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Cultivating Kindness with Karen

Cultivating Kindness with Karen


LIVE WEDNESDAYS 2 PM ET/1 CT/12 MT/11am PT The Universe is always “listening” and waiting to gift to you all that you desire. Are you willing for the Universe to gift you Kindness and Kind people? Imagine receiving Kindness every day in all areas of your life. When we are willing to receive, our world changes, we change, and all those around us begin to change. What gift could you be to others, or the world, if you were the energy of Kindness? Facilitator of Healing, Karen Leslie will help you navigate the energy of Kindness and learn how integral it is to reducing stress in your life and how it will assist in healing your body.   Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –

90 - Stop Defending Your Choices – Karen Leslie
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  • 90 - Stop Defending Your Choices – Karen Leslie

    Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Being strong at defending your decisions or choices is seen as a great strength of character. It may secure you a seat on the Debating Team at school, or a position as a negotiator for employment. The difficulties can arise when defending your choices becomes a common practice in your life. Doors get opened that can lead to regret, disappointment and even feelings of failure. Feeling the need to defend yourself leads you down a path that often ends in the opposite direction to where you desire to be. Being in the energy of feeling you need to defend yourself often results in you stepping out of your power and strength; not stepping into it. Join Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Speaker, to gain a clearer understanding as to how you have been working with the energy of "defending". Learn how and when to bring this energy in so it helps you in being grounded and empowered. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:

    Wed, 18 Sep 2024
  • 89 - Light You Up First – Karen Leslie

    Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Many people desire to light up the room, or space, they are in. Some from ego, some from desire to be seen and some for healing. No matter what the origin, to light up a room requires intention and follow through. The first question is where does this desire come from? First you need to look at yourself before you can genuinely light up any room. There are many different ways to look at lighting up the room. Some will have you feeling temporarily good and others will fill you up and carry you forward for a long time. Some ways only benefit you, or another person. Other ways contribute to everyone there. Which do you choose? To be able to light up a room, or space, is such a gift to be shared openly. To understand how to light yourself up first, and then others, listen in this week to Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Expert Healer, on Cultivating Kindness with Karen for ways to ignite your inner light and let it shine out to the world. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:

    Wed, 11 Sep 2024
  • 88 - Turning The Blahs Into Aha! – Karen Leslie

    Cultivating Kindness With Karen  You have had those days that just feel flat. The blahs kick in and your enthusiasm and motivation goes out the window. It can be like a wall of blahs has blocked out everything that could give you that aha feeling. Often you feel like packing in the day and you start to believe that the aha is just not going to arrive today. Once you start to accept the day as one filled with blahs that is exactly what you will get. However, never give up as there is always a way to flip this around and have a day that fills you up verses flattening and draining you. Join Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Expert Healer, for great ways to turn you day around. There is no need to slouch on the couch all day and feel sorry for yourself. Pop into the chatroom and add even more to your day by joining in the conversation or asking a couple of questions. Try something new and see what happens. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:

    Wed, 04 Sep 2024
  • 87 - Your Past Is Always Creating – Karen Leslie

    Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Did you know that most people spend more time each day living in the past than they do living in the present moment? What you are thinking about is creating your reality. When you are spending the majority of your time thinking about the past, your past is actually creating your future. Most people are on autopilot and do not realize what they are unintentionally creating. Repeating thought patterns and re-telling stories or events (even just to yourself) really impacts your current life and the future. If you would like to have something different from what you are currently experiencing then this is a great area to look at. Join Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Energy Healer, for ways to change how you are looking at your past to create a future more in line with your desires and dreams. As always, you are invited to join in the live conversation in the chatroom on the Inspired Choices Network. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:

    Wed, 28 Aug 2024
  • 86 - Doubt Is An Instant Block – Karen Leslie

    Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Where to even begin!!! Doubt is so pervasive in the world. It can be seen and felt everywhere. It has become a common energy and it is an energy that creates an immediate block in your life. This block will automatically reinforce your doubt or create a new one resulting in another block. If you are finding that the number of areas in your life are increasing in the amount of doubt you have in them, then you will benefit from today's conversation! Understanding the potency and strength of your doubts is extremely helpful. You are likely underestimating what these thoughts and words are creating in your life. Join Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Expert Healer, for a clear understanding of doubts and the havoc you are allowing in on a daily basis. You absolutely can change this and step into ease, flow and fun with your life. Are you ready to let go of the energy of doubt? Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:

    Wed, 21 Aug 2024
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