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UAE Tech Podcast

UAE Tech Podcast

Al Bawaba Business

UAE Tech Podcast is an exploration on how technology is merging with and reshaping government in the United Arab Emirates. A little understood but fundamental transition is taking place across a series of Emirates first established less than fifty years ago, in 1971. It’s here that the center of technological gravity is shifting from the private sector to a hybrid relationship involving industrialists, entrepreneurs, diplomats, policymakers, creatives and citizens. It’s also here that signs of a Fourth Industrial Revolution are emerging. In this series John Lillywhite talks with leaders from across the UAE in an effort to map these macro trends, and probe how innovations in big data, network science and digitalisation are not simply revolutionising government, but could - one day - play a role in influencing the systems that power global civilization itself.

78 - Senet: Skill2Earn Gaming
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  • 78 - Senet: Skill2Earn Gaming

    It doesn’t matter whether you’re drifting around a corner in Need for Speed, screaming ‘Get Over Here’ in Mortal Kombat, or dropping a banana in Mario Kart, video games are about one thing: Skill. Or are they? Aren’t video games also about having fun. Enter the debate over Skill2Earn, versis Free2Earn, and what the future of video games looks like. Shouldn’t users who spend upwards of 20 hours a week (and sometimes way more), be able to earn tokens, and exchange those tokens across other publishing platforms? Hasn’t this very tendency turned some supposed video games into glorified token farms? What about skill and competition? Skill2Earn gaming believes that when you execute that perfect uppercut, you get paid for it. So it is the best of both worlds?

    Fri, 17 May 2024 - 26min
  • 77 - The Story of StepConference

    In the UAE, Step Conference requires little introduction. But how did the darling of the Dubai tech scene calendar actually get started? What happened to the English and Arabic content websites? And what was it like running such a popular and successful conference … only to have COVID-19 shut down, well, pretty much everything. Ray Dargham, CEO and founder of Step Conference provides the inside story on how a student project at AUB has transformed, over time and with a little grit, into something far grander. This is the story of Step Conference from its foundings, to today.

    Fri, 03 May 2024 - 33min
  • 76 - Yuri Dvoinos: Dubai Tech Swagger

    Yuri Dvoinos sold his company Figleaf to Aura in 2020. He currently serves as Chief Innovation Officer at the Boston based cybersecurity firm, which is backed by none other than Robert Downey Jr. We wanted to begin our interview with “so what’s it like working with Iron Man,” but apparently everyone leads with this line, and they have not met. Also, Iron Man is a fictional character, so that would be weird. We digress. Yuri is a habitual entrepreneur. He’s workled on Kickstarter projects, digital education and has spent a decade right here in Dubai, where he bootstrapped 50M+ paying customers for Clario cybersecurity, a company he co-founded. We caught up with Yuri to share insights into how the city can attract talent, serve a global addressable market, and also grow into a new sense of itself as a mature tech industry, rather than a plucky upstart with a loveable swagger. Whatever the future holds, we hope Dubai keeps the swagger.

    Thu, 18 Apr 2024 - 31min
  • 75 - Building a Deep-Tech Ecosystem

    Hassan Al Noon is a graduate of the National Experts Program in Abu Dhabi, a mentorship program which pairs promising Emirati leaders with established experts in industry. Hassan’s capstone project focused on the development of deep-tech, and the need to create a collaborative ecosystem to support R&D in the UAE.

    Mon, 08 Apr 2024 - 26min
  • 74 - Yango Play: Does Your AI Speak Khaleeji?

    If you’ve been living in Dubai it’s been difficult to avoid Yango, an app that is being noticed for impressively accurate GPS and ride-hailing services. A Netherlands registered company backed by the Russian conglomerate Yandex, the app has ambitions which go beyond getting you around the city. Yango wants to become that most fabled of creatures; not a Unicorn, but a super-app. The recently launched Yango play features an AI assistant that doesn’t simply speak Arabic, but can talk in the local Khaleeji dialect. The service brings licensed music and movies to the app, including the Arabic blockbuster of 2023 ‘Mr. Ex’, and the sequel to ‘Awlad Harim Kareem.’ There are plans to support independent artists, and create original content. It’s a big dream. But can a super-app work in the UAE? What are macro-trends? And who, given the range of services on offer, is the competition? We spoke with Roman Shimansky, MENA Region Business Director at Yango Play, to learn more.

    Mon, 18 Mar 2024 - 32min
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