Podcasts by Category
- 114 - Episode 57:Q&A and FarewellSat, 06 Jun 2009 - 23min
- 113 - Episode 56:Q&A
About pronunciation and stress 1.用IPA(國際音標)時如何把一個字分拆,學習發音? 答: (1)可在每一個vowel(母音)把音節分析 (2)練習時,慢一點發每一個音節,然後把每一個音節串起來讀。 2.為何“packet”及“monkey”的尾音同是/I/,兩個尾音卻有差異? 答:原因是“packet”的尾音是/kit/,“t”影響了/I/的發音,而“monkey”的“y”影響了/I/,尾音變得稍長。 注意:一般多個音節(syllables)的...
Sat, 30 May 2009 - 22min - 112 - Episode 55:Car Maintenance
Useful words: insurance 保險、oil / petrol prices 油價、license 車牌、parking space 車位、tyre wear 車軑磨損、engine won't start 車不能開動、brakes/clutch/accelerator 煞車器/離合器/油門、tiptop condition 狀態良好、probation drivers 新牌司機、overconfident drivers 「大膽」司機、bad drivers 脾氣差,不守規則的司...
Sat, 23 May 2009 - 25min - 111 - Episode 54:East Asian Games
Useful words:participating places(參賽地區) ,Hong Kong(香港), Macau(澳門), Taipei(中華台北), Japan(日本), Korea(韓國), DPR Korea(朝鮮), Mongolia(蒙古), Guam(關島),elite athletes(精英運動員),medals(獎牌),gold(金),silver(銀),bronze(銅),venues(場地),sponsor(贊助者),squash(壁球),hammer throw(擲鏈...
Sat, 16 May 2009 - 23min - 110 - Episode 53:Holidays
Useful words: to pamper yourself (縱容一下自己), hard-earned money (辛苦賺錢), to work out a budget (作財政預算), to sit by the pool (坐在池邊), to wear flip-flops (穿「人字拖」), to wear deodorant (用止汗劑)
Sat, 09 May 2009 - 24min - 109 - Episode 52:TV
Useful words: TV games:chat shows(清談節目),game shows(遊戲),reality TV shows(真人騷),education(教育),music(音樂),news and weather(新聞、天氣),Current affairs(時事),drama/soap opera/soaps(電視�肥皂劇),sitcoms(處境喜劇),prime time(黃金時段),melodrama(「婆媽」、煽情的劇集),habitual viewing(慣性收看)
Sat, 02 May 2009 - 23min - 108 - Episode 51:Superstition
Useful words Chinese horoscopes(十二生肖),Western horoscopes(星座占卜),stars signs(星座)e.g. Aries, Virgo(如白羊座、處女座),to ward off bad luck(避凶),fortune-teller(相命師傅),palm reading(睇掌),fung shui(風水)
Sat, 25 Apr 2009 - 25min - 107 - Episode 50:Relaxing
Useful words hectic(忙亂的),hustle and bustle(生氣勃勃,繁華),taxi/cab = (的士),indifferent(冷漠),rude(惡劣的態度),honest(誠實),helpful(樂於助人),door-to-door service(點到點的服務),time out(中場休息,喻意:忙碌的人應稍停下來),time off(放假)
Sat, 18 Apr 2009 - 24min - 106 - Episode 49:Organic farming
Useful words seasonal(時令的),fertilizers(肥料),insecticides/pesticides(殺蟲農藥) nervous disorders(中樞神經紊亂),contamination(污染),contaminated food(受污染食物),horticulture(園藝)
Sat, 11 Apr 2009 - 25min - 105 - Episode 48:Cinema
Useful words genre(片種),sci-fi (science-fiction)(科幻片),action/kung-fu(動作片),drama劇情片,thriller(刺激題材),animation(動畫),suspenseful(懸疑的),cat-and-mouse chase(追逐的、如兵捉賊),hilarious(「爆笑的」、熱鬧的),thought provoking / push the boundaries on how we think(發人深省、激發思考的)
Sat, 04 Apr 2009 - 24min - 104 - Episode 47:Housework/ household chores
Useful words Spotless(一塵不染),to remove a stain/mark(去漬/印),To restore/restoration(修復),To maintain/maintenance(維修/保養),Replacement (e.g. of windows)(更換),To repair leaks, cracks(裂縫),Flooring(hardwood, tile...)(地板材料(木板,地磚),Doggy drainage(塞),A handyman(家居維修師傅)
Sat, 28 Mar 2009 - 24min - 103 - Episode 46:University
Useful words: freshers weeks/orientation(迎新會),freshmen(新生),social life(社交生活),curfew(宵禁、時限),“you never know”(指預計不到的�萬一會發生的),clubs/extra-curricular activities(學會�課外活動),to stand out from the crowd(脫穎而出),to make the most of something(好好珍惜一些事情),bachelor's ...
Sat, 21 Mar 2009 - 23min - 102 - Episode 45:School
Useful words from scratch (由頭開始), mentors / big brothers/sisters (學長), bullying(欺負), teasing (取笑), calling names (給人家別名), picking on (挑剔人), chasing games; hide-and-seek (追逐遊戲), marbles (玩波子), red light, green light/grandmother’s footsteps (「紅綠燈」遊戲), p...
Sat, 14 Mar 2009 - 24min - 101 - Episode 44:Food(2)
Useful Words Bakery(麵包店),a loaf of bread(一條麵包),donoughs/donuts(冬甩),croissant (牛角包),soft/crispy cookies(軟�脆曲奇餅),home-made(家庭式�自製),desserts(甜品),sweet soups/teas(糖水),pastes (糊),black sesame paste(芝麻糊),chilled(冷�雪藏的),a pinch of salt (少許鹽),aroma(芳香),watery...
Sat, 07 Mar 2009 - 24min - 100 - Episode 43:Hobbies
Useful Words to take up sth.(開展-興趣),enthusiasts/enthusiast groups(發燒友/愛好者),to relieve stress/to spice up their lives(減壓/為生活增添色彩),profession(專業),passion(熱情),artistic(有藝術細包),coin collection(收集錢幣),obsession(沉迷)
Sat, 28 Feb 2009 - 24min - 99 - Episode 42:Teen Culture
Useful Words to adore/have a crash on the singers (愛慕喜歡的歌手),stunning/attractive appearance(漂亮�吸引的外貌),the boy/girl next door(鄰家男�女孩的形像), sex symbol(性感標誌),aspirations/dreams(志向�抱負)
Sat, 21 Feb 2009 - 25min - 98 - Episode 41:Protect the environment
Useful Words depletion (of rainforest) (消�損耗熱帶雨林), disaster, disastrous (災害�災難性的), famine (饑荒), deadly (致命的), accelerate (促使), sustainable lifestyle (支持保育生態),green living(環保生活)
Sat, 14 Feb 2009 - 22min - 97 - Episode 40:Recycling
Useful Words trash, rubbish, garbage, refuse (垃圾), disposal, to dispose of (棄置), to dump (拋), kitchen waste (食物渣滓), plastic bag levy/tax (膠袋稅), landfills (堆填), toxic (有毒的), fluorescent bulbs and lamps (螢光的�光管/燈泡), construction and demolition wastes/de...
Sat, 07 Feb 2009 - 24min - 96 - Episode 39:Culture
Useful Words 1. Theatre:Play話劇、舞臺劇 2. Dance:Contemporary dance當代舞蹈, Ballet芭蕾舞 3. Opera:Beijing opera京劇 4. Music:Chinese Orchestra中樂, Orchestra管絃樂; Chamber Choir室樂合唱團, Solo/soloist獨唱/奏, Duet二重唱/奏 5. Art:Paintings 油畫, Crafts 手工藝, Graffiti塗鴉藝術, Inst...
Sat, 31 Jan 2009 - 24min - 95 - Episode 38:I'm on cloud nine!
Useful Words 1.go on a spending spree 瘋狂購物 2.ecstatic狂喜的 3.envious�jealous嫉妒的; 羨慕的 4.We wish you prosperity and wealth恭喜發財 5.May your days be filled with happiness祝大家笑口常開
Sat, 24 Jan 2009 - 20min - 94 - Episode 37:Minor illness
Useful Words 1. coughs and colds 咳嗽與傷風, runny nose 流鼻水, to blow your nose擰鼻涕 2. dulled hearing, be off the food 聽覺模糊、沒有胃口 3. diarrhoea�frequent bowel movements肚瀉 4. constipation便泌 5. blisters (皮膚上的)水泡 6. rashes 紅疹 7. (nonsteroidal) creams (不含類...
Sat, 17 Jan 2009 - 21min - 93 - Episode 35:Giving Directions
Useful Words 1.Keep going straight on 一直走 2.Walk past 行經 3.Turn right/left 轉左�右 Types of merchandise in a mall: 1. clothes shops/boutique 時裝店 2. shoe shops 鞋店 3. accessory shop 飾物店 4. gadget shop 電子玩意的商舖 5. kids'wear童裝 men's wear 男...
Sat, 03 Jan 2009 - 22min - 92 - Episode 34:Hotel
Useful Words Check-in and check-out(投宿登記手續�退房手續),deals and offers(特別待遇�優惠), peak season, off peak season(旺季�淡季),amenities(房間設備),coffee maker (咖啡機),iron(熨斗),blow dryer(風筒),free internet connection(免費上網),superior room, premier room, deluxe rooms(高級房間),...
Sat, 27 Dec 2008 - 24min - 91 - Episode 33:Traveling by plane
Useful Words long haul(長途機),leg room(伸腳的地方),eye mask�ear plugs�neck pillow(眼罩�耳塞�頸枕),duty free(免稅品),turbulence(氣流),seat belt fastened(綁好安全帶),flight attendants or air stewards�stewardesses or hostess�hostesses(機倉服務員),exercise�to wiggle�stretch(活動�擺動�伸展)
Sat, 20 Dec 2008 - 24min - 90 - Episode 32:Transportation
Useful words convenience (方便), fare (車費), ferry (渡輪), outer islands (離島), frequent (頻繁), flag fare (咪表價), to hail/get a taxi (「截」的士), double-decker buses (雙層巴士)
Sat, 13 Dec 2008 - 22min - 89 - Episode 31:Travel
Useful Words One-way ticket (單程車票), Return ticket (來回車票), One-day ticket (一日票), Group ticket (團體票), Weekend ticket (週末票), Ticket with dog/bicycle (攜狗�單車票), Holiday-maker (度假者), Tourist (旅客) Rambler漫步者
Sat, 06 Dec 2008 - 25min - 88 - Episode 30:Financial tsunami 金融海嘯
Useful Words Trading days 交易日, Stocks 股票, dividend 股息, blue chips 藍籌, red chips/H shares (internationally incorporated Chinese companies) 紅籌 股票�生意 stocks/business Plunge 瀉, fall, drop 跌, sink 沉, soar急升, rise, 升 Fluctuate波動, stabilize 回穩 Rebound 反彈...
Sat, 29 Nov 2008 - 24min - 87 - Episode 29:Bills to pay
Useful Words hassle (麻煩), pay by phone/cheque/online payment/automatic payment (以電話�支票�網上付賬�自動轉賬), the ATM (自動存提款機), pay cheque (以支票付錢), to budget (預算), tens/scores of (數以十�二十計) , hundreds of (數以百計), thousands of (數以千計), tons of (大量).
Sat, 22 Nov 2008 - 23min - 86 - Episode 28:Food
Useful Words filet mignon / tenderloin (牛、豬 腰部軟肉), rump (尾/ 臀部), sirloin (上腰部分的肉), T-bone (T字骨嫩牛排), rib eye (肉眼扒). Ways of cooking steak: rare, medium rare, medium, medium well, done.
Sat, 15 Nov 2008 - 24min - 85 - Episode 27:Introduction to 2nd SeriesWed, 19 Jun 2019 - 28min
- 84 - Episode 26:Farewell Party
Useful words on behalf of (代表), farewell card/wishes (歡送咭�祝願), to move on to a new position/stage (進入新階段), devotion/dedication (忠誠、全情投入), a great/marvellous/wonderful job (做得非常好), whole-heartedly (衷心地), beloved (至愛), accomplishments (成就), to keep in t...
Sat, 01 Nov 2008 - 24min - 83 - Episode 25:Meeting
Useful words to chair (主持), to close/adjourn a meeting (結束會議), apologies for absence (因事缺席), agenda (議程), to brainstorm (廣東話:“腦震盪”), ballot (暗票), to cast a vote (投票), a motion (動議), to verify (核實), unanimous (一致的), grievance (不滿), minutes (會議紀錄), to a...
Sat, 25 Oct 2008 - 23min - 82 - Episode 24:Cocktail Party
Useful Words Recognize (認識), name card (名片), exchange numbers (交換電話號碼), to socialize (寒暄), host (主人家), to get on well (相處得來), compliments (恭維), taboos (禁忌), privacy/personal (私人的), wish me luck. (祝我好運).
Sat, 18 Oct 2008 - 24min - 81 - Episode 23:Telephone Complaint
Useful words caller (來電者), receiver (接聽者), etiquette/good manner (禮儀), wrong number (打錯), embarrassing (尷尬), abrupt (突然的�失儀的), informative (資料性的), directory (電話簿), concise (精簡), return your call (覆電話), to put somebody on hold (要對方等待), transfer the cal...
Sat, 11 Oct 2008 - 24min - 80 - Episode 22:Receptionist
Useful words walk-in (沒預約), appointment (約見), schedule(d) (工作安排/約見 ), cancel/cancellation (取消), reservations (預訂), identification (身分証明), incoming/outgoing mail, postage (出、入郵件/郵寄), courtesy/courteous (禮待), tactful (得體), to greet (打招呼), to handle enqu...
Sat, 04 Oct 2008 - 23min - 79 - Episode 21:Interviews
Useful words credentials (文憑、証書), track record (戰績), past/previous experience (過往經驗), to attend/go to college/university (讀大專/學), applicant (應徵者), vacancy/position (空缺), internship/placement (實習), proficiency/fluency (能力、水平:尤指語文), theoretical and prac...
Sat, 27 Sep 2008 - 24min - 78 - Episode 20:Traffic
Useful Words violate/flout/break laws (觸犯法例), misdemeanor (輕罪), to go/appear in court (出庭) On the road:road markings (馬路上指示), pedestrian streets (行人轉用區), the light/man is red or flashing red(紅燈、轉紅燈) intersections (交通匯點), roundabouts (回旋處). Drivers:t...
Sat, 20 Sep 2008 - 22min - 77 - Episode 19:Pet Shop
Useful words Threatened/rare/endangered animals (瀕臨絕種/受保護動物), abandoned animals (被遺棄動物), stray dogs/cats (流浪狗/貓), quarantine (隔離), puppies(小狗), kittens (小貓), the breed (種), captivity (被困), demise (死亡).
Sat, 13 Sep 2008 - 24min - 76 - Episode 18:Health
Useful words have got a temperature (發燒), ointment (藥膏), prescription (藥單), injection (打針), tablets (藥片), vaccination (注射疫苗), acute or dull (pain) (劇痛/忍忍作痛), emergency (急症), ward (病房), bandage (繃帶), plaster (膠布), infected (發炎), crutches (拐杖).
Sat, 06 Sep 2008 - 24min - 75 - Episode 17:Wet Market
Useful words hygiene standards (衛生水平), booths (攤位), poultry (家禽) , neighbor/neighborhood (街坊、鄰里), food stalls (食物檔), gutted fish (已劏,清內臟的魚), fish inna (魚腸).
Sat, 30 Aug 2008 - 24min - 74 - Episode 16:Gossip
Useful words Celebrities (公眾人物), break-up/split (分手), to walk away from a relationship(分手/變心), to badmouth (‘唱衰’) to spread rumour (散播謠言), to backbite (中傷), nosy (八卦), gossipmonger (‘是非精’), to talk behind somebody’s back (在別人背後說是非), to overhear (無心聽到)...
Sat, 23 Aug 2008 - 24min - 73 - Episode 15:Entertainment
Useful Words 1.Movies genres (片種): animation (動畫), drama (劇情片), tragedy (悲劇), comedy (喜劇), action (動作片), musical (歌舞片), crime (罪案片). 2.Other entertainments (其他娛樂): theme parks (主題公園), roller coasters/scary rides (過山車、刺激機動遊戲), concerts (音樂會/演唱會), cl...
Sat, 16 Aug 2008 - 20min - 72 - Episode 14:Fashion
Useful Words the dry cleaner’s (洗衣店) to do the laundry (洗衫), fabrics/materials (布料), in style/in vogue/trendy (時尚的), vaporous dresses (透視、飄逸的裙), Capri trousers (四個骨衭), floral/logo T-shirt (花/圖案T裇) , low-waist shorts/pants (低腰短/長衭), accessories...
Sat, 09 Aug 2008 - 22min - 71 - Episode 13:Events
Useful Words fireworks (煙花), parades (花車巡遊), countdown (倒數), costume party (化妝舞會), baby shower/bridal shower (預祝嬰兒出生/預祝女士結婚的朋友聚會), pregnant/expecting (懷孕), mother-to-be/expectant mother (懷孕婦女), morning sickness (“作嘔/悶”:懷孕時不適), to go into labour (作動), ...
Sat, 02 Aug 2008 - 24min - 70 - Episode 12:Sports
Useful words Olympics (奧運), stadium (體育館), venue (場地), mascots (吉祥物), equestrian (馬術), slogan (D號), medalists (獎牌得主), to score (入球), to beat/knock out (打敗), end in a draw (和), to head (頂頭鎚), booking (給黄牌、罰), foul (犯規), substitute (後備).
Sat, 26 Jul 2008 - 22min - 69 - Episode 11:Travel
Useful words to pack/unpack (收拾行李) night-gear/rain-gear (晚上/下雨必備), toiletries(衛生用品), backpacker (背背包的旅行者), package holiday (旅行套票), hand luggage/carry-on bags (隨身行李), checked baggage (寄倉行李), to clear/get through customs (清/過海關), international/domestic...
Sat, 19 Jul 2008 - 22min - 68 - Episode 10:Time
Useful words Timely (時令的、合時宜), timeless (全天候), around/round the clock (24小時), time will tell (時間會作証), ahead of time (早到、領導潮流), have a good time (玩得開心啊!).
Sat, 12 Jul 2008 - 21min - 67 - Episode 9:Relationships
Useful words A. Romances A partner (伴侶), live-in boy/girlfriend (同居男、女友), fiance/ fiancee (末婚夫/妻), a spouse (配偶). To have a crush on somebody (喜歡、暗戀某人) , to go out with/date someone (拍拖、追求), to be in love (熱戀中), to break up/split (分手、廣東話:甩拖), to pr...
Sat, 05 Jul 2008 - 24min - 66 - Episode 8:MoneySat, 28 Jun 2008 - 24min
- 65 - Episode 7:Retirement
Useful words Memento (紀念品), to throw a party (開派對), freedom/liberation (自由、釋放), to be idle/occupied (無所事事/無空閒時間), retirees (退休人士), seniors (長者), pursuits (追求,如知識), pension (退休金), volunteer (志願者).
Sat, 21 Jun 2008 - 24min - 64 - Episode 6:Style
Useful words A. Hair hairdo (剪髮、頭髮造型), redo (補電/剪), hair perm (電髮), hair cut/trim (剪、修髮), colour treatment/colour treated (染髮) , texture review (髮質評估), funky hairstyles (“潮”/“Yeah”髮型) , fade cut (“剷青”), brush cut (陸軍裝), layers/layered (層次), (fake) ha...
Sat, 14 Jun 2008 - 24min - 63 - Episode 5:Emotions
Useful words grouchy (愛抱怨的/廣東話:好勞嘈), irritated/irritating (討厭的), ill-tempered (臭脾氣), mad at (不滿、生氣), heated (廣東話:火起), burned up (發火), furious/outraged/storming (憤怒、暴跳如雷).
Sat, 07 Jun 2008 - 20min - 62 - Episode 4:Hong Kong’s Weekends
1.Adults’ weekends 成年人的週末: Going to a movie(看電影), rent a video(租影片), a gym work-out(健身運動). Going for a facial treatment(面部美容), a massage/spa(按摩). 2.Young people’s weekends年輕人的週末: Going to a concert(出席音樂會), surf the internet(瀏覽互聯網), hang out with ...
Sat, 31 May 2008 - 24min - 61 - Episode 3:Food/Eating
Useful words Trendy ways in HK (本地吃的主流) a)basic/go cheap/budget (慳儉、平宜的), going dutch (各自付帳), take-away, doggy bags (外賣,廣東話:打包), a pricey meal/restaurant (昂貴、豪吃、高檔餐廳), gastronomic (講究的,如吃佳餚), signature restaurants/dishes ( 招牌/‘人氣’餐廳/菜式).
Sat, 24 May 2008 - 23min - 60 - Episode 2:Weather
Useful words Hong Kong's seasons (香港的四季) 1.Spring (春天) warm days(和暖的日子), rainy (多雨的), damp/soggy (潮濕的), foggy (大霧), cool spells (轉冷). 2.Summer (夏天) hot humid summer (炎熱潮濕的夏天), scorching days (火辣辣的日子), flushed/tanned (曬紅、曬黑了), sunburn (曬傷), heat d...
Sat, 17 May 2008 - 24min - 59 - Episode 1:Introduction
Useful words Colleague/co-worker (同事), staff (職員), department (部門), head/supervisor (主管), superior (上司), subordinate (下屬), boss (上司/老闆), employer (僱主), employee (僱員), mentor (師傅), acquaintance(相識的人), a buddy (老友).
Sat, 10 May 2008 - 21min - 58 - Episode 36:Break-up
Useful Words mean (小氣�吝嗇), nasty (討厭的), too possessive (佔有慾十分強), nagging (長氣), to cheat on (背叛), to recuperate(重新鎮作), rebuild (重建(生活)), to follow your own hunches (隨心、平常心)
Thu, 10 Jan 2008 - 21min
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