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Bible Questions Podcast

Bible Questions Podcast

Have you ever wondered why you are here on this earth? Do you have questions about God, Jesus or religion in general? During each episode, we will answer your Bible questions and give you answers directly from the Bible. We will also give you the book, chapter and verses to reference and read for yourself.

199 - Bible Questions Episode 236 (Value of Wisdom)
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  • 199 - Bible Questions Episode 236 (Value of Wisdom)

    The Book of Proverbs is a rich text with many beneficial passages that teach us a variety of truths. The main theme of the book is wisdom and there are many contrasts presented between the wisdom from God versus the wisdom of men. In this episode, we will consider some of the lessons we can learn about wisdom through passages we find in Proverbs. We will discuss: Wisdom in the treatment of neighbors Leaving the presence of a foolish man How there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death How those who are slow to wrath have great understanding

    Sat, 31 Aug 2024 - 1h 03min
  • 198 - Bible Questions Episode 235 (The Lord's Supper)

    In this episode, Alan Hitchen joins us to examine what the Bible teaches about the Lord's Supper. In the religious world today, few religions properly observe the Lord's Supper, and some do not observe it at all. We will examine the truth from the Bible on this important memorial. We will discuss: The four detailed accounts in which Jesus commanded us to partake of the Lord's Supper Paul's teaching to the church of Corinth regarding the observance and abuses of it How often Christians should partake Why we know it was not part of a common meal

    Sat, 24 Aug 2024 - 1h 08min
  • 197 - Bible Questions Episode 234 (How to Properly Study the Bible Part 2)

    In this episode, we continue to look at the important principles we should follow when studying the Bible. We discuss: Correctly defining words Precautions and the proper attitude we should have when studying Use of study aids Proper application of scripture We answer Bible questions submitted on this subject

    Sat, 17 Aug 2024 - 48min
  • 196 - Bible Questions Episode 233 (How to Properly Study the Bible)

    In this episode, we discuss the principles that should be followed to properly study and understand the Bible. We will consider: The importance of studying the Bible Why we should understand the context of what is written The audience that is being addressed Literal versus figurative language The conditions and circumstances at the time of a writing

    Sat, 10 Aug 2024 - 51min
  • 195 - Bible Questions Episode 232 (Questions from the First Half of 2024)

    In this episode, we look at some of the questions that have been submitted to our web site ( over the first half of this year. Some of the questions we will answer: Is Jesus the Creator in Genesis? Does God want us to be perfect?  If Jesus is God, then why Jesus is praying to God? What can do we do as Christians to help someone believe in Jesus or is that the Holy Spirit's job?   Can a person who is gay be a born-again Christian? Should they be allowed to teach at church?

    Sat, 03 Aug 2024 - 56min
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