Podcasts by Category

World Archaeology - Audio

World Archaeology - Audio

The Open University

How do archaeologists investigate and understand ancient sites and civilisations? Interpreting archaeological evidence accurately and methodically is the key to obtaining a critical perspective on the development of the human race. This album provides an introduction to archaeology and its methodologies for excavation of sites that can be more than 12000 years old. Like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle but without a picture guide, archaeologists can establish how cities and civilisations developed, why humans started farming, and how empires formed and collapsed. This material forms part of The Open University course A251 World archaeology.

9 - World Archaeology
0:00 / 0:00
  • 9 - World Archaeology

    A short introduction to this album.

    Tue, 13 Apr 2010 - 01min
  • 8 - The importance of archaeology

    The discipline of archaeology and its methodology.

    Thu, 04 Sep 2008 - 06min
  • 7 - Pompeii: reconstructing the urban past

    The challenges of studying the cultural development of urban settlements, including Pompeii.

    Thu, 04 Sep 2008 - 06min
  • 6 - The origins of agriculture

    Why did humans start farming?

    Thu, 04 Sep 2008 - 07min
  • 5 - Interpreting the remains of early cities

    Archaeologists discuss early Meso-american and South Asian cities and how they reveal different forms of social organisation.

    Thu, 04 Sep 2008 - 08min
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