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The Salt

The Salt

James & James

Jiu-Jitsu meets Theoretical Psychology. Brothers with blue belts. One, thirty-something and dad-to-be, wants to win the World Master Jiu-Jitsu Championship. The other, philosopher and doctor-to-be, wants to put in motion a cognitive science based behaviour change concept he has been developing called Ecobehavioural Design (EBD). Can they help each other and the listener to bring the best out of themselves whilst on the journey...? Contact @ecobehaviouraldesigns on Instagram

20 - #20 - Reflektor
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  • 20 - #20 - Reflektor

    It's not rocket surgery. The boys talk about breathing, Rickson, and mouth taping, before getting into a proper reflection on Ecobehavioural Design (EBD). Analogies and their importance get a look in, as does not being able to talk to crowds if you are from the sticks. The bones of the poddy has discussion around how people change, the tendency towards sameness, and the different phases of EBD. We will burn that bridge when we get to it, but for the moment much love for your support. No singalong by Win & Regine unfortunately to see the season out, but check out "Michael - The Burns" if you want something to tap your foot to.

    Sat, 26 Sep 2020 - 41min
  • 19 - #19 - Stacked

    Breathe the pressure, come play my game I'll test ya. The boys start off on the wrong foot with musical "memories", but get back on the right one with some reflection on the Jits baseline and progress that has been made during the year. Bit of a revisit on habit and its association with identity, before getting into a plan for stack ranking some Jiu-Jitsu principles to try and know what to practice first going forward. Exhale, exhale, exhale...

    Sun, 30 Aug 2020 - 56min
  • 18 - #18 - Gamebread

    Rona serves up a three-piece and a soda to any world championship aspirations. With realisation and acceptance kicking in - the boys use the opportunity to talk about the momentum of habits, flows, and homeorhesis. The mission statement gets a revisit, and plans are voiced for season (series?) two. Zen gets an apology, and there is plenty of talk about "game" and "bread". No pop-in by Jorge unfortunately.

    Thu, 30 Jul 2020 - 41min
  • 17 - #17 - Halfarse

    How do I play soccer like Lionel Messi? The boys might not have the answer, but a question by a listener leads them to talk about the habituation of exploratory frames in group settings. Some prett-ay prett-ay prett-ay interesting ideas thrown in the mix, including half-rules, ritual anti-structure, tarot cards, and half-coaching. No drop-in by Larry David but. Mark's "Bringing forth within: enhabiting at the intersection between enaction and ecological  psychology" paper mentioned in the podcast can be found here:-

    Fri, 03 Jul 2020 - 1h 02min
  • 16 - #16 - Grammar

    If I can't cross my legs, can I ever be enlightened? The boys finally get into some questions, and the answers take them through language learning, alignment, breathing and getting "conversational" in Jiu-Jitsu or anything else you might want to advance your learning in. No zazen in this one but plenty of good feet finding and blue belt vibes.

    Thu, 11 Jun 2020 - 53min
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