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Bible Questions Podcast

Bible Questions Podcast

Have you ever wondered why you are here on this earth? Do you have questions about God, Jesus or religion in general? During each episode, we will answer your Bible questions and give you answers directly from the Bible. We will also give you the book, chapter and verses to reference and read for yourself.

205 - Bible Questions Episode 242 (Questions about Sin)
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  • 205 - Bible Questions Episode 242 (Questions about Sin)

    Many in our modern, high-tech world view the Bible as quaint, old-fashioned, or not relevant today. That includes the closely related concepts of absolute truth, right and wrong, as well as “sin” In this episode, we will answer questions that have been submitted over the years to our website ( about sin. Some of the questions we will consider include: What scripture should I use when trying to show a proclaimed believer that deliberately walking in sin (homosexuality & sex outside marriage) separates them from God's blessings? When I say my prayers I ask for forgiveness of my sins, but I know that some of the sins will be repeated often. Will I go to heaven? Does God judge thoughts in your head as sin, if it's not about lust? Considering it is God that sets people up in power and that there is no mention of voting for government in New Testament scriptures. Does voting show lack of faith and therefore a sin to vote?

    Sat, 12 Oct 2024 - 52min
  • 204 - Bible Questions Episode 241 (Christianity in a Wicked World)

    Over last several years, we have seen a general moral decline in America and in world overall. How do we as Christians deal with what we see going on in our society today? In this episode, we will discuss: How mankind has been wicked in every generation What causes people to think and act the way they do? How should Christians conduct themselves? How Christians can help change the world

    Sat, 05 Oct 2024 - 1h 06min
  • 203 - Bible Questions Episode 240 (Sin and the Curse)

    After creation, "God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good" (Gen 1:31). Then Adam and Eve sinned and as a result of their sin, God pronounced a curse. Evangelist Alan Hitchen joins us to discuss: What did the curse mean for mankind? What happened to God's creation after the curse? How are we affected today by the curse? We answer Bible questions submitted about the curse

    Sat, 28 Sep 2024 - 59min
  • 202 - Bible Questions Episode 239 (Questions about Baptism)

    Baptism is a subject that is one of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted in the Bible. There are many good questions that have been submitted over the years on this subject, so we thought we would share a sampling of these questions. Some of the questions we will answer: If John the Baptist was baptizing "for repentance and remission of sin - what was the purpose of him baptizing Jesus? Must a person be baptized after salvation to be truly saved? Must a person be baptized to receive the full power of the Holy Spirit?  Should someone be baptized again if they: Were baptized as a member of a denomination Did not get baptized for the right reason (did not understand why they were being baptized, baptized to join a church vs forgiveness of sins, outward showing of commitment to Christ, etc.) When I sin after I am baptized?

    Sat, 21 Sep 2024 - 1h 01min
  • 201 - Bible Questions Episode 238 (Alleged Bible Contradictions)

    Have you ever heard the Bible has hundreds of contradictions that clearly show it was written by fallible men and is not God’s inspired word?  Have you ever been confronted by a person pointing out something seemingly wrong with the Bible and didn’t know how to respond?  Have you ever discovered what you think is a contradiction and don’t know what it means? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then today's episode is for you! In this episode we will: Consider some popular alleged Bible contradictions Look at sources of alleged contradictions Give some tips on how to handle alleged contradictions

    Sat, 14 Sep 2024 - 53min
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