Podcasts by Category

The Taichi and Qigong Podcast

The Taichi and Qigong Podcast

The Taichi and Qigong Podcast

Beyond Yoga, Tai Chi and Qigong are two disciplines that are entering our realm of practice possibilities, bringing with them a great deal of opportunities, while enhancing our general health level and providing at the same time a powerful personal development tool. What are they, what can they do for us, and how can we manage to not make, approaching them, the mistakes usually a beginner does. Let's talk about it in a simple and accessible way! Also, here on youtube a video on Wuji practice: https://youtu.be/WvL2b882aYE?feature=shared www.miamitaichi.org miamitaichi@gmail.com

24 - S2 E12 - LGBTQ + Practitioners
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  • 24 - S2 E12 - LGBTQ + Practitioners

    LGBTQ+ issues has been heavily politicized, to the point that is not uncommon to find even internal arts teachers who claim some of this people to present deviations from a supposed given human nature. In this episode we dismiss such claims as non-sensical, and we on the contrary explain why, on a very practical ground, LGBTQ+ practitioners may find in their path to have a strength like many other practitioners never find in their whole life.

    Thu, 16 May 2024 - 19min
  • 23 - S2 E11 - The Three-Body Problem

    The Three-Body Problem is a well known sci-fi novel by the Chinese author Liu Cixin, recently renderer by a Netflix series. In the Chinese Internal Arts we traditionally recognize three main energetic centers located in or correlated to the physical body: from physical energy to psychic energy, the internal journey may be obscure and detailed at the same time.

    Outside a traditional path only lies delusion, exacly where many practitioner find themselves in modern Yoga or Meditation approaches. When you see a traditional map, you understand why that's the case.

    Fri, 19 Apr 2024 - 29min
  • 22 - S2 E10 - Meditation and Therapy

    Meditation is not a therapy for the Self, the Ego is not the Nature of Mind, what was going on in your childhood is of no interest for your practice, and practice itself is not supposed to generate Love.

    Tue, 19 Mar 2024 - 19min
  • 21 - S2 E9 - Meditation deviations

    The Financial Times has recently launched a new investigative podcast, Untold, and the first serie is about the damages that intensive meditation practice can bring: "The Retreat".

    This episode encourages you to listen to The Retreat podcast and learn how intensive meditation can damage you psyche.

    Resources to help people who struggle with meditation's damages:



    Thu, 22 Feb 2024 - 18min
  • 20 - S2 E8 - Wellness & the Self

    In our societies "Wellness" has become a key marketing word, and it is supposed to be one of the main objectives of the Internal Practice. Is it truly so?

    Also, the second video on Wuji practice has been released here

    Tue, 09 Jan 2024 - 14min
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