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Dear Lovers

Dear Lovers

Giulianna Ome

Giulianna Ome talks about important life issues, current events, and relationships, romantic and otherwise. Guests will often join in on the discussions giving their unique perspectives and moving the discourse in unexpected ways. Giulianna utilizes her training as a life coach and her strong Christian faith to direct the conversation towards advice and solutions that everyone can find helpful.

9 - 5. I Tried Reacting To My Own TIKTOK Dating Advice - Oh me, Ome on Ome
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  • 9 - 5. I Tried Reacting To My Own TIKTOK Dating Advice - Oh me, Ome on Ome

    Giulianna starts an argument and then simultaneously wins and loses a lively, informative, and edgy discussion with herself. You can expect to watch a self-assessment of her fun, easygoing, although truthful perspective of her most viral TikTok videos.  As well as her response to some of her nice and not-so-nice comments. Get a double dose of GKO and come away happier, more informed, and maybe a little bit smarter.  

    A special appearance of Yana, Giulianna's incredibly intelligent dog who is apparently learning Mandarin, and continues to help Giulianna cope with her day-to-day  struggles. (AKA the aforementioned not-so-nice comments)   Side note from your Host:  Hey again Dear Lovers,   I wanted to tell you why this video took a little longer to post, and by a little I mean a LOT. Mostly, because I want to unload and get all the weird occurrences off my chest. The first problem I ran into with this video was that my camera continued to turn off for no apparent reason when recording. Figuring that out and fixing the issue took a few minutes, but that hardly prepared me for the second problem, which happened in post-production. My computer would crash constantly seemingly spontaneously and the Macintosh HD storage was surprisingly maxed out. Now, hold on! I know what you might be thinking, "So what, you're saying your storage was full. Delete some files" Thing is I had factory reset my computer a couple of days before that, and proceeded to factory reset it once more for good measure. On top of all that I decided to just completely start a new iCloud account and everything so there would be no question on how many files I had on my computer (which were none) Even after all that my problem continued which prevented me from editing the video I had created. After suffering through many phone calls with Apple, I was finally able to get that sorted out. But, little did I know that my third problem would be the scariest I would have to face out of all. The external drive where I had stored all of the raw footage of Ep 5, my brand kits, my intros and outros, my content lists, basically anything pertaining to the podcast randomly malfunctioned and just would not work at all. This final issue could not be fixed by me, no matter how much I tried. After taking it to somebody to have it looked at, I was told they could possibly salvage at least a couple of the files on my drive, but that it was shot and would have to be reformatted. Thankfully, after a couple of weeks of hard work, they were able to retrieve the folder with all the podcast's files and I was finally able to edit and upload this most expected episode.  Looking back on all that happened, I can see that was the enemy undermining the desire The Lord has put on my heart to have a podcast and to speak about the topics I love talking about. I'm grateful that God has put such amazing people in my life that continue to inspire, support, and love me.

    Essentially, I'd like to thank you for your patience, your prayers, and your constant messages. xoxo -G   

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    Fri, 28 Oct 2022 - 19min
  • 8 - 4. ¿Son los hombres realmente culpables?

    Giulianna pensó en abordar el controvertido tema de quién tiene más culpa en las relaciones fallidas para este episodio. Sabemos cómo se siente la gente ante el maltrato dirigido a una mujer, pero ¿cómo se siente cuando los papeles se invierten y un hombre es víctima de abusos verbales, emocionales y físicos? Las desigualdades en el sistema legal hacen que la sociedad sea más sexista de lo que ya es. ¿Vivimos en un patriarcado o en un matriarcado?

    Volvemos a recurrir al increíble documental de Matt Walsh "¿Qué es una mujer?" para obtener información interesante acompañada también de las opiniones personales de nuestra presentadora.

    Nota: Hola queridos amantes ¿adivinan qué? Este es mi último episodio como adolescente, ¡celebraré mi 20º cumpleaños a finales de este mes! Un poco asustada, pero totalmente emocionada por el comienzo de un nuevo capítulo de mi vida. xoxo -G

    Apoya mi trabajo:



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    Wed, 24 Aug 2022 - 26min
  • 7 - 4. Are Men Really to Blame?

    Giulianna figured she would jump into the controversial topic of who is most to blame in failed relationships for this episode. We know how people feel about abuse aimed at a woman, but how do they feel when the roles are reversed and a man is getting verbally, emotionally, and physically abused? Inequities in the legal system inadvertently make society more sexist than it already is. Are we living in a patriarchy or in a matriarchy?

    Again turning to Matt Walsh’s incredible documentary “What is a Woman?” for some interesting information also accompanied by personal opinions from our host.

    Side note: Hi dear lovers guess what?! This is my last episode as a teen, I'll be celebrating my 20th birthday at the end of this month! Kinda scared, but totally excited for a new chapter of my life to begin. xoxo -G

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    Sun, 21 Aug 2022 - 21min
  • 6 - 3. ¿Cuándo es el momento adecuado para casarse?

    En este episodio de Queridos amantes, Giulianna explora el consejo común que recomienda que los jóvenes esperen hasta estar establecidos antes de atar el nudo. Su discurso da algunos giros y termina en un lugar que tal vez no quieras escuchar. Escuche y vea bajo su propia responsabilidad.  

    ¿Cuándo crees que es el mejor momento para casarse?  

    PSA- ¡Hola amantes! Sólo quería informarles sobre el calendario de lanzamiento de este programa. Esto puede cambiar más adelante, pero por ahora, este es el plan. La versión sólo de audio del podcast (ENG) se publicará todos los lunes SIN IMPORTAR. Por lo tanto, podrás encontrarlo en Apple Podcasts, Spotify, o donde sea que escuches tus podcasts favoritos. La versión en video subirá todos los miércoles, podrás encontrarla en YouTube y Rumble.  La versión del Podcast en ESP se estrenará cada Martes.  

    Apoya mi trabajo: 




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    Mon, 08 Aug 2022 - 21min
  • 5 - 3. When is The Right Time To Get Married?

    In this episode of Dear Lovers, Giulianna explores the common advice that recommends that young people should wait until they are established before tying the knot. Her discourse takes some twists and turns and ends up in a place that you might not want to hear about. Listen and watch at your own risk.  

    When do YOU think it's the best time to get married?  

    PSA– Hey lovers! I just wanted to let you know about the release schedule for this show. This may change later, but for now, this is the plan. The audio-only version of the podcast (ENG) will go up every Monday REGARDLESS. So, you will be able to find that on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. The video version will be going up every Wednesday, you'll be able to find that on YouTube and Rumble.  La version del Podcast en ESP estrenará cada Martes.  

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    Tue, 02 Aug 2022 - 19min
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