Podcasts by Category

Stiletto Academy Brought to by Mz. Goldee

Stiletto Academy Brought to by Mz. Goldee

Mz. Goldee

Everyday people dealing with Real Life issues and struggles. Face to face with the realities the fears and negativity they encounter while striving to obtain their empire legacy through goal setting and visionary’s. Everyday people who acknowledge success and triumph through thankful gratitude. Email: MzGoldee.sa@gmail.com

7 - Rarity
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  • 7 - Rarity

    When planets in our solar system align an old wise tale says it is the perfect opportunity to make a wish come true. So don’t let the sun come up without aligning your Vision, or Manifesting your dreams.

    Sun, 05 Jul 2020 - 04min
  • 6 - survivors

    Discussion and thoughts to getting through and surviving the Pandemic the plates our country. Insight to staying up in such a down time.

    Mon, 27 Apr 2020 - 28min
  • 5 - Exposure

    The Who? The What? and The Why are you exposing yourself. The other side of exposure.

    Sat, 28 Mar 2020 - 10min
  • 4 - Toxic relationships with Procrastination

    Ending the unhealthy relationship we have with Procrastination in order to get organized and focused on our goals and dreams.

    Tue, 17 Mar 2020 - 18min
  • 3 - The box

    When you hear the phrase out of the box thinking what does that really mean. How can one think outside the box if they are currently residing in a box.

    Mon, 09 Mar 2020 - 30min
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