Podcasts by Category




A podcast about African social movements and the worlds they are trying to create. Hosted by Fred Bauma, a social movement activist from the Democratic Republic of Congo; and Jason Stearns, an academic and writer based at Simon Fraser University.

17 - Interview with Nic Cheeseman on Democracy
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  • 17 - Interview with Nic Cheeseman on Democracy
    Mon, 02 Oct 2023
  • 16 - Interview avec Aliou Sane sur Y'en a marre et la lutter au Senegal
    Mon, 25 Sep 2023
  • 15 - La solidarité internationale avec Serge Sivya

    Cette semaine nous accueillons Serge Sivya, médecin et militant du mouvement lutte pour le changement, Lucha actif en RD Congo. Serge milite au sein de la Lucha depuis les premiers jours de ce mouvement en 2012. Il a été très actif dans les mobilisations pour le respect de la constitution en RDC entre 2015 et 2018. Il a pour cela plusieurs fois été arrêté. Au sein de la Lucha, Serge est actif notamment dans la cellule de Luchologie où il a longtemps contribué à la formation et l’initiati...

    Sun, 30 Jul 2023
  • 14 - Interview Tutu Alicante

    Last year, Teodoro Obiang won a 6th term in office with 97% of the vote. He has been in power since 1979, for 43 years. In Obiang’s Equatorial Guinea, there are no independent, critical media, no human rights or anti-corruption organizations, and the one opposition party is seen as being a fig leaf for the dictatorship. It is difficult to fully grasp the control the government has over society without examining the role of the oil industry. Equatorial Guinea is one of the largest oil pro...

    Tue, 04 Jul 2023
  • 13 - Interview Nisrin Elamin and Hamid Khalafallah

    Welcome to Season 2 of Ukombozi.The Sudanese Revolution of 2018-2019 was a bubbling up of many movements all at once. As Hamid Khalahfallah, one of our guests here, says: "It was many transitions all at once"––a political, cultural and spiritual one. And then it ended, first with another coup in 2021, and now with brutal fighting between two parts of the regime. Here we discuss the conflict, but in also the place of social movements in Sudanese society. One of the reasons we ...

    Mon, 19 Jun 2023
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