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The City SG Podcast

The City SG Podcast

The City, Singapore

We exist to help all people be with Jesus, become like Jesus and do the works of Jesus in our city.

1201 - 419. The Freedom You Long For Series (Week 8): Lust & Love // Andre Tan
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  • 1201 - 419. The Freedom You Long For Series (Week 8): Lust & Love // Andre Tan

    In the final week of our series “The Freedom We Long For”, Ps. Andre spoke on a heavy yet relevant topic of Lust & Love. In a culture where lust is prevalent, causing us to dehumanise and objectify others for our sexual pleasure, how can we cultivate a community that promotes healthy sexuality? In the New Testament, by the grace of God, we are enabled to live in the freedom that Christ has to offer. By asking for a new heart, capturing a biblical vision of sex, and taking active steps to fight lust, we can be spiritually transformed to be more like Christ. Ultimately, the freedom we long for is the vision that Christ has for our lives. More than a depth of conviction, this freedom is now a possibility because of Christ’s redeeming work on the cross.

    Sun, 26 May 2024 - 1h 01min
  • 1200 - 418. The Freedom You Long For Series (Week 7): Anger & Patience // Andre Tan

    “Anger is not the problem; it tells us something is wrong under the emotional, spiritual, or relational hood of our lives. We use anger to express our hurt or frustration, and to protect and preserve ourselves.” - @andrejosiah In week seven of our sermon series, The Freedom You Long For, Pastor Andre shared about Anger and Patience. A common fallacy in our approach to anger is thinking that we should never ever be angry as Christians, and that it is an emotion that we should repress. Yet, to be human is to feel, just as Jesus Himself felt the full extent of human emotions. While the feelings of anger are not a sin, what we do with anger can become dysfunctional and destructive. Where then can we take our anger? When we go to God in repentance, He restores us, and we can seek His strength for divine patience as we abide in His love. As we go about the week, may we seek God’s grace for the areas of unresolved anger and bitterness in our lives, and trust that He can transform us as we surrender to Him.

    Sun, 19 May 2024 - 56min
  • 1199 - 417. The Freedom You Long For Series (Week 6): Approval Addiction & Secure Identity // Janice Chiern

    “God longs for us to bring our need for approval to Him, for Him to satisfy our desire and to free us from approval addiction to truly live pleasing to Him and others in secure identity.” - @janicechinchern Janice continues our current sermon series, The Freedom You Long For with a sharing on Approval Addiction & Secure Identity. Deep within all of us is a desire for approval, which originates from God’s original design for us to desire righteousness and a life of good, and the ultimate aim of be pleasing in God’s eyes. Where we often end up disillusioned and disappointed is when we seek the approval of others and not God himself. In rediscovering the revelation of the Father’s acceptance of us, we are able to grow into the freedom that God has called us to, and into the identity that He has given us by grace.

    Sun, 12 May 2024 - 1h 02min
  • 1198 - 416. The Freedom You Long For Series (Week 5): Bitterness & Forgiveness // Christine Indrali

    “When we release bitter judgement, it brings death. But when we release forgiveness, it brings life.” - @chrisvonne In week 5 of “The Freedom You Long For”, Christine spoke on the topic of Bitterness & Forgiveness. In Hebrews 12:15, we learn of how we should not allow any bitter root to grow, as it will bring trouble to us and defile those around us. Many of us live unaware of our bitter root system, which are a result of our own sinful reactions to our circumstances. When we feed these bitter root judgements and place bitter expectations on people, they reinforce the sinful structures in our lives that eventually manifest into bitter fruits. These bitter fruits isolate us and prevent us from building healthy relationships with the people around us, and ultimately forms a vicious cycle that is hard to break. So how do we find freedom from these bitter roots? 1. By acknowledging that only God, the one who is perfectly holy and good, can be the rightful Judge. 2. By acknowledging the bitter roots in our lives, repenting of our sins, forgiving the people that have hurt us and caused our bitter roots to grow, and extending grace to others. If you are seeking pastoral care and support, please check out for more information.

    Sun, 05 May 2024 - 1h 07min
  • 1197 - 415. The Freedom You Long For Series (Week 4): Envy & Contentment // Andre Tan

    “Envy exposes the idols of your heart, the sources of your identity, and where you derive your sense of worth; learn what you envy and you will know who you are.” - @andrejosiah We are on week 4 of our sermon series “The Freedom You Long For”, Ps. Andre spoke on the topic of Envy & Contentment. We often hear the saying that “comparison is the thief of joy”, and envy sets in when we compare others’ blessings with our own and it makes us feel inadequate. But as followers of Christ, we can find contentment in God by abdicating the throne of our own lives and letting God take His rightful place. Christian contentment is not about minimalism or simplicity - it is about contentment in Christ, because of Christ, and empowered by Christ. May we take some time to reflect on the following 3 questions, and invite God in to free us from the sin of envy: 1. Is there a disappointing or even painful situation in my life that’s leading to feelings of grief or injustice or longing? 2. Is there anyone whose happiness brings me sadness because I want the happiness they are receiving? 3. Is there anyone I’ve allowed to harbour feelings of bitterness or anger towards?

    Sun, 28 Apr 2024 - 1h 03min
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