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Remnant Finance

Remnant Finance

Remnant Finance

Remnant Finance aims to revolutionize how you think about money. Join co-hosts Brian Moody and Hans Toohey, veteran military pilots and Authorized Infinite Banking Concept Practitioners of the NNI, as they dive deep into strategies that can transform your approach to personal finance. What’s Infinite Banking? It’s a financial movement about taking control of your future and creating a system that preserves and grows your wealth across generations. Join us as we challenge the conventional and build financial independence together. Subscribe to navigate your financial future with confidence!

13 - 8th Grade Economics: Tax Sherpa on Unrealized Capital Gains Tax and Kamala’s ‘Economic Plan’
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  • 13 - 8th Grade Economics: Tax Sherpa on Unrealized Capital Gains Tax and Kamala’s ‘Economic Plan’

    Claim your free guide on smart tax planning and Infinite Banking Concepts (IBC)! Start keeping more of your earnings to maximize your financial growth! https://taxsherpa.com/remnant Neal McSpadden from Tax Sherpa joins us to discuss taxes, wealth preservation, and economic policy. What does it mean when politicians like Kamala Harris throw around terms like "unrealized capital gains tax" or "price controls," and how does it impact your financial future? We unpack how proper tax planning can save business owners tens of thousands of dollars annually and shed light on proposed policies that could dramatically alter the financial landscape for investors and entrepreneurs alike.

    This episode pulls back the curtain on the hidden "inflation tax" that's silently eroding your wealth, and introduces alternative strategies like the Infinite Banking Concept that you may have never considered. We challenge what you think you know about building and preserving wealth in today's economy. ➡️ The Tax Planning Imperative: Proper tax strategies for business owners and independent contractors can lead to dramatic savings. Many are unaware of legal methods to significantly reduce their tax burden. This oversight can cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars over time. Implementing smart tax planning is not just about savings - it's about preserving wealth and fueling future growth. ➡️ The Unrealized Capital Gains Tax Threat: The proposed tax on unrealized capital gains is a potentially devastating policy. It could force asset sales, create severe liquidity issues, and unfairly tax "paper gains" that may never materialize. This approach fails to account for market volatility and could significantly hinder long-term wealth accumulation, especially for business owners and investors. ➡️ The Hidden Inflation Tax: Government monetary policy and unchecked spending are driving a stealth tax through inflation. The continuous creation of fiat currency erodes purchasing power over time. This "inflation tax" hits all income levels but is especially punishing to savers and those on fixed incomes. Understanding and hedging against this hidden wealth erosion is crucial for long-term financial planning. ➡️ The Power of Alternative Wealth Strategies: Relying solely on traditional investment vehicles and the conventional financial system exposes you to significant risks. Strategies like the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) using properly structured whole life insurance provide guaranteed growth, tax advantages, and put you in control of your capital. Unlike market-based investments, IBC allows for uninterrupted compound growth, shields your wealth from market volatility, and offers unique financial flexibility. Connect with Neal from Tax Sherpa https://taxsherpa.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/neal-mcspadden/ https://www.youtube.com/@NealMcSpadden Got Questions? Reach out to us at info@remnantfinance.com ⁠Visit https://remnantfinance.com for more information FOLLOW REMNANT FINANCEYoutube: @RemnantFinance (https://www.youtube.com/@RemnantFinance) Facebook: @remnantfinance (https://www.facebook.com/profile?id=61560694316588) Twitter: @remnantfinance (https://x.com/remnantfinance) TikTok: @RemnantFinance Don't forget to hit LIKE and SUBSCRIBE

    Fri, 13 Sep 2024 - 1h 15min
  • 12 - The Average Rate of Return Fallacy

    You’ve probably heard someone say, "The market averages 12% returns over the long term." In this episode, Brian and Hans tackle why this is an extremely misleading metric that can lead to unrealistic expectations about wealth growth.

    Using real-world examples, they demonstrate how the average rate of return fails to accurately predict investment outcomes. Not only can this metric not be used for future return projections, but it does not even accurately reflect the actual returns over the time span from which the numbers were derived! Also absent in most financial projects are the eroding factors that can significantly reduce actual returns, such as taxes, fees, and portfolio churn.

    This episode will challenge what you think you know about market returns and offer a fresh perspective on building long-term wealth.

    The Average Rate of Return Fallacy:The average rate of return is a misleading metric for financial planning. It fails to accurately reflect real investment outcomes because it doesn't account for the sequence of returns, particularly washing out the impact of negative years. This can lead to significant overestimation of future wealth.

    The True Impact of Losses: Even a few negative years can dramatically impact long-term wealth accumulation. A 50% loss requires a 100% gain just to break even. This underscores the importance of protecting your capital and seeking financial vehicles that offer uninterrupted compound growth, rather than chasing high but volatile returns.

    Hidden Erosion Factors: Beyond market performance, factors like management fees, taxes, and unexpected life events can significantly reduce actual returns. These are often overlooked in traditional financial projections but can have a substantial impact on long-term wealth accumulation.

    Prioritize Certainty and Control:Instead of relying solely on speculative market returns, seek out financial strategies that offer more guarantees and put you in control. Consider incorporating tools like properly structured whole life insurance that provide consistent growth, tax advantages, and financial flexibility. Remember, you only get one shot at this - make it count by focusing on certainty rather than chance.

    Got Questions?Reach out to us at info@remnantfinance.com

    ⁠Visit https://remnantfinance.com for more information


    Youtube: @RemnantFinance (https://www.youtube.com/@RemnantFinance)

    Facebook: @remnantfinance (https://www.facebook.com/profile?id=61560694316588)

    Twitter: @remnantfinance (https://x.com/remnantfinance)

    TikTok: @RemnantFinance

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    Fri, 06 Sep 2024 - 26min
  • 11 - Stocks Must Go Up Because They Do!

    In this episode, Infinite Banking Concept Authorized Practitioners Brian Moody and Hans Toohey discuss conventional investment wisdom that they no longer buy into. They critique the unspecific yet incessant advice to "buy the dip," “the market is on sale,” on every downturn, arguing that it lacks any semblance of technical analysis and ignores crucial factors like taxes, fees, and inflation. 

    Federal Reserve policies have inflated asset prices, creating a disconnect between market performance and actual economic productivity. They illustrate the risks of market-dependent retirement plans using historical data, demonstrating how early market downturns can devastate retirement savings.

    When financial planning, prioritize wealth protection and optimal savings before focusing on growth. Hans and Brian argue that this method creates a more robust financial strategy that is less vulnerable to unexpected life events or economic changes.

    Question blanket investment advice:Be wary of general recommendations like "always buy the dip." Such advice often overlooks crucial factors including taxes, fees, inflation, and your personal financial situation. Instead, seek out more nuanced, personalized financial strategies that consider your specific circumstances and goals.​Plan for market volatility in retirement:Understand that market downturns, especially early in retirement, can significantly impact your savings. Develop a strategy to mitigate the sequence of returns risk. This might involve maintaining a cash buffer, adjusting withdrawal rates, or using alternative income sources during market downturns.​Diversify with non-correlated assets:Non-correlated assets, such as whole life insurance, should be incorporated into your financial portfolio. Whole life insurance, when used for the infinite banking concept, can be used to control the banking function in your life. It can also provide a buffer against market volatility and offer more financial flexibility, particularly during retirement. They can serve as a stable source of funds when you don't want to sell investments in a down market.​Prioritize protection, then savings, then growth: First, ensure you have adequate protection against life's risks (through insurance and emergency funds). Then focus on building savings. Only after these foundations are in place should you concentrate on growth-oriented investments. This approach can create a more robust financial strategy that's better equipped to weather unexpected events or economic changes. There is no point in accumulating a large nest egg when it can be destroyed in an instant by the many eroding factors that relentlessly pursue capital generation.

    Got Questions?Reach out to us at info@remnantfinance.com

    ⁠Visit https://remnantfinance.com for more information


    Youtube: @RemnantFinance (https://www.youtube.com/@RemnantFinance)

    Facebook: @remnantfinance (https://www.facebook.com/profile?id=61560694316588)

    Twitter: @remnantfinance (https://x.com/remnantfinance)

    TikTok: @RemnantFinance

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    Fri, 30 Aug 2024 - 46min
  • 10 - Give Up the Ship: Conviction or Compliance?

    Hans Toohey, former Navy helicopter pilot, traded his flight suit for a mission to revolutionize personal finance. In this episode, Hans shares how his experience at a liberal Ivy League University, Harvard Kennedy School, and his stance against the COVID-19 vaccine mandate became unexpected catalysts for questioning mainstream narratives. Hans’ refusal of the vaccine mandate resulted in unfair punishment from the Navy. He was immediately grounded from flying and relegated to idle assignments for about two years. This led him to stand firm in his convictions and dive deep into unconventional financial strategies like the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC). 

    If you're ready to challenge the status quo, take control of your financial destiny, and explore wealth-building methods that big institutions don't want you to know about, this episode is a game-changer.

    Challenge the Status Quo: Don't accept conventional wisdom at face value. Actively question mainstream ideas in finance, health, and career. Seek out alternative perspectives and form your own informed opinions.

    Adapt To Unexpected Challenges:Hans's experience with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate demonstrates how unforeseen events can disrupt career plans. Be flexible and willing to pivot when faced with obstacles.

    Commit to Lifelong Learning:Never stop educating yourself. Actively seek out new information and ideas, especially those that challenge your current beliefs. Be open to changing your mind when presented with compelling evidence or theories.

    Take Charge of Your Finances: Don't passively follow institutional financial advice. Educate yourself about various financial strategies, including alternative ones like the Infinite Banking Concept. Make informed decisions that align with your personal goals and values, and actively manage your financial future.

    Got Questions?Reach out to us at info@remnantfinance.com

    ⁠Visit https://remnantfinance.com for more information


    Youtube: @RemnantFinance (https://www.youtube.com/@RemnantFinance)

    Facebook: @remnantfinance (https://www.facebook.com/profile?id=61560694316588)

    Twitter: @remnantfinance (https://x.com/remnantfinance)

    TikTok: @RemnantFinance

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    Fri, 23 Aug 2024 - 49min
  • 9 - How I Almost Lost My Retirement | Brian's Bio Interview

    Meet Brian Moody, Air National Guard pilot turned financial educator. In this episode Brian shares his life story; How he went from thinking about his finances like most people to embracing the IBC. Brian talks about how the COVID-19 vaccine mandate threatened his military career, leading him to stand firm in his convictions and explore alternative financial strategies.

    If you're ready to take control of your financial future and create lasting wealth that no bank or big institution can threaten, this episode is a must-listen. 

    Standing Up for Convictions: Brian's experience with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate in the military highlights the importance of standing firm in one's beliefs, even when faced with significant personal and professional risks.

    The Power of the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC):Discovering IBC through Nelson Nash's book "Becoming Your Own Banker" transformed Brian's approach to personal finance, leading him to implement it for his family and eventually build a business around teaching it to others.

    Breaking Generational Cycles:A pivotal moment with his dying father made Brian realize the impact of generational trauma and the importance of breaking negative cycles, both emotionally and financially. This realization, combined with IBC, motivated him to change his family's financial legacy.

    Rethinking Retirement and Wealth Building:Brian challenges conventional notions of retirement and wealth accumulation, emphasizing the importance of continuous value creation, generational wealth through IBC, and aligning core values with one's spouse for long-term financial success.

    Got Questions?Reach out to us at info@remnantfinance.com

    ⁠Visit https://remnantfinance.com for more information


    Youtube: @RemnantFinance (https://www.youtube.com/@RemnantFinance)

    Facebook: @remnantfinance (https://www.facebook.com/profile?id=61560694316588)

    Twitter: @remnantfinance (https://x.com/remnantfinance)

    TikTok: @RemnantFinance

    Don't forget to hit LIKE and SUBSCRIBE 

    Fri, 16 Aug 2024 - 32min
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