the big screen!
Read more about who Jesus is and how to have a relationship with him.
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Mon, 25 Sep 2023 - 14 - J. Warner Wallace: Igniting a Christian Worldview in Gen Z Culture
J. Warner Wallace is a former cold-case detective and former atheist. He used his investigative skills to explore the Christian worldview, and he concluded that the claims in the Bible are true. Now he encourages others in our post-Christian culture to better understand the Christian faith and defend it. Wallace shares about cultural challenges for younger generations today – Gen Z in particular – and equips parents to pass on their faith.
Watch this video series for more tips on helping children form a faith of their own.
Explore this web site mentioned by J Warner Wallace about God's truth, goodness and beauty.
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Mon, 11 Sep 2023 - 13 - Addressing Gender Identity with Honesty and Compassion
Laura Perry Smalts shares her story of childhood pain and trauma that led her to identify as a man for seven years. And it was the spiritual transformation in her parents and the love of many other Christians that convinced her to place her faith in Christ, which she fully unpacks in her book, Transgender to Transformed. Not long after her faith conversion, Laura came to embrace God’s design for her as a woman. Laura and Dr. Meg Meeker, a pediatrician, offer compelling evidence for the harmful physical and psychological effects of gender transitions. They speak compassionately about the issues surrounding gender confusion, offering practical insights and hope for people who are struggling with gender dysphoria.
Click here for more resources from the Focus on the Family counseling department on Transgenderism.
Sign up to receive more from Jim about current events and living for God in the culture.
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Mon, 28 Aug 2023 - 12 - Benjamin Watson on Pro-Life Advocacy, Race, and Human Flourishing
Former NFL tight end Benjamin Watson advocates for the pro-life cause, while addressing issues that may drive a woman - especially the poor and marginalized - to have an abortion. Benjamin shares insights on how a renewed commitment to holistic justice can make a big difference in the fight for life. He challenges Christians to act with empathy and kindness.
Watch this video series for more on defending life from Scott Klusendorf.
Captivating curriculum from Dr. Bill Lile to help you share your pro-life views.
Read more about standing up for pre-born from Scott Klusendorf.
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Mon, 14 Aug 2023 - 11 - Sharing the Gospel by Loving Your Enemies
Virginia Prodan is an author, international human rights attorney, and public speaker. She shares her powerful story of courageously sharing God's love with a gun-wielding assassin in Communist Romania sent to execute her in her law office. For defending Christians behind the Iron Curtain, Virginia was kidnapped, beaten, had her life threatened on several occasions, and led her would-be assassin to Christ. She inspires listeners to fearlessly stand for Christ, unwavering from the truth, no matter the cost.
Get Virginia Prodan's book to read her full story when you make a gift of any amount.
Want to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ? Click here.
Watch this video series for more on following Christ in a hostile culture.
Read more practical advice from Jim Daly on evangelism.
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Mon, 31 Jul 2023 - 10 - Babylon Bee's Seth Dillon on Engaging the Culture with Humor
Engaging the Culture with Humor. This conversation will better equip Christians to engage the culture without compromise while using humor as a tool to challenge bad ideas. We'll hear from Seth Dillon, the CEO of the Babylon Bee, about the success of his company and how he's maintained the respect of others with winsomeness and ingenuity in a culture that appears to be losing some of its sense of humor.
Read more from Jim Daly on if Jesus had a sense of humor.
Read more about using social media well and changing minds with grace.
Babylon Bee Article: Leftists On Twitter Report Disturbing Rise In People They Hate Having Speech
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Mon, 17 Jul 2023 - 9 - A Way Forward for America
Tim Goeglein, the Vice President of External and Government Relations for Focus on the Family, will encourage listeners to honor America’s remarkable spiritual heritage and inspire parents and all Christians to influence the culture with faith and optimism. He will be covering his new book regarding the Founding Fathers and sharing his great examples of engaging positively with people who are hostile to conservative and Christian values.
Watch this video series to learn more about “How to Be Salt and Light in Our Culture”.
Read more from Jim Daly on how to “Look Back to Move Forward.”
Read more from Jim Daly on American patriotism.
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Mon, 03 Jul 2023 - 8 - Strong Families and Faith: A Response to Woke Culture and Politics
Mollie Hemingway, the editor-in-chief of The Federalist, shares about her priorities of faith and family as she influences culture in the nation’s capital. She talks about her concerns surrounding the shift away from a family-centric culture to a government-centric culture. Hear her story of sounding the alarm on the Kermit Gosnell abortion trial, and her challenge to believers to respond to the culture with grace and truth.
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Mon, 19 Jun 2023 - 7 - Learning to Forgive Others
Forgiving others is a difficult thing to do, especially in today’s culture, where the idea of forgiveness is often distorted. But without forgiveness, resentment will poison the soul. In one of his final interviews, the late Dr. Tim Keller unpacks powerful stories of forgiveness and shares Scripture to help you forgive those who’ve wronged you, as you gain a better understanding of all that Christ has forgiven. Dr. Keller takes you through the steps to forgiveness, including the need to forgive yourself, and how to lovingly confront others.
Read more from Jim Daly on Forgiveness.
Read Jim Daly’s tribute to Tim Keller’s ministry.
Watch this video series for more insight on confronting others with grace.
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Mon, 05 Jun 2023 - 6 - Sharing the Love of Christ in a Cancel Culture
Before God fully captured his heart, Joe Dallas identified as a homosexual and tried to integrate his sexuality with his Christian beliefs, actively promoting a pro-gay theology. But God brought Joe through a process of repentance and restoration. Dallas addresses major controversies in today’s cancel culture, helping believers have respectful discussions and share Christ’s love and truth with others who don’t share our faith.
Send Jim a voicemail! Click here.
Mon, 22 May 2023 - 5 - Arthur Brooks: Loving Others in a Life of Happiness, Influence, and Purpose
Harvard Professor Arthur Brooks shares about the struggle in culture today with unhappiness and addiction to money, power, pleasure, and fame. Brooks offers solutions that lead to happiness, pointing you back to the importance of meaningful relationships with family and friends and loving your enemies. He also helps you prepare to leave a legacy in your later years of life.
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Mon, 08 May 2023 - 4 - Loving Your Neighbor to Christ
Learn to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ in a culture that needs it more than ever before. Pastor John Burke will encourage you to create opportunities to reach others for Christ by practicing “relational evangelism” - sharing the truth of Jesus Christ without judgement. Hear inspiring stories of how you can love your neighbors and engage with others every day, leading to lasting life changes.
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Thu, 20 Apr 2023 - 3 - A Renewal of Hope for One Nation Under God
Dr. Os Guinness, notable social critic and author, shares about the moral crossroads in America and the challenges Christians face to preserve freedom, while seeking repentance and spiritual renewal nationwide. He talks with Jim about how you can help keep America from decline through the institution of the family and the rebirth of true freedom.
Send Jim a voicemail! Click here.
Thu, 20 Apr 2023 - 2 - Sharing a Biblical Worldview in a Secular Culture
Renowned author Natasha Crain unpacks the realities of secularism, urging you to recommit to a biblical foundation, so you can effectively reach hearts and minds for Christ. Natasha shares how to engage with culture like the Apostle Paul and offers four important questions to determine your motives and approach to sharing truth with others.
Send Jim a voicemail! Click here.
Thu, 20 Apr 2023 - 1 - ReFOCUS with Jim Daly PreviewMon, 17 Apr 2023
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