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EZ News

1468 - EZ News 05/31/24
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  • 1468 - EZ News 05/31/24

    Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News. Tai-Ex opening The Tai-Ex opened up 36-points this morning from yesterday's close, at 21,401 on turnover of $5.4-billion N-T. The market retreated on Thursday after Wall Street fell overnight under the weight of higher yields in the bond market. Government Allows Tour Groups Arranged before June to Visit China The government says group tours to China organized before June 1 can travel there as planned. The statement backtracks on a previous decision to suspend cross-strait group tourism starting from tomorrow. The government originally decided to only allow tour groups scheduled to leave for China before May 31 to go ahead. However, Cabinet spokesman Chen Shi-kai says the policy was altered. A certain number of tour groups were unable to depart before the end of May. According to the Cabinet spokesman, the ban on tour travel to China from tomorrow 1 will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Changes will be implemented dependent on it "being in the best interests of Taiwan's people and tourism industry." The spokesman also says the government's policy of welcoming Chinese tourists to Taiwan has not changed. He says it still hopes both sides of can reopen bilateral group tourism on an equal footing (平等). US Trump Guilty on all 34 Counts Former US President Donald Trump is now a convicted felon after being found guilty in his New York hush-money trial. It's a deep blow for Trump, who has spent considerable (相當多的) time attacking the case he calls a witch-hunt. From outside the court in New York, Mitch McCann reports: Pakistan Sends Official to Taliban Pakistan has sent an official to Kabul and shared the findings of its investigation into a suicide bombing with Afghanistan’s Taliban government The March bombing killed five Chinese engineers and a Pakistani driver . The foreign ministry in Islamabad said on Thursday that an Interior Ministry official traveled to the Afghan capital to share the findings with the Taliban administration. Pakistan has said the attack was planned in Afghanistan and that the bomber was an Afghan citizen. Pakistan alleges that the Afghan Taliban administration should be held accountable (追究責任) for the attack. Afghanistan’s Taliban government has denied it was in any way responsible. Report Finds Billions in Gold Smuggled Out of Africa Annually A new report has found that billions of dollars in gold is smuggled out of Africa each year. The report is from Swissaid, an aid and development group based in Switzerland. It says most of the gold ends up in the United Arab Emirates. There, it is refined and then sold to customers around the world. The report published Thursday found that more than $30 billion worth of gold, or more than 435 metric tons, was smuggled out of the continent in 2022. The main destinations (目的地) for African gold were the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Switzerland. The authors of the report said their goal was to make the trade in African gold more transparent. That was the I.C.R.T. news, Check in again tomorrow for our simplified version of the news, uploaded every day in the afternoon. Enjoy the rest of your day, I'm _____. ----以下訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 全台7-11限時優惠中! 即日起-7/09 咖啡廣場奶香特調咖啡/調合式冰咖啡 任選2瓶只要49元 即日起-7/09 咖啡廣場鋁箔包2瓶25元! 更多詳情→https://bit.ly/3UUW9G5 -- 城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 https://bit.ly/3y7SoFB

    Fri, 31 May 2024
  • 1467 - EZ News 05/30/24

    Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News. Tai-Ex opening The Tai-Ex opened down 181-points this morning from yesterday's close, at 21,481 on turnover of 5.8-billion N-T. The market lost ground on Wednesday, after Wall Street slippled overnight following a rise in bond yields. Premier Aims to Return Parliamentary Reform Bills to LY Premier Zhuo Rong-tai is continuing to stress that the Cabinet will not sign-off on the just passed parliamentary reform bills. The Cabinet will instead return the bills to the Legislative Yuan for further review. According to Zhuo, the decision to bounce the bills back to lawmakers is constitutional. He says the Cabinet is legally obligated (有義務的) to call for further legislative reviews of any laws that would to difficult to enact. The premier is also voicing his support for the D-P-P's decision to seek a constitutional interpretation of the reform bills by the Constitutional Court. Prototypes of First Taiwan Developed Robot Dog Make Debut The National Taiwan University's Autonomous & Soft Robotics Laboratory has unveiled the first locally developed robot dogs. The lab says it says could ease labor shortages. The laboratory showcased the prototypes of two kinds of robot dogs at an event in Taipei. The professor leading the development team says "one is for use as a pet, while the other is for industrial use" According to Professor Guo Chong-xian, robot dogs can be of particular help in Taiwan's non-tech and service sectors. He says their environments are not as well suited (適合) as high-tech factories to standard robots. NKorea Fires Ballistic Missiles into Sea of Japan North Korea has fired about ten missiles into the Sea of Japan. Japanese officials believe the projectiles landed short of Japan’s exclusive economic zone. Chris Gilbert reports from Tokyo. Brazil Withdraws Ambassador to Israel Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has withdrawn his ambassador to Israel after months of tensions between the two countries over the war in Gaza. It's the latest repercussion (反響) from a South American nation over Israel’s military campaign in the Palestinian territory. Lula has been a frequent (常) critic of Israel’s offensive in Gaza. He compared the campaign to the Holocaust earlier this year. That led Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz to summon the Brazilian ambassador to the national Holocaust museum in Jerusalem for a public reprimand (懲戒). Israel says its war in Gaza is a defensive action triggered by Hamas’ unprecedented assault. Israel rejects any comparisons of its offensive to the Holocaust. Iceland Volcano Eruption A volcano in southwestern Iceland is erupting again. The volcano is spewing red streams of lava and triggered the evacuation of the popular Blue Lagoon geothermal spa. The eruption Wednesday occurred in an area north of Grindavik, a coastal town of 3,800 people. The town was largely evacuated after a December eruption that ended centuries of dormancy (休眠). It was the fifth eruption and estimated to be the area's most vigorous (劇烈的) so far. The Icelandic Meteorological Office said lava shot 50 meters into the sky from a fissure (裂縫) that grew to 3.5 kilometers in length,. Anyone still in the town was ordered to leave. That was the I.C.R.T. news, Check in again tomorrow for our simplified version of the news, uploaded every day in the afternoon. Enjoy the rest of your day, I'm _____. ----以下訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 輕食新時尚 我的新感覺 無論是濃情蜜意的甜美滋味-草莓夾心、可可夾心、花生夾心- 還是清爽不膩、經典鹹口味的雞蛋沙拉、鮪魚沙拉 新感覺隨時都能滿足味蕾,給你全新輕食選項 每一天都散發優雅時尚、自信向前 https://bit.ly/3yBAueE -- 城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 https://bit.ly/3y7SoFB

    Thu, 30 May 2024
  • 1466 - EZ News 05/29/24

    Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News. Tai-Ex opening The Tai-Ex opened down 12-points this morning from yesterday's close, at 21,846 on turnover of 6.6-billion N-T. The market gained ground once again on Tuesday, as other regional indexes ended mixed and Wall Street was closed for the Memorial Day holiday. Presidential Office Bemoans Passage of Parliamentary Reform Bills The Presidential Office is bemoaning passage of the parliamentary reform bills. Speaking to reporters office spokeswoman Guo Ya-hui said President Lai Ching-te still hopes the government and opposition can continue to debate the bills and make adjustments if warranted (有正當理由的,需要的). The Presidential Office spokeswoman said Lai believe lawmakers should to respond to the demands of the people regarding the reform bills. She says the government doesn't believes passage of the bills meets with the "expectations of Taiwanese society. " And she went on to say the D-P-P will seek a constitutional interpretation on the the constitutionality of the contents of the amendments. Investigation Finds Deadly Fire Likely Caused by Power Cable Short Circuit The Hsinchu City Government says a preliminary investigation indicates that a short circuit in a power cable may have caused the fire at an apartment complex early this week. The blaze resulted in the deaths of two firefighters. According to the city government, the fire bureau investigation shows the blaze likely originated (起源) with a power cable on the basement's first floor. But the results of a full report into the casuse of the blaze are still pending. Residents in the apartment complex, which comprises of four 28-story buildings were permitted to retrieve their belongings yesterday. The investigation into the case of the fire is continuing and safety checks are being carried out. NKorea Vows Response to SKorean Drills North Korea is vowing to take stern (嚴厲的) actions against South Korea for military drills held on Tuesday. Chris Gilbert reports. Missile Attacks on GreekOwned Ship in Red Sea Missile attacks twice damaged a Marshall Islands-flagged, Greek-owned ship Tuesday in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen. The British military says the first attack on the bulk carrier happened off the port city of Hodeida in the southern Red Sea. The crew was reported safe and the vessel proceeded (繼續進行) to its next port of call (停靠港). Then late Tuesday night local time, the vessel reportedly “sustained further damage” in a second missile attack near Mokha in the Bab el-Mandeb. No group claimed responsibility, but suspicion fell on Yemen's Houthi rebels. The Houthis have launched a number of attacks targeting ships over Israel's war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Italy Celebrates Return of Antiquities from US Italy is celebrating the return of around 600 antiquities (古物) from the U.S. They were looted years ago, sold to U.S. museums and collectors and recovered as a result of criminal investigations. Italian officials say the items have a value of around $65 million US dollars. They say the artifacts date from the ninth century B.C. to the second century. It presentation is part of Italy’s decades-old effort to recover antiquities that were looted or stolen from its territory by tomb-raiders. The items are then sold to antiquities dealers who often forged (偽造的) records to resell the loot to high-end buyers, auction houses and museums. That was the I.C.R.T. news, Check in again tomorrow for our simplified version of the news, uploaded every day in the afternoon. Enjoy the rest of your day, I'm _____.

    Wed, 29 May 2024
  • 1465 - EZ News 05/28/24

    Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News. Tai-Ex opening The Tai-Ex opened marginally higher this morning from yesterday's close, at 21,812 on turnover of 4.5-billion N-T. The market closed at a new high on Monday. It edged above the 21,800-point mark on the back of strong performances by the electronics and shipping sectors. The bellwether electronics sector attracted (引起) strong buying, rising by 1.32-per cent. The transportation index jumped 2.8-per cent, driven primarily by shipping stocks benefiting from rising freight rates. Health Minister Calls for Taiwan's WHA Inclusion Health Minister Chiu Tai-yuan is calling for Taiwan's participation in the World Health Assembly, under the name of Taiwan or the Republic of China. The call comes as Chiu is heading delegation to Geneva this week to promote Taiwan's inclusion ( 加入) in the global health body. According to Chiu, the W-H-O continues to exclude Taiwan due to political considerations, He says this undermines the efforts to create a more comprehensive global health architecture and greatly hinders pandemic prevention efforts. The health minister was accompanied by members of a cross-party delegation of Taiwan lawmakers at the press conference. Chiang Wan-an Touts Need for Twin-City Forum Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an is hosting a delegation of city officials from Shanghai this week. According to the mayor's office, the delegation is visiting for four-days to help finalize this year's Shanghai-Taipei Twin-City Forum, which will be hosted by Taipei. Speaking to reporters, Chiang said the Shanghai delegation's itinerary follows all legal requirements and has been approved by the Mainland Affairs Council. The mayor also stressed (強調) that he firmly believes the forum should take place, despite the current cross-strait situation. Chiang points out it is the only official communication mechanism between the two sides. He says there should be "no adjustments in the level of visitation." Ukraine Gets Defense Missiles, Appeals for More Ukraine is receiving (得到;收到) more air defense missiles from Spain to fight deadly Russian glide bombs AP correspondent Norman Hall reports Canada Town Residents Return as Wildfire Continues Residents in the western Canadian city of Fort Nelson, British Columbia, are being allowed to return home. Thousands were evacuated from the community for more than two weeks due to wildfires. Local authorities rescinded their evacuation orders Monday, lifting roadblocks and clearing the way for people to go home. The residents were forced to leave on May 10th, when strong winds pushed a wildfire close to town. The 123-square-kilometer wildfire is now classified as “being held", meaning its not expected to grow. But the blaze hasn't been extinguished (撲滅). Officials say parts of it are expected to continue burning into the fall. That was the I.C.R.T. news, Check in again tomorrow for our simplified version of the news, uploaded every day in the afternoon. Enjoy the rest of your day, I'm _____. ----以下訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 https://bit.ly/3y7SoFB -- 鍾欣凌代言推薦!一餐一粒,醣醣正正好容易 #達摩本草山苦瓜胜肽!👉 https://bit.ly/4bzplcB 想要維持健康,不必吃苦,美國專利認證 🏆1000mg|頂尖Glyostat®山苦瓜胜肽穩定代謝 🏆含有鉻+鋅 維持醣類正常代謝✨ 🏆Trans ACT®穩定醣轉麥,大麥芽萃取有效平衡體質

    Tue, 28 May 2024
  • 1464 - EZ News 05/27/24

    Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News. Tai-Ex opening The Tai-Ex opened up 134-points this morning from Friday's close, at 21,699 on turnover of 6.9-billion N-T. The market recovered most of its early losses on Friday to close well above the five-day moving average of around 21,450 points by the end of the trading day. Although large cap semiconductor stocks came under pressure, artificial intelligence-related stocks attracted strong buying after Nvidia's strong results overnight, while shipping stocks also rose amid increasing freight (貨運) rates. US Lawmakers Arrive in Taiwan A group of bipartisan American lawmakers has arrived in Taipei. The delegation is being led by Republican Michael McCaul who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The American Institute in Taiwan says the delegation will meet with senior government officials to discuss US-Taiwan relations, regional security, trade and investment, and other significant (重要的) issues of mutual interest. According to A-I-T, their four-day visit to Taiwan is part of a trip to the wider Indo-Pacific region. The six House members will be the first group of serving U-S officials to meet with President Lai Ching-te following his inauguration. Taiwan Delegation in Geneva for WHA Sideline Talks A delegation led by Health Minister Chiu Tai-yuan has arrived in Geneva as part of efforts to promote Taiwan's inclusion in the World Health Assembly. Speaking to reporters at the opening of a "World Health We Share" exhibition at Geneva Airport train station, Chiu said "health is a fundamental (基本的) human right and a universal value, but Taiwan is denied participation due to political interference." The minister went on to say "this is deeply disappointing" and "although Taiwan was not invited to the W-H-A, the island has strong soft power in the medical and health fields." The "World Health We Share" exhibition has been organized by a Taiwanese civic promotional team to promote Taiwan's healthcare. Japan Informed by NKorea of Planned Satellite Launch Japan says North Korea has informed it of a plan to launch a satellite by June 3rd. Japan’s coast guard says today it has been notified by North Korea about its planned launch of a “satellite rocket" beginning today through midnight June 3rd. The launch plan likely refers to the North’s efforts to launch its second military spy satellite into space. South Korea’s military said Friday that it detected signs of North Korea engaging in (從事於; 忙於) activities believed to be preparations to launch a spy satellite at its main Tongchangri launch facility. Tonga Earthquake Causes No Tsunami or Major Damage A strong earthquake has struck the South Pacific Island nation of Tonga but there are no immediate reports of damage. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake had a preliminary (初步的) magnitude of 6.6 when it hit at 9:47 a.m. local time today. Its epicenter was 198 kilometers north of the Tonga's capital, at a depth of 112 kilometers. The Hawaii-based Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said there was no risk of the quake causing a tsunami. Nikki Minaj Arrested B4 UK Concert Nicki Minaj's England concert was postponed (延遲) after rapper was detained by Dutch authorities over pot AP correspondent Margie Szaroleta reports That was the I.C.R.T. news, Check in again tomorrow for our simplified version of the news, uploaded every day in the afternoon. Enjoy the rest of your day, I'm _____. ----以下訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 https://bit.ly/3y7SoFB -- 每晚都可以這麼好睡~ 三得利芝麻明EX用最完全的睡眠 讓你不只舒服地睡著;還能真的睡進去,每分每秒都是真正的休息。 消除累積的負擔,每天起床都是全新的自己。 現在體驗完全睡眠,享本頻道專屬300元折扣+全台免運費 購買連結→https://bit.ly/4aEmIF9

    Mon, 27 May 2024
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