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SUX - The Sustainable UX Podcast

SUX - The Sustainable UX Podcast

SUX - The Sustainable UX Network

Hello and welcome to SUX - The Sustainable UX Podcast, the podcast for designers, UX people and digital product builders who want to make an impact for a sustainable future. We are Bavo and Thorsten and we are two of the founding members of “SUX - The Sustainable UX Network”, a non-profit initiative and community, that drives sustainable and responsible UX based on the UN SDGs in various ways. With the SUX Podcast we invite you to meet wonderful people from around the world and to get inspired by their way of trying to save the world through and within UX, Design and Tech.

16 - SUX EP 15 - "A fossil-free Internet by 2030" with Hannah Smith
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  • 16 - SUX EP 15 - "A fossil-free Internet by 2030" with Hannah Smith

    For this episode of the SUX Podcast we were joined by Hannah Smith, who is the Director of Operations of the Green Web Foundation. We spoke about how to make the web fossil free until 2030, if we are on track here and how Designers, Developers and all professions need to join to work towards this goal. But we also spoke about the role of AI in all this and how our use of tech in the northern/western world creates a lot of injustice because of our massive overconsumption of energy. And we dived into AI and the problems that come with it - ecologically as well as socially. 

    We spoke about the need of Narrative shifts and what every one of us can do about it and we discussed we not only need to learn but also unlearn frequently.

    Like Thorsten, Hannah is loving the outdoors and is trying to do all her travels by train, so we also spoke a little bit about the greatest train travels and our longest trips. And Hannah started a new tradition on the podcast by beginning to ask questions to Thorsten on her own. 

    So, if you want to here more about how to get to a fossil free internet, about the role of AI in it and why we need to question it more, but also about beautiful train trips and what Hannah does to re-energize in bad moments, do not hesitate to tune in to this episode of the SUX Podcast.

    Connect with our guest or us:

    Hannah’s Channels:

    Hannah’s LinkedIn: 

    Green Web Foundation:

    Green Tech South West:

    Sources from the episode:

    Branch Magazine: 

    Green Web Foundation:

    Green Web Check Service of Green Web Foundation: 


    UX Connect Aarhus: 

    Our Channels:




    SUXSlack Community 



    Email us at to share your feedback or suggest future guests.

    Tue, 28 May 2024 - 1h 30min
  • 15 - SUX EP 14 - "AI and digital Sustainability" with Tom Greenwood

    This time we were joined by one of the long-time trailblazers of digital Sustainability - Tom Greenwood, Founder of Wholegrain Digital and Author of “Sustainable Webdesign”.

    We spoke about digital Sustainability, and how Tom’s Journey into it already began 2004. And we discussed the challenges of advocating for digital sustainability and where we are at the moment and what we actually can do as designers on various levels. 

    In the second half of the conversation we were diving deep into AI, its impacts and if AI can help us saving the world or helps destroying it. We were discussing if AI is creative and what the use of AI does to us as humans. 

    It was a very deep and inspirational conversation and if you want to learn more what you should ask yourself when using AI, tune in to this episode of the SUX Podcast.


    Connect with our guest or us:

    Tom’s Channels:

    Tom’s agency Wholegrain Digital: 

    Tom’s Newsletter “Oximoron”: 

    Toms’ “Humanitas et Machina”: 

    Tom’s LinkedIn: 

    Toms’ Book “Sustainable Web Design”: 

    Sources from the episode:

    Book “Approaching the Natural” by Sid Garza-Hillman: 

    Blog-Article: “Will AI be good for the environment?”:

    Website Carbon Calculator:  

    Our Channels:




    SUXSlack Community 



    Email us at to share your feedback or suggest future guests.

    Wed, 17 Apr 2024 - 1h 19min
  • 14 - SUX EP 13 - „Changing design towards a better world“ with Don Norman

    You most probably know our guest already. This time we had the honor to be joined by Don Norman, author of "Design of everyday things" or "Design for a better world" , Co-Founder of the Nielsen Norman Group, University Professor and so much more for many of us.

    We spoke about morning walks, elaborated on Humanity Centered Design and why Dons latest book was a different one, when he started writing it. We discussed about the importance of curiosity and made the connection between design, business and decision making and how it relates to sustainability. We spoke about sustainability and why it can only be the beginning and why it is good to be wrong sometimes. And we discussed how human centered design is wrong and why and how it needs to be enhanced and changed.

    So, if you want to learn more about Humanity Centered Design and what is wrong with Human Centered Design, about how Don writes his books, but also about how to stay curious and not get older, even when you are 88, join us for this episode of the SUX podcast.

    Connect with our guest or us:

    Don’s Channels:

    Don Norman Design Award and Summit:

    Don’s Book “Design for a better world”:

    Don’s Website:

    Don’s LinkedIn: 

    Sources from the episode:

    Book “Lean Impact” by Ann Mei Chang:

    Book “Design for the real world” by Vicgor Papanek:

    SUX Academy:

    Waitlist for the upcoming Course “Become a Sustainable UX Designer”:

    And for information and curriculum options about the Sustainable UX Masterclass for design and product-teams get in touch with Thorsten:

    Our Channels:




    SUXSlack Community 



    Email us at to share your feedback or suggest future guests.

    Thu, 07 Mar 2024 - 1h 20min
  • 13 - SUX EP 12 - "Life-centered Design" with Damien Lutz

    You probably have heard of life-centered design or non-human personas. But, have you applied it to your work already? 

    For this episode we were joined by Damien Lutz from Sydney, Australia, one of the most prominent voices and drivers of life-centered design as well as the author of the “Life-centered design guide” and the “Non-human persona guide”. 

    We discussed the problems of nowadays design, how we need to change the way we design from being destructive to being sustainable and regenerative. We spoke about non-human personas and if apples mother nature video is a good thing or not.

    So, if you want to hear more about life-centered design, non-human personas and how to apply it. And if you want to learn about Damiens journey into the world of life-centered design, join us for this episode of the SUX Podcast.

    Connect with our guest or us:

    Damien’s Channels:

    Damiens Websites:

    Damiens Book “Life-centred Design Guide”:

    Damiens Book “The non-human persona guide”:

    Damiens Book “Future Scouting”:

    Damien’s LinkedIn:

    Sources from the episode:

    Book „Super Nature“ by Lyall Watson:

    Articles by Monica Sznel:

    Book “Design for the real world” by Victor Papanek:

    Our Channels:




    SUXSlack Community 



    Email us at to share your feedback or suggest future guests.

    Thu, 08 Feb 2024 - 58min
  • 12 - SUX EP 11 - Bonus: "Someone You" with Xhensila Reci

    This is a special bonus episode: It is Part 2 of our interview with Xhensila Reci. In the previous episode we spoke with Xhensila about Purpose Driven Design and its relation to Sustainability (--> Link). In this bonus episode we do the friendship book and speak about Xhensilas way into UX and to LEGO and we play together her wonderful card game “Someone You” (--> Link) to learn more about each other. 

    It is the first time that we split an interview into two episodes. But since the whole conversation with Xhensila was just wonderful and super insightful, we decided that we did not want to cut anything out. 

    If you haven’t heard part 1 of the interview yet, we recommend you listen to it first: SUX EP 10 - “Purpose Driven Design with Xhensila Reci” 

    Connect with our guest or us:

    Xhensilas Channels:


    Xhensilas Website:

    Xhensilas Card-Game “Someone You”: 

    Xhensilas Talk about Purpose Driven Design at at WUC 2022:⁠

    Sources from the episode:

    Book “The Atlas of the Heart” by Brené Brown:

    Our Channels:




    SUXSlack Community 



    Email us at to share your feedback or suggest future guests.

    Wed, 03 Jan 2024 - 48min
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