Podcasts by Category

Science NoN Science

Science NoN Science

Prasanna Deshmukh

Weekly podcast for Science and NoN science insights. Get ready to fall in love with Science!

4 - Earth's Mini Moon
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  • 4 - Earth's Mini Moon

    Science Non Science Podcast (S1E3):

    A tiny asteroid was found to be orbiting our Earth in Feb 2020. 

    For a while, our main moon had a very tiny cousin. 

    Let's go on the Journey to Mini Moon...






    Sun, 03 May 2020 - 06min
  • 3 - Our Universe

    Science Non Science Podcast (S1E2): 

    Our universe is very vast beyond our comprehension.

    Let's go on the Journey... 


    Astronomy Pocket factbook by Mike Flynn.




    Sun, 03 May 2020 - 04min
  • 2 - Earth in Space

    Science Non Science Podcast (S1E1): Earth is one countless objects in the vast empty space. Let's discuss that... (Ref: Astronomy in minutes by Giles Sparrow).

    Sat, 04 Apr 2020 - 01min
  • 1 - Welcome to this Science podcast.

    Ready to fall in love with Science, follow us...

    Thu, 26 Mar 2020 - 00min