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英語舌(フォニックス)育成の必要性・アメリカ留学エピソード・脱カタカナ英語とその先などと併せて英語らしい英語の発音を【聴くだけ真似るだけで手に入れる】情報を発信中。 アメリカIOWA州のド田舎に留学しました。 『日本人を見た事がない』と多くの人に言われ、日本人英語は通じずホームシックに。 そこから奮起してネイティブお墨付きとなった【英語らしいの発音】を手に入れました。 話せなかった私が多くの純日本人に惜しみなく英語舌育成法を伝授します。 パーソナリティ:めいさん ・現役英語英会話講師 ・ココナラマンツーマン指導 ・Udemyベストセラー講師 受講生850名超え 日本人が苦手な英語らしい音や舌使いを熟知! 聞き取りにくい繋がった音の解説が得意! ■各種メディア一覧■ 【アメリカフォニックスマスター講座】 【脱カタカナ英語!現役英語英会話講師が発音を直します】 皆様からのご意見・ご感想・質問などお待ちしています。 ■無料メルマガ■ ■英語ホリックブログ■
- 137 - ep137.【発音矯正F】良く使う短い文章みたいなフレーズ5個Fri, 19 Jul 2024 - 7min
- 136 - ep135.【発音矯正E】良く使う短い文章みたいなフレーズ10個Wed, 10 Jul 2024 - 8min
- 135 - ep134.【発音矯正D】良く使うフレーズ10個Mon, 08 Jul 2024 - 9min
- 134 - ep133.【発音矯正C】良く使うフレーズ10個Sat, 06 Jul 2024 - 12min
- 133 - ep132.【発音矯正B】良く使うフレーズ10個Thu, 04 Jul 2024 - 8min
- 132 - ep131.【発音矯正】A良く使う短いフレーズ10個Mon, 01 Jul 2024 - 10min
- 131 - ep130.【アメリカ人VS日本人】食べ残しへの意識の違いTue, 11 Jun 2024 - 8min
- 130 - ep129.ネイティブが感じる耳障りな日本人の英語Sun, 09 Jun 2024 - 10min
- 129 - ep128.【CountryMusic】フォックスの基本が身に付いてるかチェック
■Take Me Home Country Roads - John Denver■
Almost heaven, West Virginia
Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Life is old there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads
All my memories gather 'round her
Miner's lady, stranger to blue water
Dark and dusty, painted on the sky
Misty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye
Country roads, take mе home
To the place I bеlong
West Virginia, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads
I hear her voice in the morning hour
She calls me
Radio reminds me of a home far away
Driving down the road, I get a feeling that I
Should have been home yesterday, yesterday
Country roads, take me home
To the place that I belong
West Virginia, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads
Country roads, take me home
To the place that I belong
West Virginia, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads
Take me home down country roads
Take me home down country roads
Fri, 31 May 2024 - 8min - 128 - ep127.【英会話上達】日本人に足りないものFri, 17 May 2024 - 9min
- 127 - ep126.あの頃中高生だった子達が戻って来たお話Thu, 09 May 2024 - 9min
- 126 - ep125.アメリカ人男性に惚れてしまう瞬間Tue, 07 May 2024 - 9min
- 125 - ep124.【英語発音】上達する人としない人の決定的な違いMon, 22 Apr 2024 - 11min
- 124 - ep123.【リスニング力】単語中のNの発音を丁寧にするSat, 20 Apr 2024 - 7min
- 123 - ep122.【検定スピーキング】写真を見て説明でやりがちなThere'sFri, 12 Apr 2024 - 10min
- 122 - ep121.【音読】強弱や抑揚を付ける為の練習法Fri, 29 Mar 2024 - 11min
- 121 - ep120.【経験談】英会話上達に絶対欠かせないものTue, 26 Mar 2024 - 10min
- 120 - ep119.【スの音】難しいと言われるSとthをマスターSun, 24 Mar 2024 - 10min
- 119 - ep118.【使える表現】『~させて』Let me~.正しい発音で言えるかな
Let me give you some good advice.
『~させて』を意味するLet me~.
May I ~?Can I ~?とはちょっと違う。
- Let me help you. Let me help you with your bags. Let me explain how it works. Let me take care of the dishes tonight. Let me show you around the city. Let me know if you need any assistance. Let me introduce you to my friend. Let me handle the negotiations. Let me grab a chair for you. Let me tell you a story. Let me take a look at your homework.
Thu, 14 Mar 2024 - 6min - 118 - ep117.ネイティブの英語が聴き取れない2つの理由Wed, 06 Mar 2024 - 8min
- 117 - ep116.【使える表現】『~を褒める』よく使われる2つのidiom
Many hair stylists speak highly of this shampoo.
The teacher speaks highly of your son.
He raved about Mitsubishi Refreg.
He raved about that new Italian restaurant in Kobe.
My mom raves about me.
Sat, 24 Feb 2024 - 8min - 116 - ep115.【使える表現】やる気になったよSat, 17 Feb 2024 - 7min
- 115 - ep114.【フォニックス】アルファベットも英語ですよ!言ってみてWed, 07 Feb 2024 - 9min
- 114 - ep113.【英会話語順】場所で時間なのか時間で場所なのかThu, 01 Feb 2024 - 15min
- 113 - ep112.【英会話上達】ネイティブ英語聴きまくるだけでは上達しない話Wed, 17 Jan 2024 - 13min
- 112 - ep111.【経験談】canは場所によって音が変わる話Mon, 08 Jan 2024 - 7min
- 111 - ep110.【苦手な音DとT】リスナーさんからのご要望にお応えしますMon, 18 Dec 2023 - 7min
- 110 - ep109.【TOEIC SPEAKING】公式サイト掲載文-発音・イントネーション・強弱のコツ
TOEIC Speaking&WritingのSpeakingでハイレベル評価を手に入れるお手伝いをします。
■TOEIC Speaking TEXT■
If you're shopping, sightseeing and running around
every minute, your vacation can seem like hard work.
To avoid vacation stress, come to the Blue Valley Inn on beautiful Lake Meed.
While staying at our inn, you’ll breathe clean country air as you view spectacular sights.
With its spacious rooms, swimming pool, and many outdoor activities, the Inn is the perfect place for a vacation you won’t forget.
Sat, 09 Dec 2023 - 14min - 109 - ep108.【TOEIC SPEAKING】公式サイト掲載文-音読練習
TOEIC Speaking公式サイトに掲載されている文章を使って実際に時間を測りながら音読とスコアアップのコツのお話を致します。
If you’re shopping, sightseeing and running around every minute, your vacation can seem like hard work. To avoid vacation stress, come to the Blue Valley Inn on beautiful Lake Meed. While staying at our inn, you’ll breathe clean country air as you view spectacular sights. With its spacious rooms, swimming pool, and many outdoor activities, the Inn is the perfect place for a vacation you won’t forget.
Sat, 02 Dec 2023 - 8min - 108 - ep107.【正しい音読法】○○なしには効果が薄いMon, 20 Nov 2023 - 11min
- 107 - ep106.【Specialプレゼント有】英語が聴き取れない原因は2つFri, 10 Nov 2023 - 10min
- 106 - ep105.【LとRのフォニックスマスター法】日常生活の中でマスターする秘策Tue, 07 Nov 2023 - 13min
- 105 - ep104.【旅行英会話】海外でサラッと言えたら便利なフレーズWed, 01 Nov 2023 - 9min
- 104 - ep103.【英会話構文】付け足すだけで難しそうな文章を簡単に作る方法
I often wake up with a headache.
I went to bed hungry last night. I went to bed with a cold. I went to bed wearing contacts. I went to bed drinking. I woke up lying on the floor. I woke up with a hangover. He came home hungry. I woke up crying.Thu, 26 Oct 2023 - 12min - 103 - 【英会話構文】短文にならないネイティブの英文組み立て法Mon, 23 Oct 2023 - 13min
- 102 - ep101.【スピーキング力強化】自分の中に落とし込み自分のモノにするTue, 17 Oct 2023 - 11min
- 101 - ep100.【Lの発音】100回目にして思う日本人が最も出来ていないフォニックスの音Fri, 13 Oct 2023 - 9min
- 100 - ep99.【オンライン英会話】現役英語英会話講師が受けてみたWed, 11 Oct 2023 - 16min
- 99 - ep98.【アメリカ小1レベル】動物は群れになるとグループ名があるSun, 08 Oct 2023 - 18min
- 98 - ep97.【日本人が苦手な単語10選】フォニックスさえ押さえれば簡単
birthday 【bˈɚːθdèɪ】 itinerary 【aitnəreri】 athlete 【ˈæθliːt】 library 【lάɪbreri】 clothes 【klóʊ(ð)z】 jewelry 【ˈdʒuʌlri】 regularly 【régjʊlɚli】 refrigerator 【rɪfrídʒərèɪṭɚ】 squirrel 【skwˈɚːrəl】Thu, 05 Oct 2023 - 15min - 97 - ep96.【リスニング強化法】リーディングのやり方を変えると改善せる話
(Martin Luther King Jr.演説の一部より)
I have a dream /
that my four little children
will one day live in a nation /
where they will not be judged/
by the color oftheir skin /
but by the content of their character.
Tue, 03 Oct 2023 - 11min - 96 - ep95.【ネイティブが良く使う単語】upsetを使いこなせる日本人は少ないSun, 01 Oct 2023 - 11min
- 95 - ep94.【支払い】海外で●●で支払いますーアメリカは大昔からキャッシュレスの国
I had to pay a 7,000 yen fine.
But I'm FINE. I paid in cash.
I'll pay with Apple Pay. I'll pay with Google Pay. I'll pay in cash. I'll pay with e-money. I'll pay by credit card.
Can I pay with Apple Pay? Can I pay with Google Pay? Can I pay in cash? Can I pay with e-money? Can I pay by this credit card?Fri, 29 Sep 2023 - 12min - 94 - ep93.【英語学習法】●●って英語で何て言う?が大事Fri, 22 Sep 2023 - 11min
- 93 - ep92.【つまり。。。】ネイティブがめっちゃ使うフレーズー場面によって違うけど
What do you mean? You mean, am I fired? You mean, breaking up with me and marrying her? You mean, I'm getting a promotion? Sandy and her daughter visited me 2 yrs ago.I mean 3 yrs ago. I don't like him. I meanhe and I are not a good match. My point is, the trip to Saipan got canceled. My point is, he made a big mistake. Which means, I'm waiting for your e-mail.Wed, 20 Sep 2023 - 14min - 92 - ep91.【~しながら】分詞構文は会話では使わない話
I'm texting some clients whilewaiting for the train. I always watch movies whileeating popcorn. I always eat popcorn whilewatching movies. He is walking whileusing his smartphone. I checked today's schedule whileeating breakfast. I used to listen to the radio whiledoing my homework. I cooked last night whilechatting with my daughter on the phone.Mon, 18 Sep 2023 - 16min - 91 - ep90.【リスニング力アップ】ダラダラしながら気付くとリスニングスキルが爆上がりしてた話Sat, 16 Sep 2023 - 14min
- 90 - ep89.【どっちみち○○やし】の2種類の表現Thu, 14 Sep 2023 - 11min
- 89 - ep88.【渡米前にやるべき事】在米や留学でペラペラになるんじゃないTue, 12 Sep 2023 - 11min
- 88 - ep87.【注文】種類豊富なアメリカで『●●の生ビールありますか?』って言ってみよう
What kind of beers do you have on tap/draft? What kind of draft beers do you have? What do you have on tap/draft? What’s on tap/draft? Do you have Heineken on tap/draft? Do you have anything craft beer? I'll take/have it. I'll take an Asahi/a Heineken on draft.Sat, 09 Sep 2023 - 11min - 87 - ep86.【日本人が苦手な発音Part1】th, s,RとL混合Thu, 07 Sep 2023 - 19min
- 86 - ep85.【ソレ、よく言われる】ネイティブ定番の表現フレーズMon, 04 Sep 2023 - 11min
- 85 - ep84.【もしよろしければ】日本語でもよく使うー心遣いと相手に許可を伺う表現
If you'd like, you can use this bag. Please try some, if you'd like. Please give me a callif you'd like. I’d like to ask you personal questions if you don’t mind. If it's OK, can I go out with Jun? I'm gonna invite B子 if it's OK with you. May I have your name if you don't mind? If you don't mind, may have your name?Fri, 01 Sep 2023 - 14min - 84 - ep83.【英語のやり直し】洋画を字幕で観ると覚えれるのかー英語やり直しに日常やるべき事Mon, 28 Aug 2023 - 9min
- 83 - ep82.【独り言】私流洋画・アメドラの楽しみ方ー大好きなストーリーや俳優の作品を見尽くすSat, 26 Aug 2023 - 13min
- 82 - ep81.【ネイティブフレーズ】やっちまったぁ~!しくじった!失敗した!失敗の大きさで使い分ける
I screwed up. I’m really sorry. I screwed up! My mom is gonna kill me. It’s my fault. I screwed up everything.
It’s all my fault. I messed everything up. I think you messed up my order.
I blew it. I totally blew it. I might blow it.Wed, 23 Aug 2023 - 11min - 81 - ep80.【ネイティブフレーズ】kind ofとsort of-日常会話でも登場率が高い
ネイティブの口からめっちゃ出てくるフレーズ【kind ofとsort of】をお届けします
Whatkind/sort of music do you like? What kind/sort of food do you like? What kind/sort ofdog do you have?
A: Are you tired? B: Kind of. / Sort of.
A:Are you hungry? B: Kind of. / Sort of.
A: Are you busy tonight? B: Kind of. / Sort of.
A: Did you have fun last night? B: Kind of. / Sort of.
That movie is kind/sort of like a horror, but it's not. Her smile is kind/sort of like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. Tokyo iskind/sort of like New York.
Lalaport kousien with Workman Joshi is definitely my kind ofshopping spots. The Hiace is my kind of camper van.Mon, 21 Aug 2023 - 13min - 80 - ep79.【フレーズ】口先だけ!言うのは簡単!どの口が言ってるねんThu, 17 Aug 2023 - 12min
- 79 - ep78.【ピースサイン】変な顔をされたあの頃、時代が変われば意味も変わってる!Tue, 15 Aug 2023 - 6min
- 78 - ep77.【洋画フレーズ】やっぱり何でもない、今のは忘れて、大したことな
Oh no, nothing. It's nothing. Never mind. Forget it. Forget what I just said! It's not important. Nothing important. It doesn't matter.
Actually, it's not a big deal. Just forget about what I said.
It's something. There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you. There’s nothing to worry about.Mon, 14 Aug 2023 - 11min - 77 - ep76.【英語の悪い言葉】放送禁止にもなる汚い言葉たちSat, 12 Aug 2023 - 9min
- 76 - ep75.【リスニング】見ると分かる単語も聴き取れない理由と種明かしFri, 11 Aug 2023 - 11min
- 75 - ep74.【関係代名詞】ネイティブはthatとwhichどっちを使うのか
ネイティブはどっちを使っているのか 何が違うのかをお届けします
- Tim and Sandy are a couple thateveryone admires. The movie "NOTEBOOK" is the most wonderful one thatI've ever seen. There is no one thatdenies your idea. I will sell the clothes thatI no longer wear on 'Mercari' I gave the clothes thatI bought last year to my sister.
Wed, 09 Aug 2023 - 12min - 74 - ep73.【関係代名詞】ネイティブはどうやって使っているのか
This is the apartment whereI used to live.
This is the apartment whichI used to livein.
A: Which movie is your favorite?
B: I love family-friendly movies thatfeature animals or children.
A: What is it?
B: Oh, this is the book whichI was talking about.
Tue, 08 Aug 2023 - 13min - 73 - ep72.【関係代名詞主格】2つの文章を1つにくっ付けて表現しよう
I have some friends. They live in the US.
I have some friends. They live in the US. ⇒I have some friends who live in the US.
You know me Maysun. I teach English. ⇒You know me, Maysun, who/that teach English.
She is the girl who/that won the first prize. This is the train which/that goes to Kyoto. I bought a new laptop which/that is much faster than my old. I saw a friend and her dog that were walking to the station.Mon, 07 Aug 2023 - 14min - 72 - ep71.【どういたしまして】You're welcomeだけじゃないネイティブ表現Fri, 04 Aug 2023 - 10min
- 71 - ep70.【~すれば良かった】後悔を表現するめっちゃ登場する日常英会話Wed, 02 Aug 2023 - 12min
- 70 - ep69.【海外旅行】英語が話せる国に観光ビザでどっぷり浸かるTue, 01 Aug 2023 - 13min
- 69 - ep68.【海外ー買い物】ローカルな店で英語で値段交渉して値切ろう
I’m looking for some nice gifts for my family.
What do you recommend? What is the most popular item? Which item is the most popular?
This is a little expensive. (It’s much) too expensive for me. It's over my budget. It's too pricey.
Could you give me a discount? Could you give me a little discount, please?
Will you sell it for 15 dollars? So I'll take it.
The same item was 15 dollars at the other shop. Would you go lower than that?
How about 15 dollars for five?
If I buy 10 of them, can you make it a little cheaper? What if I buy 10 of them? Could I get a little discount?
I'll take them. I'll take it.
I will look at some other stores. Thank you. I'll check out other stores as well. Thank you. I'll take a look at other stores as well. Thanks anyway.Mon, 31 Jul 2023 - 21min - 68 - ep67.【海外ー買い物】ローカルな店でローカルなモノをローカルな値段で買う
Excuse me. I'm looking for maple syrup. Where can I find it?"
Where is the cosmetics section? "Do you have any private label products in this store?" -It’s on aisle 5.
Do you have any private label products in this store?
Can you tell me your favorite among these cereals? Which one of these cereals do you recommend?
What is popular in America right now? What is popular right now/lately/nowadays? What's the latest trend? What's the latest (fashion)? What's big in US ?
Do you have it here? Is it available in this store?
Where’s the checkout counter? Where’s the express lane / self checkout? I'd like to pay in cash [by credit card]. Can I have a bag?Sun, 30 Jul 2023 - 22min - 67 - ep66.【海外ータクシーで英会話】GrabやUberでサクッと呼んでトラブルなく目的地へ行く
- 挨拶 トランクに荷物を入れるなら依頼 メーターを付けてと依頼 目的地 お釣りを貰うか上げるか お礼と別れの挨拶
Hi! How are you?
I have my baggage. Could you put it in the trunk? I have two suitcases. Could you put them in the trunk?
Can you start the meter? Could you start the meter, please?
Can you take me to ABC Hotel, 5th Avenue? To ABC Hotel, 5th Avenue, please.
How long does it take to get there?
Can I have the change please? Is there any change?
Keep the change. You can keep the change.
Thank you. Have a good day. You too.Sat, 29 Jul 2023 - 15min - 66 - ep65.【日本で英会話】困っている外国人観光客に話しかけよう!
Doyou speak English?
Did you get lost? Are you in trouble?
Can I help you? Do you need (a) any help?
Could you speak more slowly, please? Could you speak a little slower,please? Please speak a little slower. Please speak slowly.
Could you put it in another way? Could you say it in other words, please?
I'm going to the same direction, so let's go together. If you like, I'll take you there. Shall I take you there? Let me take you to the place, follow me please.
Have a nice trip! Have a nice and safty trip! Have a good day! Have a good time in JPN!Fri, 28 Jul 2023 - 19min - 65 - ep64.【ネイティブが良く使う単語】物騒な言葉killは違う意味で使われる事が多い
My head is killing me.Can I get an aspirin? My feet are killing me. My tooth is killing me. The electric bill is killing me.
Wow!You killed your GigaBigMac already? Is your chin OK? There’s no way I can kill this huge Pizza!
Naoya Inoue killed Stephen Fulton.【stiːvən】 Stephen Fulton got killed Naoya Inoue.
We have about two hours to kill. We have to kill some time.
I can't believe he's always late. I'm gonna kill him.Thu, 27 Jul 2023 - 16min - 64 - ep63.【便利な相槌フレーズ】会話中に相槌を上手く取り入れて会話を広げよう
That's great! That's amazing! That's beautiful! That's wonderful! That sounds interesting! That sounds nice! That sounds dangerous! That sounds awful! That sounds like a lot of fun! Uh-huh Yeah I see. Right That's right Okay. Sure Of course! Why not? No problem! I got it.Wed, 26 Jul 2023 - 14min - 63 - ep62.【ネイティブがよく使う単語】ROOMー部屋ちゃうよ
スペース 余裕 空間 余白 余地みたいな
①I always have roomfor dessert. / There’s always roomfor dessert.
②Can you make roomfor us?
③Do you have roomin your trunk?
④I don’t have room.
⑤I have roomfor two in my car.
⑥There’s roomfor negotiation.
⑦There’s roomfor improvement.
⑧I have roomin my bag.
Tue, 25 Jul 2023 - 10min - 62 - ep61.【意味が違う言葉】ブラッシュアップとbrush upMon, 24 Jul 2023 - 12min
- 61 - ep60.【海外での怪我】転んだ!捻った!ギックリ腰!痛い時などに役立つ英語Sun, 23 Jul 2023 - 12min
- 60 - ep59.【海外での病気】風邪をひいた!頭が痛い!海外旅行での体調不良時に役立つ英語Sat, 22 Jul 2023 - 15min
- 59 - ep58.【ホテル】○○が動かない!隣がうるさい!部屋変えて欲しい!などのトラブル時に役立つ英語
①Hello, this is room 603./Hi, I'm in room 603.
②Could you bring some shampoo? There isn't any in the room.
③There's no hot water in the shower./The hot water doesn't work.
④The air conditioner in my room doesn't work.
(TV-hair dryer-shower)
⑤This room smells bad.
Could I switch rooms?/Could I get a different room?
⑥The people next door are very noisy.
Can you do something about it?
⑦I'm locked out./I got locked out.締め出された
⑧It looks like I lost my key./ It seems I've lost my key.
Fri, 21 Jul 2023 - 23min - 58 - ep57.【空港】飛行機がキャンセル・乗り継ぎなどのトラブル時に役立つ英語
- Excuse me, my flight has been canceled. Could I please request an alternative flight? My flight was delayed, so I missed my connecting flight to New York. Could you arrange another flight for me? Is there any hotel service available? I need a place to stay tonight.
Thu, 20 Jul 2023 - 14min - 57 - ep56.【FAQ】英語舌になかなか成らない!特にLの音と繋がりが難しいWed, 19 Jul 2023 - 14min
- 56 - ep55.【意味が通じないカタカナ英語ー洋服編】距離を縮める一歩は褒めるからスタートTue, 18 Jul 2023 - 12min
- 55 - ep54.【日本人とは違うニュアンス】今週の事?来週の事?いつの金曜日?
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
January February March April May June July August September October November December■本日の英文■
I'm going to the US this coming Thursday. I'm 29. I'll turn 30 this coming Saturday. Let's meetthis coming February in Hawaii.Mon, 17 Jul 2023 - 14min - 54 - ep53.【ネイティブが良く使うフレーズ】what if ~ 洋画にもバンバン登場!
【仮定法】をまとめてWhat if~で言えちゃう重宝な表現!
ーでも雨が降ったらどうする? ー私が天気を操れる人だったらどうする? ーキャンプ、キャンセルしたらお金返って来るかなあ~ ーそもそも申し込んでないけど、だから何?■本日の英文■
- What if I quit my job?I could trip around the world. What if we adopted a pet? Our lives would be filled with joy. What if you had 100million yen? What would you do? what if I get a perfect score? Can I get a new game? So what if I drunk last night. Who cares?
■what if ニュアンス■
4.(開き直り)だから何?~して何が悪い 最初にSo付ける
Sun, 16 Jul 2023 - 15min - 53 - ep52.【ネイティブが良く使うフレーズスラング】give it a ~
- Let's just give it a try (shot). Why don't you give it a try (shot)? You should give it a try (shot). It'll be worth it. Are you interested in photography? Grab a camera and give it a shot. Is this your first time eating sushi? Just give it a try.
"Learning a new language can be challenging, but it's worth it. I encourage you to give it a try."
Sat, 15 Jul 2023 - 12min - 52 - ep51.【日本人が言いがちなおかしな英語】hospital-envy-playFri, 14 Jul 2023 - 9min
- 51 - ep50.【2023英語のもはや死語かも】日本人がめっちゃ使うその単語、おかしいよ!Thu, 13 Jul 2023 - 12min
- 50 - ep49.【ネイティブが頻繁に使うフレーズ】end up ~ing
今回は、【ネイティブがめっちゃ使う】end up ~ing
By the way, what did you do today?
I am on a diet,you know.
I went to Costco today.
I lost temptation, and I ended up eating black cherry ice cream.
It was sooooooooo good.
-He ended up getting married with the girl.
-Oh, I'm starving. What did you end up ordering?
-Pizza? Sounds Good.
-What did you end up doingyesterday?
-I ended up staying home all day.
-I ended up being an English teacher.
-I ended up not buyingthe house.
Wed, 12 Jul 2023 - 11min - 49 - ep48.【ネイティブが頻繁に使うフレーズ】it depends/it depends on~
今回は、ネイティブがめっちゃ使う【 it depends / it depends on】
I'm going to Costco, but it depends on the weather.
Can I go to school by bike? - It depends. Is the weather forecast calling for rain?■本日の英文■
It depends on when.日にち次第 It depends on your results. 結果次第 It depends on the condition. 条件次第 It depends on you. 君次第 I think it depends. 場合によりけりだと思う It depends on the price. 値段次第 It depends on whether you usei it or not. It depends on how you use it.君の使い方次第⇒モノは使い様Tue, 11 Jul 2023 - 12min - 48 - ep47.【ネイティブが頻繁に使うフレーズ】(be) supposed to
ネイティブがめっちゃ使うbe supposed to~をマスターしよう!
You're not supposed to pass out flyers here. You're supposed to wear your seat belt. You're supposed to wear a suit to this party.【予定】~するはず
It's supposed to rain tomorrow. I was supposed to study English yesterday, but I went to Karaoke.普通は~するもの】
Christmas is supposed to be eaten a cake and a chicken. English conversation is supposed to be fun.Mon, 10 Jul 2023 - 9min - 47 - ep46.【someとany】どっちも"いくつか"でsomeは肯定でしょ?え!違うの?
Oh, I'd love to go abroad!
But I don't have any money.
Can I borrow some?
NO? You're broke, too. OK.
Would you like something to drink?
Do you have any time? I need your help. Do you have some time? Why don’t you go fishing?■本日の英文■
I don't have anymoney.(もうない) I don't have somemoney.(少しある)
I don't have anyfriends.(一人もおらん) I don't have somefriends.(ちょっとおる)
Is there anymoney left?(少しでも良いから残ってる?) Is there somemoney left?(いくらか残ってる?)
Are there anyonions in the box?(1個でもある?) Are there someonions in the box?(何個かある?)■someとanyの概念■
some:ポジティブ any:ネガティブSun, 09 Jul 2023 - 14min - 46 - ep45.【littleとfew】どっちも"少し"でしょ?
little:量や程度=数えられないものに few:数=数えられるものに a litttle:ほとんどない a few:ほとんどないI havea little time today.
Why don't we grab a coffee?
Oh, you have little time.
OK, maybe next time.
My son has littleexperience in cooking. I get drunk when I drink even a little. I have a fewbooks that I haven't read yet. She had littleinterest in sports. He has fewregrets in life. I need to buya few groceries.Sat, 08 Jul 2023 - 10min - 45 - ep44.【willとbe going to】どっちも未来の事でしょ?
未来の話をする表現の代表格である【willとbe going to】の違い。
what are you gonna do tonight?
Me? Mmmmm.....Oh, I'll see the movies. Do you wanna come?
What size would you like? -I'll take a small/medium.
Anyone answer the phone? -I’ll get it.
I'm gonna study abroad in US next month.
I'll take you to the station tomorrow. I'm gonna take my mom to the station tomorrow.
I’m gonna go. See you later. I'm gonna text ex tonight.■基本的には:
・be going to:もう決めてる
Fri, 07 Jul 2023 - 14min - 44 - ep43.【listenとhear】どっちもキクでしょ?聴くと聞くの他にも違いがある
Listen:意識を集中して聴こう=聴く hear:自然と聞こえて来た=聞くという状態
I heard someone scream.(聞こえた) I listened to someone scream.(じっくり聴いた)
I heard the news on the radio.(たまたま耳に入った) I listened to the radio for the weather report.(天気予報を聴く為にラジオを聴いた)
I didn't hear what you said. He doesn't listen to me.
Listen carefully. Please listen and pay attention.
I heard from my mom that my ex got married. Oh, I've heard the story.■【hearとlisten】 の違い■
漢字で書くと門構えの聞くと耳辺の聴く 聞こえてくるのか、注意して意識して聴くのか 他動詞と自動詞*お願い*
Thu, 06 Jul 2023 - 17min - 43 - ep42.【リスニング力チェック】国産100%の耳が通る道のりWed, 05 Jul 2023 - 13min
- 42 - ep41.【a lot ofとmany】どっちも沢山でしょ?ネイティブはコッチしか言わない
中学校英語で『たくさん』を表す単語に【many・much・a lot of】
How much water do you want? I love it so much.●manyは【数えられる名詞】に使う
How many coins do you have?●a lot of~はどっちでも使えちゃう
a lot of water a lot of conins■本日の英文■
I have a lot of things to do. We have a lot of problems to deal with. I have a lot of books / on my shelf / that I haven't read yet. We had a lot of fun / at the amusement park / yesterday. She has a lot of friends / from different countries.*a lot of=lots of 全く同じ。好みで決めてヨシ
Tue, 04 Jul 2023 - 13min - 41 - ep40.【luggageとbaggage】どっちも空港で使う荷物でしょ?アレが違います!
Baggage Claimの看板見つけてクレーム言いに走ったというポンコツめいさん。
I have some baggage to check in - this box and suitcase. Do you have luggage storage service? Is there any luggage storage service around here? I’d like to check (in) my luggage. Can I check (in) my luggage? Where can I check (in) my baggage? I need some new luggage for my trip.■手荷物受取所■
baggage claim Claim your baggage■荷物が無い!
Lost baggage/luggage*luggageもbaggageも複数形に出来ない
two baggagesとは出来ない
Mon, 03 Jul 2023 - 15min - 40 - ep39.【storeとshop】どっちも店でしょ?アレが違います!
pet shop coffee shop bakery shop flower shop photo shop barber shop antique shop gift shop bookshop toy shop bike shop shoe shop-STORE-
department store convenience store Grocery store funiture store clothing store hardware store stationery store music store pet supply store outlet store■規模によって使い分けれる■
bookshop - bookstore toy shop - toy store bike shop - bike store shoe shop - shoe storeSun, 02 Jul 2023 - 14min - 39 - ep38.【houseとhome】どっちも家でしょ?アレの違いで使い分ける!
何が違うのか どう使い分けるのか英文と併せてフォニックスマスターしましょう♪
I live in a house. I wanna buy a house someday.
I live in an apartment. I wanna buy a condo(condominium).
I'll visit his apartment/room.*倉庫:warehouse
I go home. I'll stay home this weekend. I am home. Anybody home?■HOUSEとHOME比較文■
Wow! You have such a nice house!(外観の家) Wow! You have such a nice home!(素敵な家庭)
I'm looking for a new house.(売る家?) I'm looking for a new home.(楽しく暮らす家探し)cf.
I go to school.
【NG】I go to home.
Sat, 01 Jul 2023 - 16min - 38 - ep37.【eatとhave】どっちも食べるでしょ?どう違うの?Fri, 30 Jun 2023 - 11min
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