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Sales Tuners

Sales Tuners

Jim Brown

SalesTuners is an interview where I talk with great sales leaders and high performing individual salespeople about the Behaviors, Attitudes, and Techniques that have made them great. Learn more at

192 - 045: Kyle Porter | Sincerity at Scale: The Empathetic Approach to Modern Sales
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  • 192 - 045: Kyle Porter | Sincerity at Scale: The Empathetic Approach to Modern Sales


      Nice Guys Finish First: Kyle believes there’s a misconception out there that salespeople who are selfish are the ones who win the most business. He says It’s the other way around. When you sell with service on your mind (and heart), you will succeed. The best salespeople are the ones who care so much they’re willing to go out on the edge and work hard to make sure their organization accomplishes the thing or solves the problem it aims to solve. What that means starts with doing research beforehand and digging into the needs of the prospect, but it goes deeper than that. Be honest. Be upfront with them. Solve their problem, whatever it may be. Practice Sincerity: If you’re not sincere about it, your job is over before it even starts. Instead, find ways to eliminate tasks that don’t require sincerity. Converting accounts is a process that requires empathy. That means finding not only the right people to call, but taking it a step farther and having meaningful conversations about how you can make their lives better. Finding something to love about what you represent will take you far. Knowing in your heart that what you’re selling with make someone’s life better can be the difference between a converted account and a dead lead. Sell Yourself First: If you don’t believe in what you’re selling, no trendy sales strategy is going to help you. The first person who needs to be sold in any sort of engagement is the actual seller themselves. Because if you believe in something, if it is a fundamental belief of yours, you are truly representing it as best you can by using it to serve others. From there, you can convert target accounts to customer accounts because you have a belief system in place that empowers you to take on whatever obstacles and hurdles necessary. Breakthrough the Clutter: Nearly everyone is on email overload these days, and there are apps and filters galore that stand between your message and your desired audience. While the first thing you need to do is stand out with a catchy email subject line, getting a response to your outreach should follow four steps: show the pains of the organization, hypothesize solutions, define clear next steps and demonstrate persistence.
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    Book Recommendation The Joshua Principle: Leadership Secrets of RSVP Selling by Tony Hughes and Mike LeMaster The Truth About Leads by Dan McDade Sponsor Costello – What if every sales rep inherited the habits of your best rep? With Costello, they do.
    Tue, 11 Jul 2017 - 41min
  • 191 - 044: Lauren Wadsworth | Just Push Play: Using Video for Face-to-Face Outreach


      Make Planned Calls, Not Random Calls: For many people it doesn’t take long to realize that quality over quantity matters. For example, sometimes it’s not about how many calls you make. It’s about making planned calls that target specific prospects. Instead of working your way through a list and starting over at the beginning, make calls to the same two or three prospects in the same account on the same day. It’s Hard to Say No to Someone Personally: Face to face communication is huge and while you may not be able to personally meet all of your prospects at conferences, you can introduce yourself by video. It’s friendly and personal and offers you a different way to open up conversations. It’s really hard to say no to somebody when you see their face and they are more humanized. Ditch the Buzzwords and Generalities: Quit trying to make everything scale. Paul Graham wrote a great blog post all about intentionally doing things that don’t scale. When you try to stuff a script with all the features and benefits of your product while combining that with every possible use cases you solve, you end up appealing to no one. Try to bucket your prospects into groups of known challenges and then speak directly to them in the phrases they use to describe the problem needing solved.
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    Book Recommendation Executive Presence: The Missing Link Between Merit and Success by Sylvia Ann Hewlett Sponsor Costello – What if every sales rep inherited the habits of your best rep? With Costello, they do.
    Tue, 04 Jul 2017 - 35min
  • 190 - 043: Scott Cramer | The Danger of Just Winging It


    Stop Trying to Wing It: Just because salespeople fall under the category of “influencers” doesn’t mean they’ve earned the right to wing it. Buyers will let you own the process if you’re willing to. Meaning if you have a structured process, if you’re working someone through a pain funnel and articulating your next step, your audience will typically let you work. It’s when you try to just ‘wing it,’ that the system breaks down and you ultimately lose control over the sales process. Know Your Weaknesses: Scott mentioned there being five major weaknesses that every salesperson has in some capacity. Need for approval, fear of rejection, low money tolerance, non-supported buy cycle and record collection. Knowing where you sit in each of these allows you to seek the coaching or mentorship needed for growth. Understand Your Identity vs Your Role: All of us have a unique identity comprised of our beliefs, values, principles, desires and emotions. We also have a plethora of roles that we play such as son or daughter, mother or father, friend, co-worker, salesperson, etc. If we confuse the performances in our roles with our identity, our self image can and will go up and down with each success or failure. Full Notes

    Book Recommendations You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero Og Mandino's University of Success by Og Mandino Sponsor Costello – What if every sales rep inherited the habits of your best rep? With Costello, they do.
    Tue, 27 Jun 2017 - 34min
  • 189 - 042: Jim Brown | By the Numbers: A Practical Approach to Increasing Sales


      Figure Out a Growth Trajectory: One of the first challenges I see a lot of salespeople struggle with is their quota or actual goal. Regardless of what the number is, going from zero to that number can seem daunting. Instead of focusing on the end, find the unit of growth that makes your sales process work and then do the backwards math to develop your daily game plan. You’ll find this activity to be a lot more manageable. Quit Being Afraid of Cold Calls: It’s so much easier to send out a quick batch of emails, but the simple (and harsh) truth is cold calling works. A personal conversation is more memorable, not to mention more open-ended, than the 100th email you prospect receives in a given day. First thing first, you can’t sound like every other salesperson on the planet. Instead of trying to get them to say yes, be skeptical and determine if they even have the problems your product or service can help. Second, create equal business stature -- tell them you’re only going to take 30 seconds of their time and then they get to decide if you should keep talking. And last, realize the whole point of a cold call is to set up a meeting, NOT immediately sell them something. Find the Right Clients to Call: Ask yourself the following questions: Who are my acceptable clients? Who are my typical clients? Who are my ideal clients? Look at the demographics for the niche you’re in. Group potential clients by location, years in business, revenue, industry, employees, or whatever you can to narrow down the scope. Then, overlay that with the top reasons your last 3-5 customers bought from you. Being able to tell similar stories makes the conversation more fluid. Write Emails that Get Responses: Your subject line is the most important piece with the sole goal of getting the recipient to open the email. A few of the things I’ve seen work include using three words or less, not capitalizing the first word, asking a question and using the prospect's first name. But getting a response is another story. The body of the email should be short and NOT about you. You prospects don’t care about you because they don’t know you. Instead, focus on what you think they’re problem could be and how others have solved a similar challenge.
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    Book Recommendation The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success and Happiness by Jeff Olson Sponsor Costello – What if every sales rep inherited the habits of your best rep? With Costello, they do.
    Tue, 20 Jun 2017 - 42min
  • 188 - 041: Todd Muffley | Waiting to Exhale: Showing Prospects You Care


      Nurture Wins: Nurture campaigns are an investment, but they can pay huge dividends in the long-term. In general, no one will ever buy less because you care more. Finding ways to engage with prospects at another level than simply making a phone call or sending an email makes a significant difference these days. What can you send a prospect to differentiate yourself and show them you really care? Push Your Tone to the Limit: On a scale of one to ten, with one being beloved Fred Rogers and ten being brutally honest Joan Rivers, where do you fall? Being nice is nice and all, but sometimes it helps to step outside your comfort zone. Understanding where you fall on this tonal scale is important, but more important is finding the line of where your prospects sit. What can you say to move them to the edge of emotion and stand out in their inbox? If you upset some people along the way, so be it. It doesn’t make sense to dwell on the one or two people you may have shocked when you see the increased pipeline you’re able to build. Understand the Curse of Knowledge: You know what they say about making assumptions, right? Don’t do it. Why? Because aside from the obvious negative consequences, the knowledge in your head may be harder for others to comprehend than you think. It’s easy to assume that because you have domain knowledge, everyone does. Unfortunately, that’s simply not the case. It’s always better to start fresh and build upon a mutual understanding than to assume you’re already on the same page.
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    Book Recommendation The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber Sponsor Costello – What if every sales rep inherited the habits of your best rep? With Costello, they do.
    Tue, 13 Jun 2017 - 37min
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