Podcasts by Category

Stroller Mafia Podcast

Stroller Mafia Podcast

Atiyyah Sibda

If you seeking real, un-edited zero photoshop parenting then join this mom gang and become part of the stroller mafia. This tribe will hold your hand and take you behind the instagramable mom hood moments where you can gain valuable info from industry professionals & best of all walk away more informed and entertained.

4 - Little people have big feelings - Toddlers & Tantrums
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  • 4 - Little people have big feelings - Toddlers & Tantrums

    If you are a parent/caregiver you are no stranger to tantrums and big feelings but what are those big feelings? Why do they occur ? How do we deal with them? What is the best way to address them? Dr Alana Lopez who is a licensed Child Psychologist talk us through raising children with healthy emotions. We talking about setting boundaries, identifying triggers, discipline & much more. You can find further resources and programs from Dr Alana on Instagram @dralanalopez or www.alanalopezphd.com for upcoming podcast and polls my Instagram is @atiyyahkara

    Fri, 27 Nov 2020 - 54min
  • 3 - Parenting during a Pandemic

    Parenting is generally a tough one, now try parenting during the most uncertain/ unstable time in the world, yeah not pretty scary right ?!. We going to have to figure it out on the way but that doesn’t mean we have to do it alone. Luckily we have Canada’s Globe and Mail parenting columnists, Sarah Rosensweet who is also a licensed parent coach to guid and answer our questions during this time. Find me on IG @atiyyahkara. You can find Sarah on IG @sarahrosensweet

    Mon, 16 Nov 2020 - 34min
  • 2 - Working mom VS stay at home mom

    Join my stroller mafia as we discuss the trials that both these uniquely difficult roles entail while finally putting to rest the age old argument of who has it harder. It’s a matter of pick your hard, so listen in and pick yours. IG : @atiyyahkara

    Sat, 07 Nov 2020 - 19min
  • 1 - Welcome to the Stroller Mafia

    Welcome to the Stroller Mafia podcast. In this episode/trailer the host Atiyyah shares with you how her vision for the stroller mafia podcast came about and also shares insights on what you can expect out of this podcast. It’s a mere glimpse into what the coming weeks episodes will look like. Buckle up. Visit & interact with Atiyyah on her social platforms @atiyyahkara

    Sat, 07 Nov 2020 - 11min