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We Love Hakka 客家風情

We Love Hakka 客家風情


Sponsored by Hakka Affairs Council, ICRT's "We Love Hakka" program is a window into the fascinating language, food, art and culture of the Hakka. Hakka make up more than 10% of Taiwan's population and boast a proud heritage dating back hundreds of years. The Hakka language and culture has significantly influenced Taiwanese society, so tune in ICRT to explore and learn with "We Love Hakka!" Monday through Friday program is aired 5 times a day during the 7AM, 12PM, 3PM, 5PM and 10PM hours. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

285 - We Love Hakka (Culture: 全國客家日 National Hakka Day)
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  • 285 - We Love Hakka (Culture: 全國客家日 National Hakka Day)

    1988年12月28日「還我母語運動」,希望在臺灣建立一個跨族群文化的公共領域,讓社會共享客家文化,《客家基本法》亦於2018年1月31日修正客語為國家語言,「1228全國客家日」是屬於全國客家人的日子,也是大家的客家日。 2022年(第一年)的「1228全國客家日」紀念活動中,展示了「臺灣客語語音資料庫」建置成果,也簽署了「一代人救回客語」,並從三大政策面推行搶救客語傳承的危機,以30年內從聯合國語言活力指標的「瀕臨危險」變成「安全」等級為總目標。 2023年(第二年)的「1228全國客家日」推廣「全臺共下講客」遊行,透過轉播,希望讓大家深刻體認35年前客家有志之士大聲疾呼「還我母語」的精神,從自身做起進而發揮種子角色,「𠊎講客」、「講,就著了」! 臺灣為多元語言文化國家,《國家語言發展法》目標是改善語言斷層危機、尊重多元文化發展,所謂國家語言係指臺灣手語及臺灣各固有族群使用之自然語言,這些語言都是臺灣母語,因此「臺語」一詞應包含華語、閩南語、客家語…等語言。 今年文化部於10月26日主辦「第二屆國家語言發展會議」正式大會,以跨語言、跨領域、多面向地檢視我國面臨傳承危機國家語言的現況與展望。今年「1228全國客家日」,還是不忘初衷謹記「開口說母語」的重要。 On December 28th, Taiwan celebrates "National Hakka Day" to honor the 1988 "Hakka Language Restoration Movement." This day reminds the Hakka community of the importance of preserving their mother tongue and culture. Since 2022, the Hakka Affairs Council has promoted Hakka revival efforts, including the Hakka Phonetic Database and the "Speak Hakka Together" campaign.National Hakka Day celebrates Taiwan’s multilingual heritage, with Hakka now recognized as a national language. This December 28th, the call remains the same: "Speak your mother tongue," keeping Hakka language and culture vibrant across Taiwan. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Mon, 02 Dec 2024
  • 284 - We Love Hakka (Culture: 客家湯品 Hakka soup)

    所謂:「冬吃蘿蔔夏吃薑,不用醫生開藥方。」,在客家人宴客經典料理「四炆四炒」中,「菜頭炆排骨」、「鹹菜炆豬肚」、「肥湯炆筍乾」就是湯品了。客家人稱蘿蔔為菜頭,除了用新鮮菜頭料理的「菜頭炆排骨」外,還有用珍藏十年以上的老菜脯做的「黑金燉雞湯」,老菜脯有「客家黑金」及「客家女兒紅」的雅稱,可健腸胃、助益氣管。「鹹菜炆豬肚」則是以小火讓豬肚煮得軟爛,配上鹹菜酸酸的湯底非常開胃。鹹菜與蘿蔔一起料理的「酸菜蘿蔔湯」,味道清爽解油膩。「肥湯炆筍乾」是採摘嫩冬筍放入煠肉的油湯料理,香脆可口。 除了「四炆四炒」湯品外,客家人均秉持著「惜物愛物」一貫的料理精神,以新竹地區為例,關西地區用曬乾的仙草料理「仙草雞湯」,仙草可解肝火燥熱,是極佳的冬季湯品。新竹新埔新鮮柿子曬乾製成的柿餅,是南部客家族群比較少見的食物,做得當點心也能入菜,來一道鮮甜味美的「柿餅雞湯」,是新竹客家庄才有的湯品。在中部地區的客家庄普遍喜愛吃「粉腸湯」,將去腥粉腸與生薑小火慢煮,不但去寒氣,粉腸肉質滑嫩好入口。 南部客家庄將樹豆曬乾與排骨熬製成「樹豆排骨湯」,或者以曬乾的長豆與排骨熬製成「長豆乾排骨湯」,味道也很棒。東部花蓮有用出產的剝皮辣椒料理成「剝皮辣椒雞湯」,花蓮國際認證的慢城鳳林,冬天早餐一定會配上當地出產的花生湯,並搭配各式冬季限定湯圓。客家人善於養生,即使寒冷的冬天也能吃得燒呼呼。 Hakka people follow the philosophy of eating with the seasons, and in winter, hearty soups with seasonal ingredients that warm the body and soul are a cherished tradition. Classics like "Braised Pork Ribs with Radish" use fresh winter radish, while "Black Gold Chicken Soup" features aged preserved radish, known as Hakka "black gold." Each region has its specialties: Hsinchu serves "Herbal Jelly Chicken Soup," southern Taiwan offers "Pork Rib Soup with Pigeon Peas," and Hualien enjoys "Peeled Chili Pepper Chicken Soup."Across Taiwan, Hakka families celebrate deep-rooted traditions with warming, local soups, perfect for the coldest days. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Mon, 02 Dec 2024
  • 283 - We Love Hakka (Festival: 聖誕節 Christmas)

    你知道聖誕節的由來嗎?聖誕節顧名思義是為了「紀念和慶祝耶穌降生」而設立的節日,然而耶穌的生日並未確切記錄於聖經或歷史文獻中。據說聖誕節的日期是根據3月25日的「聖母領報日」,往後推算9個月所推算出來的;另一種說法則是,在古羅馬帝國時期,12月25日是Sol Invictus(羅馬太陽神)的重生慶典,也就是農神節。「太陽重生」象徵著日照時間會於這天開始漸增,故這天將成為一年中的轉折點。許多人會在日落前回家與親友歡聚,享受豐收的果實,並且交換禮物,大快朵頤。因此,在東歐、耶路撒冷等地,聖誕節設於1月6日、1月7日或1月19日。 若以「太陽重生」的觀點來看聖誕節,在臺灣,這一觀念與「冬至」有點類似。冬至是二十四節氣中日照最短、黑夜最長的日子,但隨後白天會逐漸延長,象徵著新生與希望。臺灣客家人在冬至這天準備粄圓(類似蘿蔔糕)來祭祀神明與祖先;家人們也會團聚在一起「打粄圓」、「搓湯圓」與「包餛飩」,一邊聊天一邊準備食物,象徵著家庭的圓滿和平安。此外,冬至還有「餉耗」的習俗,每戶都會在器物上黏上一個湯圓,以示對天地的敬畏。 除了美食之外,你是否聽過「冬至酒,留到明年九月九」和「冬至羊夏至狗」的說法?客家人相信,冬至釀的酒味最醇美,可以長期保存,柔和且宜人;不僅如此,冬至也是享用羊肉的好時節,將前年釀的酒拿來去腥,用這些滋補的食物來犒賞一年來辛勞的自己與家人。 此外,「祭冬」和「收冬戲」也是冬至期間的重要活動。有祠堂的家族,大家會張燈結彩,集體前往祭祀祖先,表達對他們的敬意,這是「祭冬」的由來;另一個「收冬戲」是源自「春祈秋報」的傳統觀念,所以又被稱為平安戲,客家人除了準備豐富的牲畜祭品給伯公和神農大帝外,還會請來野台戲班在神明前表演,感恩神明一整年的庇佑。這些傳統活動不僅豐富多彩,也凸顯了人們對家庭和社區的重視。 總結來說,無論是聖誕節還是冬至,這些節日都象徵著親朋好友團聚的時刻。在這一期的「客語說世界」中,讓我們一起深入了解更多有關聖誕節的有趣知識吧! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Mon, 02 Dec 2024
  • 282 - We Love Hakka (Song: 山狗樂團《彎角》One Corner)

    山狗大後生樂團的成員挑選了曾貴海醫生創作的客家詩《彎角》,並將其轉化為音樂美學,收錄在羊尾仔看詩專輯中。這首歌巧妙地融合了當代風格與客家質樸的內斂氛圍,旋律結構也相當精緻。詩中提到的“蕭家古厝”讓團員顏志文老師立刻聯想到自己老家的巷弄,情感自然湧現,創作靈感也隨之清晰浮現。 The New San-geu-tai Band chose to interpret Dr. Tseng Kui-hai's Hakka poem One Corner, transforming it into a piece of musical art for their album A Dragonfly Reads a Poem. This song seamlessly blends a contemporary style with the understated, earthy quality of traditional Hakka culture, creating a finely crafted melody. The poem mentions the “Hsiao Family’s Old House,” which immediately reminded band member and teacher Yan Zhi-wen (顏志文) of the narrow lanes of his own childhood home. This connection sparked a natural flow of emotions and brought vivid inspiration to the creative process. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Mon, 02 Dec 2024
  • 281 - We Love Hakka (Song: 徐世慧《光的聲線》Voice of Light)

    「光的聲線」這首歌是徐世慧為重新開幕的臺北市客家文化主題公園特別創作的。靈感來自早期客家人為了追求更美好的生活,獨自或全家北漂到臺北奮鬥。他們在這繁華的都市中默默耕耘,尋求安穩,隱身於各個角落。這種勤奮努力和團結付出的精神,彷彿化作七彩的光線,凝聚成強大的聲線,照亮了整個城市。 The song Gone Ge Sang Xien (Voice of Light) was specially composed by A May for the reopening of the Taipei Hakka Cultural Park. It’s inspired by the experiences of early Hakka people who migrated to Taipei in search of a better life, often moving alone or with their entire families. In this bustling city, they quietly toiled, seeking stability and settling in various neighborhoods. Their spirit of hard work, unity, and dedication seems to form a spectrum of light, creating a powerful voice that shines across the city. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Mon, 02 Dec 2024
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