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Deutsch Komplett (2nd Edition)

Deutsch Komplett (2nd Edition)

Folens Publishers

Deutsch Komplett - Audio to accompany the second edition of Folens' student textbook for the Leaving Certificate German programme

55 - 14.04 Hörverständnis Teil 4
0:00 / 0:00
  • 55 - 14.04 Hörverständnis Teil 4

    Audio for the listening activity on page 271 of the student textbook

    Tue, 25 Dec 2018
  • 54 - 14.03 Hörverständnis Teil 3

    Audio for the listening activity on page 271 of the student textbook

    Mon, 24 Dec 2018
  • 53 - 14.02 Hörverständnis Teil 2

    Audio for the listening activity on page 263 of the student textbook

    Sun, 23 Dec 2018
  • 52 - 14.01 Hörverständnis Teil 1

    Audio for the listening activity on page 263 of the student textbook

    Sat, 22 Dec 2018
  • 51 - 13.04 Hörverständnis Teil 4

    Audio for the listening activity on page 252 of the student textbook

    Fri, 21 Dec 2018
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